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Posts posted by delboy54

  1. I think Jack's leaving is a good thing in a way for Villa....perhaps he out grew us?

    But we all have to admit that several players seemed to hide behind him during games and we got over reliant on Jack, opposition set themselves up to negate him in a match i.e. "stop Grealish you stop Villa"

    Now he has gone we can build a "team" rather than seemingly dependant on 1 specific player to help us out


    • Like 2
  2. Now the dust is dying down regarding the transfer I can now reflect on it in the cold light of day.

    It was obvious to grealish and it was to some on here, that his head had been turned as long ago as 3 years ago when Spuds were sniffing around, then other vulture clubs a couple of years ago and now his time with England at the Euros has given him a taste of..........of what to be honest...?

    ....Winning lots of stuff, yes, well he will do that with them and most professional footballers treat the job as well just that, a job, and if the chance was to become more successful and richer, then most players probably would take the same route if we are honest.

    But......I think the reason why they bought him was not for what grealish thinks...I think they bought him for being the poster boy in a similar mould to Bechkham for example, the amount of shirts and additional exposure will be huge to that club...they will recoup the transfer fee with ease.

    Man Ci£y are such a boring team but with the addition of grealish making the odd appearance will add to their exposure especially in the far east where yet more massive riches await them based purely on his face (and hair).....and thats why they bought him...marketing purposes, playing football is secondary.....and grealish has not yet woken up to that fact, but he will and regret this for a long long time.




  3. 2 minutes ago, hippo said:

    No it isn't.

    We have two world class players Martinez and Watkins on the books.

    We have spent £60m+ on two decent looking signing. Plus Ashley young.

    We have a whole host of starlets in the youth set up.

    We have dedicated recruitment team , a CEO who knows what he is doing.

    Owners who have money - but also nous.

    ....oh we have £100m incoming for a very gifted but often injured player.

    ...believe me things have been a lot lot worse. I'm excited for the future.



    I agree with much of the above, but what is the point if next Summer the top 6 scum start sniffing around Martinez and Watkins...as they surely will.....we need to be able to hold onto players, but if they are being promised fame and fortune and trophies with a sky scum top 6...this will be just a catch 22 situation...i.e. we will become a feeder club for them

  4. This whole thing has become a circus, there are so many ways of looking at it....my comments...


    My take on it is that I feel a bit angry that if Jack is going, and since he is supposed to love the Villa so much then he can only be leaving for even more money, the chance to play at the highest level and win stuff, most of which he will not get with the Villa any time soon. The issue is that he will leave us with only a few days to go before the season starts and clubs will know we have loads of money and inflate their prices of players accordingly, and that, Mr Jack Grealish, is known as leaving the Villa in the mire or doing a Martin O'Neill.

    The other side of the coin is that we have become over reliant on Jack, maybe its time to cash in and build a team similar to the 1981/82 team.


    I wonder if all of this was started by Southgate...."I cannot pick you to start for England as you play in the Championship"......now becomes "unless you play for the sky scum 6 I cannot pick you to start for England regularly".........

    How can it be ok for a club under investigation for dodgy dealings be allowed to spend upwards of 250 million on Kane and Grealish......is this really a level playing field? 


  5. As it appears that our current policy of keeping negotiations quiet and behind closed doors then it is the right way to do business

    I bet everyone involved at transfers etc at the Villa are laughing at all these rumours - perhaps they spread them deliberately to see how far the rumour goes !.....I would 🙂

    Regards to all


  6. Like many I was shocked when he subbed Jack, but can sort of understand it now.

    But what annoys me in every game that Jack has played in for England this tournament is that the rest of the England players either do not see him, or are not on his "wavelength" or select the more difficult option or the one option that the opposition can predict. It seems there is Jack waving his arms in space and gets totally ignored.

    And as for Kane to get in Jacks way for that cross along the 18 yard line when he was in a better position was unforgivable greed by Kane

    By the way did anyone notice the fact that when Kane dives the commentators called it "clever" (rather than cheating), but when Jack came on comments were "the most fouled player in the premier league - yes but he does fall over a lot".....this double standards is what bloody annoys me with the BBC, ITV and poxy sky

    • Like 3
  7. Back in the Championship under Steve Bruce when we lost 0 - 1 to Ipswich  (I cannot stand Ipswich), awful gamesmanship/anti-football by Ipswich

    Ipswich beating us 1 - 2 back in the 1980/81 season (the night of Sir Ron's famous statement after the game made me feel better!)

    Losing at my first ever time visit at Wembley V Spuds at the 1971 LCF. Villa (from the 3rd div) all over Spuds for 75 mins and got beat by 2 late goals (I was 13 at the time)

    Most recent, Villa beating Liverpoo 1 - 0 with mins left on the clock, liverpoo pulled it back to 1 - 1, the ref played until they score time and allowed Liverpoo to score their second.....my 2 hour journey home to the depths of Suffolk was spent listening to classic FM to calm me down !

    Spuds game first season in the Premier League as well, as mentioned above, - threw it away in the last min

    I am sure there are lots of other games...but I try and blank these out and focus on the great games !

    All the best


    • Like 1
  8. Regarding players agents, this info maybe out of date, but my nephew when he lived in London used to have a friend who was an agent.

    He never told me this agents name but he was responsible for a number of reasonably high profile Championship and lower league players on his books.

    The point I want to make is that apparently not only does the agent get a percentage of any transfer fee, but also a percentage of the players salary for as long as he is on his books...

    So an agent is not really an agent for the player, the agent is really, as we all know, a ****ing leech

    Regards to all

  9. For what its worth, my prediction....

    Scotland will raise their game (its against England after all), they will be winning 1 - 0 with 10 mins to go. Grealish comes on as sub, plays a blinder sets up chance after chance for our forwards who cannot hit a barn door.

    Final result Scotland win and the wally in the waist coat resigns immediately after the game.

    all the best


  10. I totally understand that the time a player has at the top of his game is short. Most players want some success to show for their career. However there is only a limited number of teams ever likely to win stuff.

    Jack is a rare example of not only a wonderful talent, but plays for us.

    So it comes down to in my view, of does he want to go to one of these clubs (we know who they are) and win something? or is he interested in the long term view?

    Now I don't mean staying at the Villa just in the hope that we win something, what I mean is his legacy. Once your short career at the top is over, how would a player like to be remembered in 25 years time? being with another team that won stuff (a personal thing) or maybe not quite as successful and staying with Villa (lets have a bit of pessimism here!) i.e an "Aston Villa FC thing"

    His legacy could be a stand named after him, a statue (other teams have them) - his legacy would therefore live on for decades.

    But we live in times where short term thinking, greed, money and instant gratification is king. I think we may just about keep him for next season...

    Regards to all


  11. Its not just Villa and sha.....


    A few years ago I was in Manchester chatting to a couple of guys on a training course, I asked them was it true that no one in Manchester supports yanited, one of them responded by saying its true, he looked at the other guy and said "he plays golf and hates man yanited so much when he has to buy some more multi coloured plastic golf Tee's, he picks out all the red ones and chucks them in the bin ! 😀

    • Haha 3
  12. So now the dust has settled, the "punishment" will be given out to these 6 clubs is to sit on the "naughty step" and think about how naughty they have been and not to do it again



    Bloody harsh if you ask me....

  13. Hate to put a damper on this, but I think we might struggle next season. Norwich are going to be tougher and more resilient with their recent experience to life in the PL. Watford?, well they are going to be like Burnley - difficult cloggers. The only weakest team next season could be the team coming up through the playoffs....

    This season there were 3 poor teams that deserved to go down

    We need to be much better at closing games down, defending leads, less naive, more game aware and "savvy" and being more like the cheating scum6 when looking for penalties

    I hope to be proved wrong but thats thing with the Villa always expect the unexpected...we might finally win the FA cup 🙂

    FA cup win or top 4?...........FA cup win every time for me


    Regards to all


    • Like 1
  14. 7 hours ago, StewieGriffin said:

    I fear we're stuck with this shit

    Yeah that concerns me a lot.......there does seem to be something odd going on regarding bias towards the sky scum 6 (apart from the FA cup Var against Chelski!) and this is amplified by VAR.

    As much as I love the Villa and have followed them since my first game at VP in 1968 V Brissol City (lost 2 - 4 btw!), to be honest I am not sure I can continue to invest emotion, time and money to something which appears at best biased and inconsistent and at worst corrupt....

    Please try and convince me 😐

    Regards to all


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