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Posts posted by rodders0223

  1. The bigger teams get talked about more because they're bigger than us and get more clicks. It ain't rocket science.

    There's no need to bitch about it every week which is what this thread now is.

    • Like 2
  2. 'I no longer want this band to work, I need it to work'


    Heard this advert for the town on Spotify approaching 100 times now. I wouldn't mind, I've watched the show. There's got to be a better way, just send me new adverts please if I ain't paying!

  3. 10 hours ago, AndyClarke said:

    Still pisses me off, never a goal, awful officiating. Enckleman much maligned despite the fact that he kept us up with some of his saves.

    Not really. Without VAR it would be next to impossible to gauge if he touched or not and for me there is still an element of doubt it did actually touch his studs.

    Anyway he should have controlled it anyway and he bottled out of an 80-20 in the home leg.

    He was terrible 

  4. 13 hours ago, LondonLax said:

    I think they will be better next season than this.

    They look very much like a work in progress with young immature players who will like get better each season as they get more experience. 

    That's what we thought under Lambert.

    They're a billion miles off it.

  5. Could clearing in the woods in a goal but he couldn't run, couldn't dribble , couldn't pass, couldn't cross, and was weak as anything. I'm sorry, just a dreadful, dreadful footballer.

    95% of watching this guy was him trying to run his man and dispossessed.  I remember one game, clear as day against Southampton when he had about 5-10 yards on JWP when in about 3 strides he was caught up and absolutely bodied by JWP clearly and dispossessed.


    I mean, without Trez we were down. He's earned this club more money and possibly change it's direction more than anyone in it's entire history.

    ..but man he was bad at football.

    • Like 1
  6. Did my first run 6 months after tearing my ankle ligaments. My ankle is still sore but I'm not sure if that's actual pain or the ligaments being weak or under stretched or shorter???


  7. "You ate a whole bag of doritos and didn't leave me any?"

    "You ate two packets of hob nobs and I didn't eat one."

    "Yeah but I offered.'

    "You weren't here."


    FYI there are two more bags of doritos in the cupboard. Apparently I'm in the wrong for eating a bag of crisps to myself regardless of quantity remaining and other snacks consumed elsewhere.



    • Haha 3
  8. 22 minutes ago, TomC said:

    Is he crazy or calculated? I think that he's a little of both.

    Most of the best goalkeepers (whether in football or ice hockey) have that edge to them...



    The guys eyes are glazed over and you can tell he's not too far from being out of control. I mean, it works for him!

    • Like 1
  9. 21 minutes ago, The_Steve said:

    Joke of a decision either way. That ref isn’t fit to oversee at this level.

    There was a moment towards the end of 120 minuted when Emi must gave held the ball for about 15 - 20 seconds so you should be grateful the referees ain't got the bollocks to dish out second yellows for flagrant time wasting.

    In no way can anyone think Emi hasn't had this coming for his antics for the past 4 or 5 years lol.

    The man gets away with murder.

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