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Posts posted by Wurzel

  1. 2 minutes ago, supermon said:

    Just catching up, what's happened to Ramsey? Anything serious 

    He walked off and didn't look serious, but with the luck he has had this season he will probably spend the next 2 months in a splint.

  2. Saw this on X and I have to balance what someone says on social media against two successful businessmen that have a firm grip on running Aston Villa FC.  I have no reason to doubt the owners, and I am as certain as I can be that we are fine with FFP. That does not mean that in the summer if Emery wants to buy we may have to sell one or two of the crown jewels to fund it, and I'm fine with that. 

  3. Well that was just not good enough. Uni got it wrong in midweek and again today. The players just didn't believe enough, and that is why Man Utd win these games because they do believe. Cash was full of effort cannot fault him on that, but his decisions and composure are well off. Positive for me is Ramsey, looked much better, and having him driving on for the end of the season could be very important. Still in 5th, and if we can find some form there is no reason we cannot finish 5th or higher. It's not over yet, and there are some twists and turns to come yet.

  4. How many times have we seen this, outplaying Utd but loosing? In fairness we have done OK, and with a bit of a fair wind we should be level. My major worry is Cash, nothing wrong with his effort, he has been busting a gut all over the place, just his application and decision making need to improve.

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