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Posts posted by ianrobo1

  1. well that strong so called sets of regs were obviously working for BCCI, that is why the BofE lost it

    two regs I would bring in

    1) No retial bank allowed to do investment banking, if they want to do that it must be totally seperate ad not as now

    2) no mortgage to be give out of more than 90% value and multiple of income limited to 3.5 or 4, now obviously that would limit house price growth, good.

  2. Granting B of E independnece was deemed a good idea at the time ..then years later it is deemed a folly of the highest order ...

    The same BOE independence that Cameron said of

    And also Bank of England independence - in fact we'd enhance it. It is about the only decision Gordon Brown has taken to reduce interference from ministers in the economy, and it's not a coincidence that it's the decision that's worked the best.

    BoE independence is one of the best things (along with the minimum wage) that Labour has done. Stripping them of regulatory powers over other banks is one of the stupidest things Labour has done*.

    *Obviously not including the Iraq debacle.

    they los the power because they **** up so much over BCCI, the question is would be any benefit it they had had it, I doubt it would have made a difference

  3. but we never did rest one,MON did as a lot asked him to and played the best team he could

    I know Ian. I was explaining the reasoning behind Nick's hypothesis. The fact Nick's scenario didn't actually happen proves he's (successfully) winding you up.

    isn;t a wind up post a MOD job eh Bri ??

    I wait for Nick, but I seriously do not think it was a wind up

  4. If fielding weakened teams in earlier games meant we were fitter and better rested for the Chel$ki game then yes it was worth it. The fact we didn't end up getting 3pts is immaterial because the illusion that resting players guarantees you a win in the big game is stupid. The fact is it will have given us a better chance in the bigger game.

    but we never did rest one,MON did as a lot asked him to and played the best team he could

  5. if we are going to win or even draw against Chelsea, we have to be more clinical in front of goal. We will not get more than 2 or 3 chances and we cannot afford glaring misses - against Wigan, Blackburn, Everton and CSKA - we have created hatfuls of chances and scored only 4 goals against, I would guess 20 good chances. An early goal would be nice too, to get them coming forward.

    total agree with all that Rog, I have voted a win and put a tenner on it with Barry first goalscorer at 25-1 ...


  6. because you can only create them in OT

    anyway easy poll this one, hardly a need to discuss it really

    PETROV by a distance

    It's all a matter of opinion, isn't it Ian?

    I think Petrov has been superb.

    But i also think Luke Young has, and Gabby.

    between those three for me, but i'd maybe go with gabby, especially as he has played for much of the season up front on his Jack Jones ....

    true we can discuss it but the small sample indicates quite well how easy POTS for us will be this season ?

  7. well Cameron is o R5 now, of course no real policies but with statements he just uttered like

    'opening up the market for education'

    oh dear nothing learnt eh ?

    Oh. Has gordo rolled back the market reforms it has introduced and is trying to expand in education and health markets? Didn't notice it. Therefore rather difficult to attack 'dave' for something gordo is keeping on, keeping on.

    he wants to go much further tha Labour did (a policy has you know I disagreed with from the start)

  8. what would happen the day firm were allowed to opt out ...

    wages would fall, directors get bigger bonuses and hey ho the captialist system shits on the weak again

    Which is about as a big an over reaction as the one before the minimum wage was introduced which said that the economy couldn't sustain it and would lead to unemployment, has proven to be.

    rally Richard are you saying employeers woul keep the wages at the present levels ?

    because you have far more trust in managers than I ever would

    so do you support then ?

  9. It would be rather unscrupulous of the tories to use the failure of the nulabour economy to also sideswipe at one of the more popular, effective and succesful policies that tony implemented

    Gringo, do not fall for the scaremongering that is being peddled.

    really Richard

    so the bill Christopher Cope introduced to alow opts out and supported by 9 MP is ot reflective of what I believe the majority of Tory memebers believe

    do you support the min wage ?

  10. If electricity & gas come down (10% decrease announced by a couple of companies), then this should help reduce inflation further.

    Which is unlikely to be happening according to the companies themselves.

    I posted an article about a select committee quizzing of Utilities firms last week.

    IIRC, BG have cut gas only by 10% (no move on electricity).

    SSE claim that average electricity reduction will be 9% and gas reduction 4%.

    E.On have cut electricity by 9% and have not cut gas.

    And Scottish Power reduced some tariffs by 10% earlier in the year (but that was by no means comprehensive).

    One chief exec said:

    "I'm concerned that if the wholesale price increases, we might see an increase."

    "I would have expected us to see another round of decreases [in energy bills] later this year or early next year, but objective analysis suggests that this might not happen."

    nice to see competition and the free market working eh ?

    oh well

  11. BRD (GKN) at Aldridge being closed down - My bro (the one recovering from cancer at the moment) just been told he's been made redundant after 30 years there.

    My dad used to do a lot of work for them ...

    Been announced bonuses at RBS and HBOS will be capped, my mate will not be happy will receive shares and not cash

  12. got to go with pasta as well

    dead easy to do, search for any reciepe on line but try this

    Pasta of any kind works but Tagilette probably the best

    plus some quality cooked ham and chicken - easy no cooking !!

    creme fraiche



    Tabasco for a bit space

    stir fry the vegetables with a touch of tabasco and some other seasonings

    boil the pasta

    mix together

    stir in creme fraiche

    easy ...

    10 mins


  13. the target was set in different times tony, times change, situations change an healthy level of inflation is needed but doubt that will happen, if things continue in the summer the large gas prices and others will have been cancelled out and down it plumments

    no one wants deflation

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