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Posts posted by BillyShears

  1. A south african gold miner was caught in a terrible underground explosion and lost one of his legs.

    After he had recovered his doctor advised hime that he would no longer be able to work in the mines.

    "What am I going to do Doc? Who's going to want a one legged gold digger?" asked the miner.

    "Try Paul McCartney" the doctor replied. :D

  2. Let's see...

    - A father scares his young son witless.

    - Tapes the whole thing.

    - Doesn't offer any apology or comfort when the kid is crying.

    - Posts the video on the internet to further his embarrassment.

    And that's funny? This is your son, not your mate.

    Spot on.

  3. I met a gaming programmer student today and asked him what game he was currently playing. Sure enough he exclaimed the brilliance of this game. He said it was the best game he had ever played and that he had completed it. I noticed that he also had a beard. :)

  4. A bit of schoolboy humour:

    A bloke walks int a pub with a big L painted on his left wellie and a big R painted on his right wellie. The barmaid asks why he has the letters on his wellies and he tells her it's so he knows which foot to put them on. "Oh", she says, "so that's why there's a tag with C&A inside my knickers"

  5. A bloke came in my local the other day, he reckoned he could tell different types of wood by their smell. So the landlord decided to put him to the test and the man agree to be blindfolded stating that he would correctly identify three different kinds of timber just by smelling them.

    The man was duly blindfolded and the landlord wafted an old oak drawer under his nose. "English Oak", said the man.

    The landlord was impressed, and deciding to make the man's task more difficult he placed a black piano key under his nose. "Ebony", stated the man.

    The landlord was determined to out do the stranger and grabbed the barmaid, turned her upside down, and stuffed her arse under his nose. "That's easy", said the man, "It's a shithouse door off a grimsby trawler".

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