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Posts posted by Amo69

  1. I don't think his ability is the problem. Even at 32 he will probably stand out in our midfield. The issue is his fitness and injuries. How much will he actually play?

  2. I have to admit I do find the complete change in transfer policy quite strange. We all know we've needed experience for a while but it's like we've gone from one extreme to the other.

    Its not really.

    The first couple of years the aim was reduce the wage bill and age of the squad, get rid of the high earners and bring in young hungry players on low money who could develop and increase in value. That way the wage bill decreased and the basis of a squad was in place to build upon once the finances were sorted.

    This summer would have seen Lambert backed to build on the cheap young squad with a small number of higher priced better quality players. Only he changed his mind, or never intended to see the second half of the plan through.

    Lambert is then left with a tiny transfer pot and the choice of buying cheap young players again, or saving on transfer fee's and going for more experienced better played players.

    I think he has recognised that more young, inexperienced players would be something we couldn't cope with, so in the absence of being able to buy experienced players he is utilising the Bosman market.

    I really don't see it as being a change in transfer policy from Lambert but rather a complete u-turn by Lerner meaning that Lambert is having to adjust and make the most of a pretty bad hand.

    So Lerner didn't plan on selling the club a couple of seasons ago and the plan really was to sort us out financially before starting again?

  3. incogAVFC :)

    Don't recall him calling the Cole deal or Senderos for that matter.

    Actually, he called the Cole deal.

    Right after somebody else did.

    Or Keane for that matter, he knows jack.

    Nah he's already signed for Newcastle ;)

  4. Imagine we get taken over by a rich guy the day after the window closes...

    That would be fine by me. It's not just about getting players in its about a complete change of plan and atmosphere generating the club.The lift of a new owner would prob be worth enough points to stay up in it self. Plus then there would be the possibility of signings in Jan.

    Although we lack a lot of quality this is a much deeper problem than that in my opinion. Lerner is destroying the club and has to go asap.

  5. I thought Dave Cameron was going to have a word with his rich Saudi buddies to see if he could drum up some interest. Come on Dave pull your finger out!

    In all seriousness though, I am a little concerned about the lack of takeover news, but equally as we saw with the Man City takeover all it takes is some super rich guy to decide he wants to buy us and it can all happen quickly. I mean the Man City takeover happened so late in the window, that it must have been a late decision taken by Sheikh Mansoor. We just need someone of similar ilk, and with similar plans to see the light and that the light is Claret and Blue.

    True but the Man City squad wasn't that bad when they took over. They had already spent quite a bit and finished around mid table.

    Spending 200M on a regular relegation contender seems unlikely.

    I don't think he was overly concerned with the players they had, only the players they were going to buy. I wouldn't be surprised if he got someone to put all prem teams in a hat and he just happened to pick City, what happened to them could have happened to anyone in the league that was even slightly for sale, if he was a couple of years earlier it could have been us

    They did already have the brand new stadium and the name of a city will known in world football.

  6. I thought Dave Cameron was going to have a word with his rich Saudi buddies to see if he could drum up some interest. Come on Dave pull your finger out!

    In all seriousness though, I am a little concerned about the lack of takeover news, but equally as we saw with the Man City takeover all it takes is some super rich guy to decide he wants to buy us and it can all happen quickly. I mean the Man City takeover happened so late in the window, that it must have been a late decision taken by Sheikh Mansoor. We just need someone of similar ilk, and with similar plans to see the light and that the light is Claret and Blue.

    True but the Man City squad wasn't that bad when they took over. They had already spent quite a bit and finished around mid table.

    Spending 200M on a regular relegation contender seems unlikely.

  7. anyone with an online account who's looking to make a profit(not a huge one mind).bet on added on time in the first half.1 minute added is usually around 4/5,5/6.unless there is a significant injury then it's usually 1 minute.i did this last season in all the major tv games and made a nice little profit.i just put £5's on.you won't get rich but it could cover your bets for the tournament.

    Who's that with?

  8. Mind you, it's fairly standard for players to say they are looking forward to working with the manager once they've signed for a club.

    You would, wouldn't you? ;)

    Yes but on this occasion its got some truth to it which is why he has turned down the chance of earning more elsewhere.
    Has he? Like where?
    MLS et al.
    That could be more to do with not having to move abroad again. I'd be very suprised if he turned down another Premier League club to join us.
  9. Mind you, it's fairly standard for players to say they are looking forward to working with the manager once they've signed for a club.

    You would, wouldn't you? ;)

    Yes but on this occasion its got some truth to it which is why he has turned down the chance of earning more elsewhere.

    Has he? Like where?

  10. I don't read anything in to our new signings. Our squad is so small and devoid of talent even if there was a takeover there would be no harm in picking up a bit of experience for free.

    I don't think there will be a takeover anytime soon though. Maybe if we get relegated and Lerner sells at a massive loss it could happen then.

  11. The signing of Senderos and Cole would seem to suggest some patching up of the team in order to get it through next season. That, alone, indicates to me that the club is'nt expecting to be sold that quick.

    Lets just hope, eh?

    I was hopeful a deal was going through behind the scenes, but I think you are probably correct in your assumption as it now looks like it is going that way. You would have thought if a deal was close then no deals would be signed off regardless of whether they are free transfers or not. Unfortunatley there is not a lot else we can do as fans but hope, and support the team when the season gets underway. As mentioned in the HH post from TBAR above, if the atmosphere gets poisonous then I think that will be it for our Premier League status.

    My biggest worry is the massive cloud of uncertainty that will surround the club. To also not have Bentake for part of the season will really hit us. It's his goals them have kept us up te past 2 seasons. I'm just waiting for the bids to come in for Vlaar and Delph for the iceing on the cake.

  12. Last 2 seasons - The FA Cup has saved us - firstly wigan had a fixture pile up - then we were lucky enough to play Hull who had one eye on the cup final - true that the points from this game weren't needed in the final shake up - but it mean't we weren't in the final day lottery when anything could have happened.

    If people are speculating that Lerner is soft on his asking price - then maybe the finincial hit of relegation isn't the crisis for him that we all think. Perhaps he is already resigned to selling villa at a massive loss - and that includes selling us a championship club..

    Why would Lerner just accept selling Villa at a massive loss? There's a big difference between selling a Premier League club and a Championship one.

    The way he has run the club over the past few seasons suggests he doesn't really care that much. I'm pretty sure we will be a Championship club eventually while he is in charge.

  13. If he can chip in with 5 goals, 5 assists and players like Grealish can learn from him I would say its a good move.

    He was one of the most naturally gifted players so passing on anything to the youngsters will be a great experience to them.

    So basically if he can manage better than most of team did last season he will be a good signing.

  14. i fail to see how getting £8m for a player like Vlaar would be anything other than sensational business for us? He's so overrated

    Points dropped when he isn't playing say otherwise

    He's only one of a few at our club who are leadership material

    When he's injured we notice his absence bear in mind he had one of the chuckle brothers along side him for most of last season

    Vlaar is important to us but, only because of how far we've fallen. He looks better than he actually is and if we had our side from say 5 or 6 years ago Vlaar would look useless. However, we are currently witnessing one of the worst Villa squads ever and it's making Vlaar look good.

    I can't see a takeover happening any time soon. I just don't think we're an attractive enough proposition for a potential buyer and I think Lerner needs to take stock of the situation because we will be even less attractive if the inevitable happens and we eventually go down. May not be this season but it will catch up with us if we keep flirting with it.

    To spend the amounts of money Lerner has decided to spend is really taking the piss out of the league. If you get in the ring with the big boys you've got to show them some respect if you're going to stay there. Lerner is showing disrespect to both the club and the League - and the fans also!

    He has been taking the piss for 2 to 3 seasons now but has been lucky we haven't got down. His luck will run out eventually. I just wonder how much he even cares if we did get relegated.

  15. Obviously got a big hooligan problem, but I think they are a proper community club. The den when in full flow is as loud as anywhere in english football. I've got a soft spot for them, give me them over the other so called hard nut clubs like leeds,blues etc.

    The problem is the community that supports them!

  16. I'm surprised he is only 26. Wouldn't actually be the worst signing in the world if he wasn't such an idiot.

    I doubt he'll accept a wage package of 5K/week and 50% off at the club store.

    He will get a free shirt with his name on the back though.

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