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Posts posted by poitier

  1. Ben Arfa apparently unsettled and hasn't been given a squad number at NUFC. Could definitely do a job here, would probably take a 5-7m bid though?

    Talented, lazy, sulky, self important and permanently injured. We already have Zog for that.

    • Like 2
  2. We will never really know if Keane has been a good appointment, just like we don't really know who did what on the coaching/tactics front when Culverhouse was here.

    Of course there will be meaningless platitudes from within the club about what a great contribution he is making, and some will be eager to credit any improvement in the team or an individual player's form to Keane even if there is no basis for that.

    I'm not a fan of his myself, but let's hope he brings some positives.

  3. I think the comments from his Dad about playing at 100 miles an hour and needing to channel it more are spot on, if he can take that on board he will be a better player for it. I like his aggression, hope he gets a fair chance to prove one way or another whether he can be good enough at this level.



    Looks like Lescott is joining Hull.



    Nope medical at WBA today 



    So it turns out all of that nonsense about how he was never allowed back to the Midlands was, in fact, the complete tripe everyone thought. 



    Well, let's see how long his kneecaps last first.

    • Like 1
  5. Interesting to see him play when he hasn't got to chaperone others.


    He has had too much to do at Villa, to concentrate fully on his own game.


    He still did the organising of the Dutch defence, being the most experienced head. 

  6. I think Senderos may be a decent value for money addition to the squad. Not very exciting, but if bringing him in is part of a plan to use Okore as our much needed DM, thereby reinvigorating our stale midfield, that is a lot more exciting.

  7. I don't think he's a bully. Who could get bullied by someone called Roy? It's preposterous.


    He isn't called Roy, he's called Mr Keane, sir.


    "Bully" has such negative connotations, let's call him a domineering intimidatory presence instead.

  8. Despite being a multi millionaire sporting icon who won just about everything in the game, he seems to hate everything and everyone. Certainly not the sort of person I would want coming in to a club that has already had a problem with bullying.

  9. I think Holtby is overrated, didn't do it at Spurs and didn't do it at Fulham. I would be happy if we could get him for a reasonable price as he will probably improve, but my idea of reasonable is a lot less than he is likely to go for. I would rather keep Delph.

  10. JLloyd played one of the best games I have ever seen a left back have when we beat Bolton 2-0 in the carling Cup semi.


    Delaney was a very good player, shame he suffered so badly from injuries.


    I thought Warnock was excellent for the first 18 months here.

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