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Posts posted by KevMur

  1. I read some where once that the verb 'to decimate' came from the Roman army's practice of rounding up all the deserters and killing one in ten as a message to the rest.

    'Deci' comes from Roman for ten and all that.

    How come the current usage of the word seems to signify way more damage? The news just said that Pakistani farms are decimated after the floods.

    I wonder when the meaning of the word changed.

  2. The term "honeymoon" is derived from the Babylonians who declared mead, a honey-flavored wine, the official wedding drink, they also stated that the bride's parents were required to keep the groom supplied with the drink for the month following the wedding.

    How times have changed!

    Meade was thought to have magical powers of virility & fertility. You had to drink it until the next full moon if you wanted to have kids, that's where 'honeymoon' came from.

  3. I got a visit from an electricity supplier the other week asking if I was interested in switching over. I said in my most apathetic way possible that I really wasn't (it was the evening and I can be very disinterested when I (don't) want to be).

    He took an MPRN number from me (some unique electrickery number) and I proceeded to sign something which he said showed he had visited.

    I have now received a letter from this company welcoming me to their service. And a letter from my old provider with a final invoice.

    The con artist at the door only went and pulled the wool over my eyes :lol:

    So tomorrow, I will not only be telling them to transfer the electricity back to where it was coming from before, but that I will now also be swapping my gas away from them too. Something that, until today, I had no reason to bother doing.

    So that salesman has lost his company a customer. I hope his fraud gets him fired.

    A mate of mine worked in the credit control department of a company that did something similar with telephone lines.

    He packed in the job eventually. He would be ringing customers looking to talk about unpaid bills, they would tear him a new one quoting all these promises that the salesman made.

    The salesmen would basically promise the prospective customer a load of shit that wasn't possible, just to get them to sign on the dotted line.

    After that it was up to my mate to pick up the pieces.

    He said it was a horrible existence, so he packed it in.

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