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Posts posted by norwegianvillain

  1. I got a saturday job in a convenience store/betting shop when i was 14. The manager needed an extra employee on saturdays, but couldn't afford to hire anyone on tariff wages. Win-win situation both for him and me. Sadly, although this was only 8 years ago, I very rarely see young teenagers working anymore. It was a great experience for me, as it taught me the value of money and work at a time when all my friends had to ask their parents for money. I also got to watch a lot of Villa matches as most of the customers came there only to bet on football, which made it the best job I've ever had!



    No no no no no 


    The Fed is to blame for the credit crash

    The Fed is now essentially an arm of Wall St and has been for years. Loose regulation and pure corruption allowed for this. CEOs of major banks end up as Fed Chairmen and top White House advisors, no conflict of interest there!


    The crash was brought about by predatory mortgage lending and then the piggybacking off the inevitable defaults by traders, all brought to you by lax regulation and minimal oversight and accountability. To a degree I concur with you about the Fed, but the horrifying thing is that The Fed, for all intents and purposes, IS WALL ST. If a sound regulatory apparatus was in effect, codified and honored, they might not have run wild like they did. Or at least now they'd be in prison, not in their mansions in Connecticut.



    I agree with you on your whole post. But none of it would've been possible if it weren't made possible by Washington. It's crony capitalism.



    That's an interesting ranking of free countries, apparently Georgia which has Russian troops stationed on 20% of its territory following the war a few years ago is more free than France. Greece less free than Egypt and Pakistan. Also good to see the UAE and Saudi Arabia are more free than Italy. 


    It's just ranking economic freedom.



    What's the use of economic freedom if you can't walk down the street or its illegal to drive a car?  


    Not very much. Then who's preventing women from driving in Saudi? 

  4. That's an interesting ranking of free countries, apparently Georgia which has Russian troops stationed on 20% of its territory following the war a few years ago is more free than France. Greece less free than Egypt and Pakistan. Also good to see the UAE and Saudi Arabia are more free than Italy. 


    It's just ranking economic freedom.



    the line was 'capitalism ended child labour'



    You got me there. Let me rephrase: Capitalism ended child labour in capitalist nations. Bangladesh doesnt have capitalism. Capitalism is a political-economic system, not a description of corporations operating in countries with low wages.



    This seems like a 'no true Scotsman' argument, or whatever other fallacy. You've defined capitalism as an economic system that ends child labour, and then decided that a country with child labour isn't capitalist. 


    I say, no Villa fan hits another fan with a chair. Next day, there's a riot, and a Villa fan hits another fan with a chair. I say, well, no true Villa fan hits someone with a chair. 


    You say, no capitalist country exploits child labour, indeed capitalism solves it. Someone provides an example of a capitalist country with child labour. You say, well, that country's not really capitalist. 


    In what way is Bangladesh not a capitalist country? It has a market economy. Here are some relevant quotes from Wiki 'Economy of Bangladesh':


    "According to a recent opinion poll, Bangladesh has the second most pro-capitalist population in the developing world . . . Beginning in late 1975, the government gradually gave greater scope to private sector participation in the economy, a pattern that has continued. Many state-owned enterprises have been privatized, like banking, telecommunication, aviation, media, and jute . . . In the mid-1980s, there were encouraging signs of progress. Economic policies aimed at encouraging private enterprise and investment, privatizing public industries, reinstating budgetary discipline, and liberalizing the import regime were accelerated."


    Does it sound like a communist country?



    Bangladesh is, as is every other country on the planet, except north korea, a mixed-economy. It is far from capitalist. According to the Heritage list of countries by economic freedom, Bangladesh is number 131, in the ''mostly unfree'' bracket (http://www.heritage.org/index/ranking).

    One major reason for the recent economic growth in Bangladesh is the introduction of micro finance, started by the Grameen bank. To me micro finance is a brilliant example of capitalism mixed with compassion. The Grameen bank helped millions of bangladeshi (women in particular) and made Muhammad Yunus very rich. 

  6. the line was 'capitalism ended child labour'



    You got me there. Let me rephrase: Capitalism ended child labour in capitalist nations. Bangladesh doesnt have capitalism. Capitalism is a political-economic system, not a description of corporations operating in countries with low wages. 

  7. Can you elaborate on whether you are deliberately trolling?


    At what point did capitalism decide to end child labour? Has anyone told Nike? Or apple, burberry, adidas, Matalan, Next?


    As a concept it's actually genuinely funny.


    The big bad corporations that sent capital to an extremely impoverished China, where there were absolutely no capital, which led to 400 million chinese rising out of poverty?

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