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Posts posted by nrogers

  1. As a none smoker, the thing that pisses me off about other none smokers (I used to use ciggies), is that they moan about people inside and say go outside, when the sun comes out and the smokers are outside, the none smokers whinge about them being outside.

    Well of course.

    The point is not whether smokers are inside or outside, but whether they impose their smoke on other people. Similarly, I have no problem with people shooting up, but would complain if they leave their needles where I might injure myself on them.

    The crux of is there are far bigger noxious pollutents outside other ciggie smoke...

    They are outside leave 'em be

  2. As a none smoker, the thing that pisses me off about other none smokers (I used to use ciggies), is that they moan about people inside and say go outside, when the sun comes out and the smokers are outside, the none smokers whinge about them being outside.

  3. No not guesses, FACT, are seriously trying to tell me, that Hummel have even close to the marketing budget of Nike? that Hummel have the Global Branding\Marketing that Nike have? the Hummel shirt quality will be of the same standard of Nike? That Hummel have better global sales figures of Nike?

    Nike had an annual turnover of $9 billion with net profits of $571 million. Hummels was around 900million, slight difference me thinks

  4. Well, as far as commercial monetary gain, I think you will find that Nike will sell far more shirts, Villa will have greater exposure due to the worldwide popularity of the Nike brand, greater sales, invoke greater revenue, the board have released no figures on the deal itself, but taking on board other premiership deals and the fact the Nike sponsorship budget is probably larger Hummels entire turnover, I would imagine this deal dwarfs the Hummel deal!!

    Whilst I agree on running shoes quality, I see you don't mention Hummel in your list of sporting manufacturers, and with Nike being one of the biggest in the business (if not the biggest) they don't do to bad!

    What are these other premiership deals you are talking about?

    I assume you didn't see the figures from the Manchester United deal then?? £302.9m I believe!!

    Fantastic, thanks for an answer, perhaps you can give me figures that I care about, like the value of Villa's Nike deal and the reason you feel it is far more commercially viable than Hummel. Facts would be nice.

    I think I have already provided evidence of this, not solid figures, but commercially valid reasoning behind believing this deal is superior, but you chose to ignore them!!

  5. I was waiting for you to pop up on this thread, Poodle. The value of the details doesn't matter to us as we are a privately owned company and the owner seems very pleased with who is making our kit thank you very much, the most popular sports brand in the World and one of up to 8 partners that we wish to have in the future.

    Oh, sorry I thought (from the initial comment about the commercial dept.) that the deal with Nike was of a higher commercial value than Hummel. Don't know what made me come to that conclusion.

    Do you think it is of higher commercial value?

    I don't pretend to know, so I don't voice my opinion as fact either way.

    Ok, how easy is it to get an Aston Villa Hummel kit? Outside Birmingham it is pretty hit and miss from what I have found. The Nike distribution network however is vast and our shirts will be stocked in shops within markets where our shirts have been practically impossible to get.

    Exactly, I want to get a kit, I can't from a shop over here, yet most other premiership kits are available... I wonder wht that is....

    And Poodle, who is pretending to know anything?? People have voiced opinions...

  6. Well, as far as commercial monetary gain, I think you will find that Nike will sell far more shirts, Villa will have greater exposure due to the worldwide popularity of the Nike brand, greater sales, invoke greater revenue, the board have released no figures on the deal itself, but taking on board other premiership deals and the fact the Nike sponsorship budget is probably larger Hummels entire turnover, I would imagine this deal dwarfs the Hummel deal!!

    Whilst I agree on running shoes quality, I see you don't mention Hummel in your list of sporting manufacturers, and with Nike being one of the biggest in the business (if not the biggest) they don't do to bad!

    What are these other premiership deals you are talking about?

    I assume you didn't see the figures from the Manchester United deal then?? £302.9m I believe!!

  7. Well, as far as commercial monetary gain, I think you will find that Nike will sell far more shirts, Villa will have greater exposure due to the worldwide popularity of the Nike brand, greater sales, invoke greater revenue, the board have released no figures on the deal itself, but taking on board other premiership deals and the fact the Nike sponsorship budget is probably larger Hummels entire turnover, I would imagine this deal dwarfs the Hummel deal!!

    Whilst I agree on running shoes quality, I see you don't mention Hummel in your list of sporting manufacturers, and with Nike being one of the biggest in the business (if not the biggest) they don't do to bad!

  8. Why the **** can't we attract the likes of Nike and Adidas, we get stuck with Hummel and diadora, Just what do our commercial dept do???

    Just found this - what was that Bob Dylan song....

    The times they are a changing ........

    Certainly are.... good find, just shows the difference in class between the old board and new

  9. Asking how many times he has seen Darren Bent this season is a pretty lame comeback dude, if he wanted to

    he could have turned on his TV and watched all the games if he wanted to.... and watched the 14 or so goals

    he scored in a season where he spent the middle section out with an injury, as well as adjusting to the games

    when he came back from it. His tally now in two seasons is something like 33 goals, for Charlton? Gabby is a

    wonderful player I am very much looking forward to seeing develop, but Darren Bent oozes class and he is

    a perfect striker for a club such as ours. Gives you pace and lethal finishing, gives you 15-20 league goals. Easy.

    Why is it a lame comeback, I am not for the slightest dismissing Bent ability, mearly attempting to point out 14 million is way to much money... secondly, how can ANYONE judge a player without watching them and once or twice a season, orr watching highlights really doesn't cut it!!

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