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Posts posted by HongKongVillan

  1. I'd give Benteke 15 minutes to get a shot on target otherwise I'd take him off for Bent.

    Albrighton should go for N'Zogbia, if only to stop those awful floaty corners.

    glad its not just me that has been shouting at the tv every time he floats one in...

    floaty corners are shit and always have been, such a schoolboy mistake

    get them the **** WHIPPED in!

    With all these crappy corners I wOnder if it actually works in training?

  2. The best i bought was from esprit, roughly 150quid altogether and i only really uses it for better occasion, wedding, interviews, proper meeting. But M&S is cheaper and easier to fit.

  3. Personally would go for Murray if and onli if he wins this one due to the fact he is the only male in the uk who is carrying and sort of hope in the world of tennis. But who knows, djoko looking good at set number 3

  4. Fantastic team performance today with a little less of bad luck we could have got all 3pts. All improved and played with confidence which has been lacking for sometime now, and just hope they will continue to push on despit not getting max pts. Special mention to Vlaar which I was sceptical about before we signed him, did not put a foot wrong and was great when call upon, Guzan has to continue as out number 1 now and its great to see a keeper who can come out for crosses. and Ireland, with a lil more confidence he will be something for us.

    and pls get someone else to take corners instead of Bannon

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