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Posts posted by JB

  1. Bannan corners. Seriously, what is the point we might as well just give them a goal kick.

    Agreed. What's particularly frustrating is that a lot of the things that make us so shit at the moment are pretty easily resolved. Why has nobody told Bannan just to take a proper **** corner?! Why are we playing 3 centre halves? What is the point of Brett Holman? Why is Benteke being such a clearing in the woods?

  2. I think there's an argument to say that he cost us a chance of getting something out the game today shortly after we went 1-0 down when he put that ridiculously shite "cross" in behind Ireland who would've pretty much had a tap-in if the simplest of balls had been played correctly. It was such an easy pass to make. Spurs went straight down the other end and scored.

    He was so, so poor today. Didn't look arsed in the slightest.

  3. Embarrassing, disgusting etc etc.

    It doesn't matter how young the team is, not showing the necessary desire to prevent yourself getting bent over and conceding EIGHT is disgraceful.

    As Villa fans, we've had more than our fair share of kicks in the nuts. There have been arguably more bad days than good days for those of us under the age of 30 but despite the bright future many of these players undoubtedly have, that's one of the worst for me. Sickening.

  4. What I find most strange is that the other guy got off (no pun intended). She said that she had no memory of what happened so how did the jury reach the verdict that she was in a fit state to consensually shag McDonald but not Evans? Had she passed out in between? 

  5. Slightly underwhelmed by that trailer... I expected it to focus more on building up Bane, his size, intimidation factor etc. Although I'd much rather it be this way than have half of the movie spoiled!

    I like the fact that after watching that we still know pretty much nothing of any substance about the overall plot.

  6. Never a yellow let alone a red i dont want any1 of these nations to win tbh, if i had to pick one even though i lived in wales and because i seen the anti English shite regular i want the French to win a little more than the welsh

    Interesting, I've lived in Wales for ten years. Before living here I would have backed the Welsh. But now I want the French to hammer them.

    This sending off is a bloody nightmare. I said before the game, I don't mind the result too much, as long as it's clear cut and the Welsh don't have some excuse to bang on about for years, about how hard done by they were.

    Although if the thought Roland was going to be so bias, maybe they should have put in a complaint before the match.

    Had very similar experiences to both of you guys, having been to uni in Cardiff. Backing Wales for the first time ever though today... But then again I won't be too gutted if they lose :).

  7. Fair play, my mate who's quite high up in reffing, and a very passionate Welshman, says that he has no complaints about the red card. Said he would most certainly have been calling for it if it had been the other way round. It's a very bad decision and although I don't agree with it, I can understand the ref's thinking.

  8. @Runrickyrun: I dunno mate, muddled, indecisive and arguably poor team selection, better players left at home, poor tactics and failure to correct things that are obviously going wrong. There seems to be a culture of complacency in our camp, thinking if we win, it's enough, despite the negatives in our performance. Look at Wales, Gatland et al have ironed out Wales's weaknesses. In interviews we're constant bemoaning things not falling our way rather than addressing our own numerous shortcomings and realising that you create your own opportunities.

    He's a living legend but he and his staff have failed to build effectively over the past 3 years.

  9. Johnson and coaches have to go. Anyone who has any part in training a team who play in such an inept manner (passing over people's head, looking the opposite way when you're first receiver etc etc) has no place in professional rugby of any level. A number of players need to be dropped as well. Youngs, Deacon, Stevens in particular. Suspect Wilko and Shaw may retire.

  10. We are a team full of useless, bottling words removed with absolutely no balls for a battle. Apart from Tuilagi of course. If you can't get up for a world cup quarter final then what can you?

    May as well stop watching this. England don't do comebacks.

  11. Looks like high tackles on England players are legal then...

    Allez les bleus!

    Ah the familiar position of the other home nations; eliminated so left with nobody to support but whoever's playing England! :)

    And then they wonder why we feel the need to rub it in their faces when we do well in something.

    Absolutely. And we're the arrogant ones apparently. I've never seen as much self satisfaction and praise as I have from the Irish this week.

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