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Posts posted by John

  1. looking at the statement that AVIL made on Dec 30th that is when the clock would start to tick

    Would Ray Ranson's 6 month period that he is excluded from making another bid for the club be over within that 60 day period? And if so, could Neville approach him about part funding the present bid?

  2. He seems to be able to refuse every possible offer. Probably even the reapers offer.

    Pelle, expect him to say shortly that the Grim Reaper turned up at his home late one night and pleaded with me to go with him, but in the end he realised the club could not do without me (I showed him the letters I had from fans who support me) you know the Reaper is like a son to me, I taught him everything he knows. :winkold:

  3. As I've thought since this saga began, Ellis will only be departing in his box.

    You can't take it with you, so where would be the hurry in selling from his point of view? I was just hoping that he would not drag this one out, let's hope Mr Neville is shortly in a position to make him an offer he can't refuse.

  4. So it seems the Comers are out of the consortium led by Mr Neville

    If that proves to be the case what would that do to the potential money made available for players after a takeover? The talk of a regular £20m was linked to the Comers building group profits, so would Neville be looking for this sort of regular extra investment as well as the balance of the money needed to make the chairman walk? If so, he would have a tough job on his hands.

  5. As this news has come from a reliable source in Martin Swain it does seem there may be something up with the Comer part of the consortium but that is only part of the whole and it follows closely on from news that the bid remained in "good shape".

    Is this just another leak from the club to suggest that the bid is under threat despite the earlier claim?

    It seems to me that someone or a group of people do not want a bid to go through for whatever reasons they may have. Every time we hear something positive there is a negative to follow (for example - there has been no actual bid yet, we have yet to see the money and now part of the consortium are pulling out). I will believe the deal is dead when Neville tells us so, until then I will cling to the hope that it is not because the prospect of the club continuing under the penny pinching rule of an unwell 82 year old is one that I would prefer to not consider yet.

  6. In the "Sunday Mercury" today, "one source close to the takeover" confirmed to Graham Hill that the deal, "was in good shape". He added that despite reports suggesting that the scheme was close to collapse, growing fears for the future of the bid and the chairman's concerns that financial assurances had not been met, it is understood that the consortium have not pulled out of the proposed takeover despite the amount of time it is taking to make real progress.

    It's good news that they are still willing to try to do a deal with a man who is so difficult to deal with, "despite the amount of time it is taking to make real progress" and does that suggest to anyone that they are the ones who are delaying things rather than you know who?

  7. He does not want to sell to Neville/Comers. He wants to sell to a 'football person'.

    But, Denis are there any "football persons" who would have the money to pay him what he wants for his shares and that would also want to buy our club? Ray Ranson was a football person, but it seems the money now on offer and the status he will enjoy at the club after any deal has more impact on whether a deal happens than whether the person with the money has ever kicked a football.

  8. it seems to me and others that maybe ellis is holding out for someone else who might either a) get him a better deal in money or B) somehow keep him in power.

    Ian, if (B) was the case why did he not try to attract the Russian who has joined Portsmouth to pump some money into the club and allowed their chairman to stay. If it was (a) why would he have gone so far as he has if the money was not what he had wanted? Of course, it may be that the Russian was unwilling to work with our chairman (might he have been part of the Russian consortium that were looking at us?) and that our chairman is trying to string this out until the transfer window closes.

    I think he probably wants both A & B and even then he would be reluctant. Has he reached the point where his mind is not capable of making a final decision or was that point reached some years ago?

    The deal is still in place, he just has to say yes and sign the agreement that he could have signed weeks ago. :bang:

  9. Thanks Jimzk5 & Ian.

    "The thing is, money does not guarantee success. It never has done. Look at what Wigan have done on very little

    If only we were Wigan! :roll:

    "In 1968 I came in and the club was virtually bankrupt. I supported Villa with £100,000 right away

    And took it back shortly afterwards and we have paid you millions since. And in 1982 you came to a club that had just won the European Cup.

    "I'm not just a chairman - I did play the game, you know

    Show us your medals then!

    I hadn't realised Franz had remarried

    Or that the Kaiser would say anything to get rid of you. :winkold:

    "I'm very human. I have taken all the criticism by some of the fans seriously. In fact, very often I have had sleepless nights over it.

    And we have been hurt by what you have done to our football club, it is however nice to know we have had some impact.

    I can think of millions of reasons why you should have a Happy Birthday on Tuesday, give us one and take the cash!

  10. To continue the earlier Simpsons line:

    In the episode "Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk"

    Homer learns he owns stock in the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant and sells his 1,000 shares for 25 cents apiece, netting $25. Seconds after the sale, the value of the stock skyrockets to $52 per share, and while Homer misses out on the windfall – he could have made $5,200, after all – all the other employees clean up.

    The reason for the stock's inflated value is because a depressed Mr. Burns wants to sell the plant to pursue other interests. The sale is completed at a value of $100 million to two German businessmen, Horst and Fritz. They immediately begin a thorough evaluation of the plant and its employees. When they interview Homer, he is unable to intelligently answer their questions and begins slipping into a dream about cavorting through "The Land of Chocolate." It isn't long before Homer is fired.

    A depressed Homer mopes around the house, insisting he is a competent safety-minded worker. Meanwhile, Burns is not having a good time in retirement and decides to go to Moe's Tavern to have a drink. There, Homer and the other bar patrons laugh scornfully at Burns. Burns realizes his job as owner of a nuclear plant gives him power and is resolved to buy back the plant.

    The German investors are more than willing to sell the plant back to Burns (for only $50 million), particularly since it will cost about as much as it did to buy the plant to correct all the safety violations. Homer is re-hired, and Burns plots his revenge at some unspecified point in the future.

    For Homer use Abdul Rashid or Mark Ansell? For Mr Burns replace with our very own chairman. For the plant replace Villa Park. For the Germans try the Irish. $100m is quite close to the chairman's original sale price. Solution don't ever allow our CEO & Abdul/Mark to get together over a pint of Duff at the local after the deal has been done! :winkold:

    Out with the old & in with the new - the hour draws closer with each day!

  11. it indicates we're a long way off an agreement

    It takes us a step back & another one forward Dukes because the "major shareholders" don't want to be seen to be being rushed by the new boys who have now set up something that will have the affect of doing just that.

  12. Avil also wishes to make it clear that it is committed to concluding a

    transaction on terms acceptable to the major shareholders of Aston Villa and to

    enable the club to prosper in the future.

    For the avoidance of doubt there can be no certainty that an offer will be made

    nor as to the terms on which an offer might be made nor as to the timing of any


    This seems further good news in that the consortium are still clearly in the race and are still placing pressure (albeit more tentatively) on "the major shareholders" to go through with the deal.

    Is the last bit something that they felt they needed to add as the feathers of those "major shareholders" had been ruffled by Neville's previous statement as it had raised expectations and placed what they considered to be undue pressure on them for an early decision? Better to wait a couple of days than see the whole thing blown out of the water by these "major shareholders" getting a touch upset. :roll: But, it really needs doing before the January window passes us by and I think the only ones who do not realise this or don't care enough to sort it out before then are these or should it read the "major shareholder"? :bang:

    Out with the old and in with the new a.s.a.p.

  13. But if they cannot even provide simple details as to how it will all be funded to the seller (Doug) then it does not fill me with confidence.

    I think he is well aware that they have the money and that he should not expect to see it until the deal is done and dusted. But, he follows the X-Files and "trusts no one" until he sees the colour of their money. I think he may be using this as a reason to delay doing the deal when there is none. :cry:

  14. but they were definately trying to pressure him last week with Nevilles statement

    Yes and with good reason. He has let this drag on and on and has kept moving the goalposts. This bid is serious and I think the consortium wanted the fans to know that they were still there and wanting to do something before the window. Only one man can stand in the way of this going through and by saying nothing it would have made it easier for him to do so as he has done with other past bids.

    Out with the old and in with the new on 31/12!

  15. Chief wrote:

    What questions did you ask him? what vibes did he give?

    I have not talked to him one to one myself Chief, but he has said publicly: "The deal won't be completed before Christmas but there is a possibility it could be completed by the New Year." They have met him and discussed a whole range of things. I am still very upbeat about completion of the transaction. It has taken longer than we thought because of the complexities of due diligence. But Mr Ellis has been most charming and most accommodating and things are progressing well. Everything is very cordial and on track. I have got no view of anything which would hinder this deal." :cheers:

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