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Posts posted by flashingqwerty

  1. offside? all are very close and the benefit of the doubt goes to the striker so in my opinion they are not offside at all.


    Goal 1 - Guzan should have claimed the cross

    Goal 2 - Vlaar should have gotten his head to, but he got caught out by the flight of the ball

    Goal 3 - bennet gets the wrong side of his man and lets him in on goal


    Starting nzogbia was a big mistake in a 3 man midfield.

    Lambert should have been able to see, cos the rest of us saw, that the midfield was overrun and should have changed it sooner.


    Way very dissappointed that we stood off and let them play with the ball all over the pitch rather than pressing them and hassling them.


    All 3 goals easily avoidable, but they all involved a huge amount of class from top players. 


    We did create a few chances though so bring on Sunderland!

  2. i believe this really is a MUST WIN GAME 


    Reading v Southampton

    Norwich v Swansea

    Newcastle v Fulham

    QPR v Wigan

    Chelsea v Sunderland (as Chelsea have lost to a lot of our rivals lately)

    Liverpool v West Ham

    Stoke v Villa


    with those fixtures we could win and still end up still in the relegation zone.  Very difficult to have any confidence in the team, manager or backroom staff at the moment as we seem able to move from decent to completely useless.  Tactics are usually wrong, team selection is generally poor, players not only lack confidence but look in poor physical condition and stuggle with stamina.  There is far more wrong than inexperience and if we want to have any chance of survival we have to win this game - cant see it happening though

  3. really dont see why gabby is getting such a hard time.

    Set up our goal and was a constant threat to the liverpool defence.

    his second biggest shortfall being that every time he got the ball it came from benteke meaning there was noone in the middle for him to cross to and lost out to the 5 defenders he pretty much always had around him.

    His biggesy shortfall was his shot from 5 yards that he 'missed' but he was under pressure from the defender and he hit the target.


    Weiman however gets off scot free with missing a chance from pretty much the same position but under no pressure and skyed it


    Gabby was better than weiman today

  4. Agree with morpheus to an extent. Once the high earners aregone I dont see us splashing cash and bringing in high earners again. We will bring in more lower league or foreign players with potential to replace the likes of benteke when they are sold at a profit.

    Mid table mediocrity is what awaits us if this plan succeeds and relegation if it doesnt

  5. Gabby was my MOTM against Arsenal.  Its not his fault he is on 60k a week and over the past few games he seems to be giving it his all for Villa. 



    Hang on a minute, he signed the contract. Fair enough, hes not paying the money and as I always say (good luck to him), but, he signed the contract. That contract says hes worth 60k a week. He isnt. And for that he deserves some criticism. 


    I always remember Ash saying we need the support of the fans. Hold on a minute. You signed a contract for 70k a week son, and you need us to come and help you through the tough times. Do me a favour.


    Now, am I suggesting that support isnt vital in football. No. it is. And its virtually impossible for any pro footballer to prove worthwhile on the pitch. For them wages, there shouldnt be a misplaced pass. Impossible.


    But I have to ask the question. Why, if Gabby 'bleeds' claret and blue, did he not just say, Il tell you what - 40k a week will do because do you know what, I love the club so much I dont want to rip you off? Why didnt he say that. Because he is just like the rest.

    So youre saying if villa offered you 60k a week to do a job you wouldnt accept? I think youre fooling yourself...

  6. sorry to spoil the party but as we are not bringing in players then we are gone. lets face it team arent good enough manager not good enough coaching staff not good enough owner seemingly doesnt give a damn... SCREWED!!!

  7. lets just face facts here even if we wanted to sign players what self respecting footballer would want to come to this club right now? we are a shambles and a laughing stock and in 2 - 3 years we will be playing bradford in league games cos WHEN we go down i think we will find it hard to even compete in the chumpionship

  8. thought i'd do a full reflection:

    Given - 4 - might have done more on the corner they scored from, very poor distribution, captain? what captain?

    Bennet - 6 - gets a 6 purely because he setup the 1st. Gave the ball away, got caught in possession every other minute and conceded the corner that led to their goal when he could have and should have done better.

    Lowton - 3 - shocking performance, awful in defence, passing was abysmal, got into good positions but every delivery was to a bradford player, very poor

    Vlaar - 4 - looks like a man rushed back from injury too soon, barely able to move about the pitch and lost his man for the goal

    Clarke - 4- wasnt really aware he was playing until about the 80th minute when he popped up on the left wing and put in a cross so bad i thought it was marc albrighton

    nzog - 7- looked decent in the first half but disappeared as he always does in the second

    ireland - 4 - shocking, only passes he made successfully were less than 5 yards, i'd expect more from a player of his ability

    bannan - 3 - not good enough for professional football - everyting he did, he did wrong

    Delph - 7 - possibly his best game for us, tried very hard and put himself about, pity he lack any real ability

    Benteke - 6 - yeah he's a good player, but he doesnt work hard enough and isnt clinical enough yet. too big for his boots and should have had a hattrick tonioght had be put a bit more effort in and focused on doing his job

    Gabby - 6 - i think he ran himself ragged tonight despite ppl saying he looked like he cdnt be bothered, it wasnt up front we were losing posession and playing backward passes after all


    weiman - 7 - scored the only chance he got and started some nice attacks

    Bent - 5 - offered absolutly nothing, he needs to get out of his club if he ever hopes to play for england again and good riddance when he does - LAZY!

    Manager & STaff:

    0 - what on earth did they say at half time? what on earth did they do to the formation? what kind of subs were they to make? What on earth were thse tactics about? Utter utter dross!

    Post match interview is very interesting:

    "will you be bring in new signings..."

    "well ive spoken to the chairman and hes aware of the situation - its not the right time to answer that/..."

    Does that mean theres no money? does it mean hes been sacked? has he offered his resignation and doesnt know if its been accepted yet? Very Interesting!!

  9. When we lost the League Cup final against United in 2010, I believe that was the start of our decline in becoming a bottom 3 Premier League team. I really hope going out to a 4th tier team in the same competition almost 3 years later doesn't mark the start of us getting relegated and becoming trapped in the Championship.

    In my mind, this season is a total write-off unless we invest in players before the transfer window is slammed shut. I fear that any confidence we had earlier in the season will not be returning now, after this awful defeat.

    unfortunately i cant see us bringing anyone with any experience in not to mention any quality

    but after all what half decent player would want to join us right now?

  10. Set up the goal, put in another cross that was a tap in if anyone had moved, made excellent runs... He still made a lot of mistakes and played badly, but that's a given for any player who played; we got outplayed by a League Two side but there's still a poll. Nobody had a good 90 minutes.

    also conceded the corner needlessly that lead to their goal

    caught in possession more times than anyone else on the pitch

    the lad it defensively inept

    Lambert should at the very leave offer his resignation after this

  11. wasnt a penalty so we deserved a draw

    now in the bottom 3 and there is nothing in the team to suggest we can get oit

    no desire, no passion, no ability but most importantly a manager who looks lost and focused and devoid of ideas.

    unless we sign at least 6 players we're down - and i dont think we'll sign 1

    most depressed i have ever been

  12. we're not crazy,

    Guzan didnt save the shot for the corner b4 the 1st goal

    weimann didnt handle the ball for the second

    and according to the official Referee's handbook, there must be an intentional movement of the hand towards the ball to award a penalty - bannan was sliding out of control along the turf

    so the first 3 goals were scored by the officials

    hard enough to play city with 11 men never mind 14

    at 3-0 and having played quite well to that point and to see that the officials were clearly against us - i dont think there is a team in the league that wouldnt have given up to be fair.

    That said - if we fail to beat Reading and QPR in the next 3 games - we're doomed

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