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Posts posted by fran_villa

  1. do you think thats the end of lumplard at Chelsea now.

    Seriously doubt it, if Fat Frank went then you can be sure that Terry was off as well as Jose. Simply can't see it happening.

    was there not a rumour going around that if jose left he would try to take them both with him.

    Yeah heard that too, don't see where he/they could possibly go to who could afford them though (barring Barcalona/Real Madrid). Not too sure that Barca would open them with open arms but I know Fat Frank has a spanish wife so I guess it's possible :D

    here he might want to go to a team that will win the champions league. BECAUSE HE'LL NEVER GET IT PLAYING FOR A LONDEN TEAM :lol:

  2. and as much as i don't rate lampard, sidwell is hardly a good enough replacement

    it's quite baffling tbh

    i could understand them getting a centre back who probably isn't top top draw, but centre mid where they are packed full of talent?

    ah its been the same every season since that feckin russain bought them out. they just try to buy evryone thats half decent,and the worst thing is the money hungry players that sign for them dont mind sitting on the bench :evil: .

  3. why does everybody think McShane plays at right back,every time i have seen him play for ireland he's played center half.im not sure how many on here have seen him play but i dont think he's what we need,he's not fast enough for right back his passing is poor at best,and he's to small for center half imo...if this is the type of player we are looking at ill be well pi..ed off tbh.

  4. in full from vital villa ta Fran. but link next time, please :) blandy

    Thank you for providing a copy of the Birmingham Post article. I am sure that what they say, from their perspective, is accurate. The simple fact is that from the very beginning, Randy made it known that he would not be spending a great deal of time with the Press...that his actions on and off the Pitch would speak for him. Obviously, the media...print, radio and TV...are business men and women and their revenue comes from ads, selling papers, selling radio and TV time. Nothing would sell better than a regular "visit" with the Chairman of AVFC. I understand that...and I am sure Randy does too. The other side of the coin is also persuasive. Randy doesn't want to stand in front of the radio and TV folks and talk about what he is "going to do"...rather, he wants to stand in front of the radio and TV and talk about what the Team, Club and Fans HAVE done!! "Want to do's" are easy..."What we have done" is much harder but is the ONLY thing that really matters.

    Randy does talk to the fans. He does it through articles, through comments, through surrogates, and, most importantly, through actions. It is patently unfair to equate Randy Lerner to Doug Ellis...they are two different people with two different ways of Leading. Neither is "right" or "wrong"...they are just different. I know a wee bit about Leadership and "failure of leadership" cannot be tied to whether or not the Leader is talking to the media...that is just nonsense. Fans only want a few things from their Chairman...a positive attitude, a willingness to do what is necessary to put a consistent, winning side on the Pitch, to treat the Fans and surrounding community fairly and with dignity, to demand a professional staff at the stadium, to enjoy a "special" environment at their Park, and to provide solid backing to the Manager. Randy Lerner is working very hard to meet these commitments

    hope you dont mind General :winkold:

  5. Ha ha, don't shoot the messenger,but i just heard a rumour that Randy Lerner became the major shareholder yesturday and to Expect an offical announcement tomorrow.

    just not possible, anouncements and all sorts have to be made to the S.E.

    im not well up on the s.e but can an anouncement be made in the morning :roll:

  6. id just love know if its going to be sorted soon tbh,im really getting pissed off with it at this stage.
    fran, if it were your £64 million that was about to disappear into the pockets of Doug, Petchy, et al, I'm sure you wouldn't part with it until you were satisfied that everything was absolutely sorted.

    Agree mate 100%,but i like a lot of you guys am getting a little impatient and i just want things sorted you know :winkold: .

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