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Posts posted by Sie

  1. One of the best things was the warlock seemed to have called in his mage guild mate to gank us as we'd been killing said warlock earlier. For them to turn up and attack, only to be humiliatingly beat to shit by us made them look rather silly. Must have been a good show for the A Few Good Men priest who was watching.

  2. do casters spells count as ranged attacks?

    No. They are spells. Wands are magical damage therefore spells too.

    Ranged attacks are attacks with guns, bows, crossbows, throwing weapons done by Rogues, Warriors and bloodyfuckingHunters.

    Ofc, it was naive of me to expect a usable defence against casters...

    You do play a rogue right?

  3. Speaking of 60 Nelf Hunters, one tried to toy with me in Arathi Highlands on two separate occasions today by setting ice traps on me and viper stinging my mana.

    He was made to look rather stupid as on both occasions, I feared and seduced him and happily espaced. His attempts to then kill me in frustration made him look even more like a plank as he failed at that too. His 33 Druid friend who was hiding didn't fair much better at the task either - feared into mobs.

  4. That aside, the chances of Shammies getting into Raids over Pallys is next to zero.

    Yes, compared to the state of current level 60 play. Only when the change is put into place, current legel 60 play is going to be different. Read why in my posts above.

    Blizzard have provided excellent explanation to it all in the forums and it's all good. These people who are claiming they're quiting are going to be eating their words. And looking even more stupid.

  5. But then you could also state, with more relevance, that it is the WoW equivalent of Resident Evil 4. Capcom back tracked and rewrote the Res scenario for that game which let them freshen up the gameplay mechanics, introducing new ideas, and it turned into a blinder. Sure the 'lore' side of that was hard to swallow at first but after playing the changes, it just didn't matter anymore because the game was clearly an improvement.

    It's an excellent change to WoW. Simple in concept and allows Blizzard to really expand and experiment when it comes to content and gameplay mechanics, especially when considering raiding. No longer are they restricted to making sure instances work for both faction's unique class. No more bias towards a faction having an easier time than the other because of design restrictions in the dungeon. For example, it's currently impossible for Blizzard to make an instance that NEEDS a Shaman because the Aliiance couldn't defeat it and vice versa when it comes to Paladins.

    You also have to consider that when this change is implemented, there is going to be another 10 levels, each with new spells and talents to add that will be unique for each factions Paladins/Shamans. Class based racial spells (like what priest currently experience) are going to come into play. Looking at the bigger picture reveals so much potential for the game, due to the change, but these moaning players only seem to be comparing the change to current level 60 play.

  6. Is it just me or is this latest fuss players are kicking up about the cross faction thing highlighting just how short sighted and **** stupid your average WoW player is?

    They keep shouting about how now the factions are the same bar player models and racials. I mean, hold up, didn't any of the players saying this even level their character? What about the the fact that which ever faction you choose, when leveling, you experience entirely different quests, entirely different playing areas, entirely different storylines? They've become so wrapped up in raiding that they seem to have completely forgotten about this aspect of the game. Its amazing that these very players then whinge about too much raid content yet they have clearly forgotten about what they would be doing if raid content wasn't there.

    Secondly, it solves the recent moaning about PvE raiding. These players don't seem to understand that the solution they suggest (basically giving Shamans pally buffs to dish out) is a worse idea than cross faction could ever be. Something like that could **** up balance big style.

    Thridly, who gives a shit if it doesn't quite fit into 'lore'? Blizzard make the **** game for christ sake, they can put whatever lore they **** well like into it - afterall, Blizzard are the people who script the stuff.

    These people, these morons, they're always shouting for balance and fairness and when Blizz serve it up, they **** moan some more! They're like bratish children who scream for their own way regardless and when they get it, its not enough. They're still not happy. Blizzard should just post a message stating "Right, we've had enough, we're pulling the plug on World of Warcraft. This will prove how much all the constantly moaning arseholes need us. Don't bite the hand that feeds you."

    I reckon this would emotionally crush most of the sad bastards and posts entitled "Blizz0rdz, u ruin3d my lief. i am suwing!" would pop up everywhere.


  7. That thread you linked now provides a 1.12 PTR screenshot of a Paladin bubblehearthing.

    The fact there hasn't been any blue posts or anything in the test realm notes to suggest its been nerfed just leads me to believe its all bullshit.

  8. Just been messing about with the new Rogue talent calculator for 1.12 and came up with this PvP build.

    use short links

    As far as I'm concerned, it's the ultimate stunlock build. It's based on the traditional 21/8/22 cb/Prep build but drops Imp Backstab (I never used this in my stunlocks) and replaces with 2/2 Imp cheapshot meaning you can fully lock an opponent in your opener section up to your first evis without fear of reply.

    On top of this, I've added hemorrhage (pre 1.12 this wasn't possible with all these other talents) meaning that once the diminishing returns start to kick in on stuns, you have an even quicker combo point generator than SS. This means you can scale the speed of your combo point generating in relation to diminishing returns. Additionally, all the max damage and crit talents are in there too (as well as 3/3 imp sap) meaning serious damage.

    It's got all 3 major stealth related attributes too, those being 5/5 MoD, 5/5 stealth cooldown reduction and 5/5 speed increase when stealthed. Oh and Prep and CB are in there too.

    In the hands of the right player and uber gear, I reckon this build could border overpowered. If these talents stay the same, you might want to give this one a try Dan if you get bored of combat. I may even pester Blizz to see if I can get my rogue over to Tarren Mill somehow.

  9. Meh.

    Like Shamans, Druids are a hybrid class - jack of all trades and master of none. If you buff their abilities enough then every warrior, rogue or mage wannabe would roll a druid just for their versatility.

    As for PVP tricks, changing form seems to do a good job of dispelling any dots on you. If a druid is running and changing forms (and healing inbetween) there is simply NO WAY I (a shaman) can stop them, let alone kill them.

    I did have a long winded reply to this but the forum just ate it :(

    The 'Jack of all trades' label doesn't apply to Druids in the same way as Shamans. Shamans have a unique playstyle and so are not affected by a deliberate holding back of certain abilities that make that particular playstyle truly work. The Totem mechanic is a complete, singular and individual playstyle whereas Druid shifting is 3 cut down playstyles rolled into one.

    In PvP, shapeshifting is a time consuming process due to global cooldowns and this can often negate the effects of the bear bash you've just applied. Shift bear, charge, bash when rage is up, shift out, wait for global cooldown, shift cat - by the tme this has happened, that stun might as well have not been apllied. This means any form of stunning a Druid does is mainly to retreat, not attack.

    Druid versatility seems to be misunderstood too. They're versatile in that they can fill holes in PvE. The lack of gear switching in PvP combat will always render certain forms severly underpowered should you be using multiple sets. On the flipside, 1 gear set for all forms spreads itself too thinly in terms of stats.

    And shifting doesn't dispell DoTs.

  10. I've got to be honest at this point as after doing more reading up on Druid end game, I'm can sort of see why Druids are few and far between and it's due to them being a bit, well, broken.

    All shapeshift forms are basically the equivilent of a car with no wheels.

    Cat = ok melee DPS - nigh on zero survivability in melee.

    Bear = Good Survivability in melee - Shite DPS/Burst in melee.

    Moonkin = Ok damage output - unreliable CC which **** over applying that damage output.

    Every form is a giant catch 22 situation and the worst thing is, there is no real solution to it in terms of class mechanics. Add stuns to cat, you're a fully fledged rogue. Add DPS/burst to bear and you're a fully fledged warrior. Add reliable CC to Moonkin and you're a fully fledged Mage. Pick either one or all of those hypothetical solutions and let the imba label roll on.

    Which brings us to the other solution of gear, which currently forces Druids to spread their stats so thinly about their various shiftforms that they just can't compete with more focused classes. And as you know, gear switching doesn't work in combat so you decide "right, I'm going to cat this" then realise halfway through a fight that you've just severly gimped your caster form because you're trying to CC and heal in Agi gear. Alternatively, wearing a single set of gear that covers all the bases AND is enough to scale your damage up to compete with other classes just doesn't exist at the moment (no thanks to crap base dmg multipliers from forms).

    Its just a shame that the one truely great thing druids are good at is running away. The thing is, on paper, the theory behind the hybrid Druid class sounds fantastic but, in practice, it doesn't quite work at the moment because of a combination of poor base dmg in forms, crap gear (those two being very much related) and shiftforms that feel too incomplete.

    So I think until my Druid is fully kitted out in uber PvP gear, I'm really going to have to up my game in terms of outfoxing the enemy and using every trick in the book (of which I've picked up quite a few so far) . Still plenty of time but I do hope that within said time, Blizzard take another look at the Druid. The class feels like it's on the brink of brilliance but needs that extra something to bring it up to the same playing field as the rest of WoW...at level 60 at least judging from reports.

    Anyway, when am I getting my Dasher's invite? Start dropping some hearsay in the guild for me :)

  11. However, I think the recent announcement of a new Roguecraft video just goes to show that the guy simply has a chip on his shoulder about rogues. If he was genuine about wanting the game balanced as he puts forward in his videos, there would be *insert class*craft videos left, right and centre from him.

    His videos are all about getting Rogues nerfed, not Warlocks buffed.

  12. Just spotted this

    Improved Kidney Shot has been changed, and will instead increase the damage taken by the target while they are affected by Kidney Shot. This talent no longer reduces the cooldown of Kidney Shot.

    The extended stunlockers are going to be pissed.

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