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Posts posted by Sie

  1. Eviserate is about the weapon to some degree as it's values are used in the calculation.

    The whole aim of a rogue in a fight is to build up those combo points in order to maximise their finisher and as a result, combo points should always be the main factor in eviserate as far as I'm concerned. For them not to be destroys the whole mechanic of the class.

    However, if you're simply suggesting the weapon values should play a bigger roll in the damage output calculation then yeah, I agree. Problem is that runs the risk of turning them into gear dependant, uber-criting warrior wanabees where the right daggers/swords could make them overpowered in the same way it does for Warriors.

  2. As much as I enjoy the Roguecraft videos, and used some of the tactics within them when playing one, they are still a mish-mash of circumstance and clever editing. Truly, the best way to ever see the class of rogue from all angles (good and bad) is to play one.

    And that warrior wants shooting for not controlling that rogue sooner with dots and slowing skills (of which he had numerous chance to do so before that very end of the fight when he finally pulled them off).

    However, one thing that video clip does highlight is a little known tactic for rogues to use that I found many rogue players weren't aware of when I played one - using distance to your advantage to unflag combat and gain an extra stealth. It used to be a case of going in with your openers then retreating right back, toggling your auto attack and boom, you reset the fight with the enemy at a bigger disadvatange. Doesn't work against other rogues of course unless you're either hemo build or use your DoT finisher (which probably isn't a great idea should you be combat or prep/cb as evis is more useful there).

    I understand with recent patches that this has been made slightly easier in that Auto Attack now turns of automatically when you're so far away from your opponent, eliminating that extra click. Still, with a talent review on the horizon, it'll be interesting to see what blizzard do to balance the class. Even I will admit that unlike the rest of the games classes, Rogues seem to be at extremes when it comes to balance. They can either kick the shit out of you or fall flat on their face once certain abilities are used against them. Roguecraft videos deliberately only show the former.

  3. As the kiddy fiddler once sang...

    ...it's good to be back.

    As for enchanting, I used to be the local enchanter amongst us lot as my Rogue. Great fun was had with all the haggling that comes with the nature of the profession. However, I remember it got to the stage where the really good recipes were either a fortune on the AH (and few and far between to boot) or it was a case of grinding for literally months to get one to drop.

    And then there were the bastards who just didn't understand the enchanting economy and resorted to calling you a robbing bastard because the didn't know the details as to how the profession works (in that its very expensive for the enchanter too). This time around, I'm not sure what I'll pick - herbalism would be the obvious choice what with being a druid and a tauren but gaaawd, it's just not exciting enough. Might go with two gathering profs to generate some cash.

  4. Well, I've decided to make a return. Even though I'm still interested in those other MMORPGs I mentioned, the way I figure it is if they turn out to be shite (which is a feeling I have about that LOTRs one), I'll have WoW going still.

    So anyway, I'll be rolling a druid (and as such, a cow...) so that I'm not stepping on anyone elses toes. I'm going to want to rocket up the levels so I'll probably be requesting an entourage to catch the rest of you up.

    And a little coin should you be able to spare it Nayson. Think of it as calling in old favours...

  5. Druids and Hunters. Reroll Sie!

    Hunters...used to be one back on Thunderhorn before enlisting Nayson into WOW and rolling Rogue on Deathwing. Didn't float my boat and their rather vague roll in grouping come endgame could be frustrating.

    Druid was always my prefered choice (alongside priest) for an alt so Druid could well be the choice I make should I reroll. I'm incredibly tempted by Warlock too...

  6. By the way, what class is everyone shouting for on the server? It was Druids on Deathwing when I left (with Warlocks coming second) if I remember correctly. Might be a good idea for me to roll whatever is thin on the ground if I choose to return.

    And I'll call him Sauron...

  7. With a bit of help Sie, from a handful of L60's Im sure you'll get back up there quickly. For heavens sake, you can make l16 in a weekend!

    I'd be lying if I said I'm not tempted.

    I'll have a think about it but if I do make a return, I'll probably play another class. As much as I love the rogue, it was a pain knowing no bugger else did - just too many of them.

  8. To be honest, I think at this stage if I were to make a return to the world of MMORPGs, I would either wait for Vanguard or see how the up and coming LOTR one turns out.

    There is also the incredibly daunting task of catching up again on a full, guild based server.

  9. Is this feet stamping getting heard? Will the whining be worth it? Hopefully, cos i got banned from the forum for posting a "Dunemaul and Deathwing Migration" thread with Nayson and four alts!

    cry mor nub, yew ar t3h loladin!!!1

    am guna h4xx0rz ur acownt + steeel ur gowld!!!11 lol!1

  10. I found that the desire to start playing again after I quit seemed to evapourate pretty quickly. You're only passionate about the game whilst you're activley playing it. Once you quit, you forget about it all pretty quickly in other words.

    Now onto my new additcion... if I can find a spoon and a lighter.

  11. Isnt that exactly what every guild does?

    Yes it is... after you've just wasted your time filling in their Asda recruitment form. Telling them how "team orientated" you are and yet can work to your own initiative and meet deadlines.

    You summed it nicely earlier - it's only a game and these people desperately need reminding of that.

  12. Thing is, there will be a player turnaround on this game and classes that are rare now could find themselves overpopulated and rogues could become less so. For instance, you could have picked a more rare class to start with, yet later on find you only played the game half as long (in comparison to your rogue) because you thought it was crap being priest for example.

    If I didn't have "real life" knock on my door, I'd probably still be playing as I really enjoyed the rogue class and how focused it was. Lots of 'hidden' depth (oh the punnage) that many non-rogue players are oblivious too.

  13. Giving someone a trial run if there is a space and then kicking them if they're a tit is far easier I reckon.

    They're just nerds on power trips fantasizing that they're company directors. Next they'll be arranging phone interviews and requesting a record of your employment.

  14. Someone should kick all these guild leaders/officers in the balls. There is something embarrassing in the way they act like their guild is an actual registered company or organisation.

    But lets be honest, we all know why they're like that in a game...

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