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Posts posted by villanmike

  1. My problem is I love being social, I have a lot of good friends and I like to keep them happy...but it seems to be killing me slowly!

    I certainly don't feel addicted to beer, just enjoying it a little to much and now stuck in that bad habbit mode!

    I am registering for the local gym today, I am determined to put this beer to shame, I will however drink during the weekend - just the one night a week can't be bad?

    A big thanks for all the advice you have given me!

  2. In a nut shell I have been having on average 8 to 9 cans of lager a night, I am not proud of it but I seem to be hit by this very bad habbit.

    I want to totally knock beer on the head, I have had enough I, want to start feeling good about myself and lose a little weight that I have got from this drinking.

    But every time I decide there is a good time to quit drinking plans suddenly arrise with my family or friends, IE next week is my nephews 21st birthday so were of to town for the night, the week after I have been invited to Tamworth for the night to meet up with a good friend. It seems like when these invites occur it gives me an excuse to continue to drink, even during the week.

    I actually don't enjoy the drink until I have had about 4 cans when it starts to 'kick in', I even put food aside (can't drink on a full stomach).

    I really would like some advice from fellow people who have had a similar situation and knocked it on the head, even just during the week. Any advice would be great.

    Thank you in advance.

  3. You should never be ashamed of your grass roots, Birmingham being my a very proud Brummie.

    Birmingham seems to have a bad reputation as a whole, including media and the general public. Seriously judging a City by it's accent is all to pathetic and insecure.

    If people from Solihull think they are better than the people of Birmingham in terms of quality then more the fool them...most of the money they earn is from Birmingham...

    Remember... There is ALWAYS someone 'better' than you.

    Not me thou, I have a lovely 3 year old daughter that money will NEVER buy, no one is better than me or happier. She lives in Birmingham, with me.

  4. Saints Row 2 is £2.50 on Steam at the moment, is it worth it? Not had any of their games and not a massive fan of the genre!

    Saints Row the Third is currently £14.99.

    Both have until 5th March before deals run out!

  5. I guess my favourite games are the ones I have played the most, so...

    Team Fortress Classic (TFC)


    The CM/FM Series would be the only 2 I played a lot

    Oh and one I have not seen on here much Rome: Total War is an amazing game too and gets a deserved mention.

  6. There's one thing about Tottenham fans that I have a lot of respect for - even if they're dead wrong they'll still defend their club and players even to the point of being ridiculous. That's exactly the opposite of what us Villa fans usually do, we're the first to belittle our own. Props, I guess...

    I wonder if they would defend him if they were in a relegation battle...

  7. I had my greatest moment on this game....about 4 seasons in I sold Arjen Robben for £89m to Barcelona.

    Still my highest bid received ever.

    Appiah and Eric Addo were a beast of a Centre Mid partnership too!

    I think it was Joe Cole I sold to Barca for £106M, he was 28 when I sold him.

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