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Posts posted by KevMur

  1. Watched the remake of 'The Taking of Phelam 123' on Sky Movies last night.

    Must admit, it was an awful lot better than I was expecting it to be.

    I liked the original so was wary of the remake.

    Remake isn't a classic or anything but I liked it.

  2. Stay out of twitter for the foreseeable

    From 'The Irish Times'

    Twitter hacked via security flaw


    Hackers exploiting a security flaw in micro-blogging website Twitter have rendered the site useless by plaguing users with viral messages and third-party websites including websites selling hard-core pornography.

    Users of the social media site are reporting messages popping-up and third-party websites opening in their browsers after just moving the mouse over a link.

    Messages are also spreading virally exploiting the vulnerability of the site without the consent of users.

    Victims of the flaw so far reportedly include Sarah Brown, wife of the former British prime minister Gordon Brown.

  3. Watched the Banksy film Exit Through the Gift Shop. Not sure if I'd recommend it. Couldn't help but feel cheated afterwards but maybe that's the point.

    I was wondering how much of it was true to be honest, as if it's another experiment in modern art.

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