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Posts posted by sutherland

  1. He is either amazing or useless never in between

    He is very inconsistent that's what he needs to work on

    Agree with this... Reminds me of john carew, Either unplayable or its like havin 10 men.

    Saying that, I bet lerner is rubing his hands at the thought of making a couple of quid from the sale...

  2. Lerner doesn't know his arse from his elbow when it comes to football or running a football club, simply look at his tenure at the Browns, and as the article says, we've gone full circle now since he bought the club from Doug, the only difference is we weren't in debt when Doug sold us.

    Back when O'Leary and Eliis were running the place I'd promised I wouldn't put another penny into the club until they had gone, sadly I find myself in the same position now as I was back then.

    I've seen and heard enough, you won't be seeing me down VP for quite some time as I don't believe Lerner will sell up any time soon. I also have no faith in Lambert for reasons I've already stated in his own thread, for me it's all over.

    I'll still wear my Villa shirts and watch the games down the pub, or on tv and tinternet as I'm Villa through and through, but pay my hard earned cash to watch this bunch of **** ups take the club down, not a chance, it's soul destroying and I no longer have the fight in me to keep on going.

    In the 30 years I've been a Holte ender, bar when McNeill took us down, these past three seasons have been the worst I can remember, everything is wrong about our club and we deserve to go down as a result of it.

    Call me a crap fan, slag me off for not 'getting behind the lads' etc, but blind faith isn't what's needed here, a new owner, board and a manager with a realistic plan is.

    Lerner and Lambert out.

    Take a bow son!.. 100% Spot on mate.
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