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Posts posted by villanmike

  1. People who have worked for years nowadays forget what it is like to be a kid of 16 and just starting out.

    Who wants to work when you have been 'spoilt' for 16 years? No one, new starters take a wee while to grasp reality in work.

    The OP had standards and for some reason maybe expected a 16 year old to keep up? I don't understand that...

    At the end of the day you get what you pay for, he was earning nothing, you was paying nothing, what would you do if you was earning nothing for 2 weeks? Exactly...nothing and why should he??

  2. Me and the had a house party one night with some friends. We all got pretty drunk.

    Later in the night I remember getting some playing cards out of our car (Renault Clio (which had RAID < haha)).

    later the next day we had to pop out somewhere in the car but couldn't find the car keys, we had the whole house upside down. We ended up calling a locksmith at the expense of £70. He got us in the car but no keys...alarm was going off, and the back up battery soon sorted that when we disabled the main alarm.

    About an hour later I found the car keys on the window sill in the kitchen.

    Relieved but annoyed at the same time!

  3. Laudrup is obviously using Swansea as a jump ship, if he does well he won't stay long there at all. He has done decent at other clubs in similar situations tho.

    He certainly isn't a big club manager right now, hence the move to Swansea...Maybe in the future who knows. Right now Swansea is his level.

  4. Just thought I'd share with you all that I am going to be a dad again! So excited again!

    I also posted about 4 years ago about my first child Ellie, here's an update picture!


    Sorry about the poor quality!

    Don't worry mate, I'm sure that's the best you could do.

    Maybe child number 2 will be better


    :crylaugh::clap: I´m sorry villanmike, but that was funny!


    Me and my stupid wording lol

  5. Just thought I'd share with you all that I am going to be a dad again! So excited again!

    I also posted about 4 years ago about my first child Ellie, here's an update picture!


    Sorry about the poor quality!

  6. Not sure he'll be coming anyhow as I said the other day I was told with a whisper from another VT'r that whatever is/has been publically stated Holt & Lambert have had their differences in the past and it would be surprising if indeed he did come to Villa, from what he'd been told from that neck of the woods.

    Just passing the whisper on.....

    Agent_ITK on (the social networking sight that shall not be named but is named after something that birds commonly do) backs this statement up

    grant holt ‏@holty30

    Good luck to the gaffer will be sadly missed at Norwich. Enjoyed every minute of his 3 years.

    Doesn't sound like they had differences to me mate.

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