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Posts posted by Djemba_Villan

  1. 8 hours ago, villa4europe said:

    Read some of the comments, few of them saying we beat them because of a cheating ref last year, what's that all about? 

    The penalty in the home game? That's **** laughable, grealish done gibbs like a kipper, all day pen, was just too quick for him 

    The bitterness in general is just a different level. It’s a very strange level of hate they have for Villa beyond just a bit of rivalry in my experience.

    Was thinking about this the other day though and just about EVERY opportunity to achieve ‘bragging rights’ has backfired on them. No wonder they are all gammon faced. 

    • Sending us down - Foster **** up
    • Cup Quarter Final - We won for yet another Wembley visit
    • Playoff Semi - We won
    • We almost go bust - We attract great owners, theirs is another Xia "can't extract money from China" who already wants out
    • Trading Places this season - not as straight forward as it looked 😅 (though they in all probability will still go up)

    The Playoff semi anger is a very strange one. I genuinely don’t see their angle tbh.

    They constantly go on about Grealish. But their Periera dives 3x more and play acts in addition - despite being less of an opposition target since he’s < half the player.

    They are always upset that we don’t really chant about them and no serious rivalry has ever developed anywhere near the level of Blues. Personally I’ve always seen them as a ‘decent/honest’ and incredibly ‘meh’ team. Never anything to be envious of - even at their glass ceiling 'peak' (in contrast to Wolves who are admirable). Decent fans you can talk about football (non-villa) to when they aren’t being bitter.

    Odd bunch.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, John said:

    West Ham have taken their foot off the pedal in the second half. Pity we could have done with Watford's goal difference taking a bigger mauling. Hopefully they will do the same for 90 minutes on the last day against us.

    If they are secure by our game hopefully they’ll all be out on the booze before our game.

    • Like 1
  3. To anyone doubting the integrity and passion of smith, I suggest to them to watch his interview with the official site.

    He is absolutely gutted, beyond gutted, he's hiding anger and you can tell he could cry. He's clearly working his balls off and bleeds for the club. He has to hide as much as he can and be positive to the players. As Dion said on SkySports, it's all about the next game now. Not 1 second to dwell. He regularly gets our lot back up for things when it's needed.

    I personally am not in favour of getting rid. It's failed as a strategy in the past for us. He is improving as a manager. He knows the Championship. He is developing some young players. He's made some mistakes and he's been let down massively by players and technology all season.

    Sacking and replacing with another Bruce-type appointment would drain so much interest from me. 

    • Like 4
  4. 10 hours ago, It's Your Round said:

    They were charged by the EFL at the back end of 2019, in relation to their stadium sale. They sold it to their owner and apparently included the profits in their accounts to try and get around FFP. The punishment/verdict hasn't been delivered yet though, but they're only ten points above relegation so a points deduction would put them in some bother. 

    Is there any risk we could be punished given we did the same?

  5. Genuinely bizarre decision all round this one. 

    Not signing him - I can understand the logic there even if it hasn't worked out. But extending him at the cost of £80k x 8 weeks? We'd acutely known his fitness/mental levels so WTAF is going on.

    All I can think of is Chelsea waiving the fee/wages or something.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    Smith "the belief is there" 

    No matter how many times you aay that ffs diesnt mean that it will happen.  He is the only guy in the planet that thinks that we have no belief whatsoever 

    He has no choice though does he!

    Now is not a time for rinsing his players. He knows we’re f***** as much as we do but someone has to keep their heads up just in case. 

  7. The way Norwich are still, just about, in touching distance, but not too close is probably good for us.

    means they will go into tonight thinking it’s a possible route out of relegation. A draw would be a brilliant result for us too.

  8. 4 minutes ago, SuffolkVillan said:

    Putting my Villa bias to one side I thought Souness was spot-on with thoughts on Jack. For the last 6 or so games he has not been the driving force we need and he does sometimes stand with his hands on his hips as if to say " I cant be bothered with this!" His closing down is lame and I don't see him urging his team mates to do better. I love Jack and he is our best player currently but I do think a move has been agreed and he is playing it safe. The huge amount of cash we receive for him needs to be used wisely next season, indeed, if we are in the Chanpionship I hope they only spend enough to get promotion and save as much as possible to buy 3 quality players when we get back up.

    Struggle to disagree with this too.

    I have an incredible amount of respect for Jack. He’s a top player and I hope can improve even further. We owe him for dragging us up last season whatever happens in the next 6 games. You can see his frustration at the position we’re in.

    i do think on the pitch though that we have better ‘leaders’ in Mings & Heaton. Grealish is a good ‘club captain’ while those two should be the ones tasked with rallying on the pitch and setting professional examples.....if that even is an effective thing in this day and age. 

    • Like 1
  9. Am I reading too much into this but one observation of mine is that since the restart, Jack hasn’t been on any media duties. Post game yesterday John McGinn was sent out (no problems with that he’s a top guy and articulate).

    i do wonder if a fallout over club representation happened over the break amongst the party scandal, BLM, Pay cuts etc. With Mings and Heaton I heard also participating in calls which Grealish was supposed be be our sole rep.

    Thats mostly conjecture though and I’m not sat at home frantic over it 😅 just an observation to ponder. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Sam-AVFC said:

    Combined £32m they'll be forced to pay for him and Helder Costa this summer assuming they don't **** it.

    From what I read it’s actually one of the worst transfers ever recorded.

    They signed him with an agreement to make Permenant I’d promoted for £20+m. He’s been unfit since joining and hasn’t made the team. He’s also reportedly on 70-80k/week. 

    Surprised even we didn’t manage to concoct a transfer as bad as that. 

    • Like 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, gwi1890 said:

    Heskey is probably one of the best sky have in the studio never comes across daft , all Souness wanted to do was cream over Liverpool honestly don’t think the man watches any football his knowledge of players is awful

    I was really livid watching the coverage yesterday where he was involved.

    after the game, they spent 20 minutes straight talking about each Liverpool player in turn. It was dull as hell since they have NOTHING left to play for now. Even they looked uncomfortable thinking of things to say. When they went to Villa they quickly turned it back to Liverpool. Pathetic. 

  12. The way the fixtures have piled up is not helping. United will have 1 day extra rest than ourselves for our upcoming game, then Palace will have 2 days extra rest. If it does go to a final game of the season, West Ham will have more time to rest ahead of than than ourselves. Gah!


  13. Clutching at straws but I hope Souness doubting him on Sky - and the social media reaction to that - which he must have noticed will force a reaction or sorts.

    He is 100% not looking himself though.

    I have two minds about this:-

    a) This is partly due to us playing a system more focussed towards our defence and less towards him. He is a 'victim' of that of sorts and will hopefully soon improve as the likes of McGinn come unto match speed and we'll see the world class player he can be coupled with a more solid defence.

    b) We have been playing a system for 2 years now designed, specifically, to get the absolute best out of him (something Smith is famous for doing i..e Sawyers at Brentford/Walsall). This has led to us all getting a slightly overinflated opinion of his 'true' ability and if we can get silly money (£50m+) for him we should take it.

  14. 1 minute ago, Demitri_C said:

    West ham look a lot better than us

    This is the best they have played by far.

    hopefully we have a big performance in us too. I think the United and Arsenal games will be massive. If the right Villa turns up. Unlucky against both first time around. 

  15. Not that it’s a big shock or anything but the Sky Sports ‘Football’ channel ‘watchalong’ thing they’re doing with ex-pros exposes how thick some players are. Carlton Cole and Sidwell can barely string a sentence together - and when they do their points are worse than old man pub-talk. Always shown up by the actual non ex-pro pundit they include.

  16. 1 minute ago, villalad21 said:

    In a normal season we would be cut off drift by now

    We don’t know that for a fact though do we. We’ve been affected too. In a normal season we might have benefitted from Home advantage in the games since restart. 

    • Like 1
  17. I firmly believe Terry would not be a good appointment.

    He won't carry the same aura he would have done to a new group of players as he'll be tarnished by any perceived failure this season.

    Yes Smith is passionate. He's a fan which shows. I noticed it most recently in the first drinks break vs Newcastle. (Not saying he's an ace manager but I think he has more passion for Villa, and in general, than Terry, yes.

    Terry doesn't have the same level of intelligence that peers of his era who have gone on to do well have. I just don't see obvious attributes that makes me think he could step up at this level, he needs to manage in L1 first. Obviously as fans we have no real idea though and if he proves me wrong, great!

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