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Posts posted by jjaacckk91

  1. Odd decisions today, we looked reasonably secure at the back first half, with their full backs causing the biggest problems.

    Second half we played a much higher line, gave them much more space in behind to attack and were very vulnerable.

    This was obviously a plan, but I don't know why you'd want the give them the space to attack into.

    Nice to see grealish get his debut though, but more time against Tottenham please. 5 minutes but should have been more the game was over after they scored the first.

  2. Anyone got any anger relief methods, I am shaking and literally losing my sheet right now.

    I got asked to change my shifts to sort out some stuff for work for next Monday after I'd been trying to get documents reviewed for months but kept getting held off by management.

    I left files for review on their desk 2 **** weeks ago and despite that got this call over the weekend. So I swap my shifts to help out had a meeting yesterday and then finished the final copies today with all the information they wanted printed and binded.

    Go to them for a signature, the docs get looked over and they say they want a completely(and I mean word instead of excel) different style for 3 of the documents.

    When told that I'd sent the docs 2 weeks ago and they could have sent that over email he says that he personally hadn't read them.

    **** off **** right off. I don't even work in your department I was doing you a **** favour you bellend.


  3. Stick It To The Man is bloody awful.

    I've not really got into any of the arcadey games that have been free so far.

    Really suffering early adopter syndrome as well, keep going to look at games in the shops and just walking away with nothing because I have the ps4 games that are out that I want and I keep saying I'm not getting ps3 to save for the ps4 games I will want.

    Still keep going to the shop to look though , like magically there will be loads of ps4 games released =[

  4. Anyone know a good keyboard,

    the stock one on the m8 changes the spacebar size on different pages(most annoying in the browser when I'm pressing '.com' every other word) and it's starting to grate on my patience.

  5. http://m.bbc.com/sport/football/27062091 '> http://m.bbc.com/sport/football/27062091

    Cardiff's 3-0 defeat by Crystal Palace in early April should not be allowed to stand, the Welsh club have said in a five-page letter seen by the BBC.

    The document, sent by club lawyers to the Premier League, alleges Palace boss Tony Pulis knew sporting director Iain Moody was trying to obtain Cardiff's starting line-up before the game.

    Cardiff claim they have proof Moody succeeded and say this breaches league rules. Pulis declined to comment when contacted by the BBC, although Palace have previously denied the claims.

    Premier League strugglers Cardiff go on to state that clubs should act in good faith to one another and call into serious question the integrity of the match.

    They say Crystal Palace cheated and want the Premier League to take serious action.

    Palace won 3-2 at Everton on Wednesday to climb to 11th in the table, on 40 points, a figure Pulis says is enough to ensure their Premier League survival.

    With the picture that surfaced after we played them and these 2 being suspended


  6. Bought and cooked breakfast for 5 people not on our shift just because we had a bit extra.

    One of them starts being an entitled arsehole saying everything what they want when they weren't even asked, then proceeds to take my plate of food(which had more seeing as we paid for and cooked it and were just going to dish extras to other people) AND NOT EAT IT ALL.

    Then none of the people we cooked for have even washed their own plate. Leaving it all for us.

    Probably shouldn't piss me off because it's a like a favour, but it's just ungrateful imo

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