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Posts posted by FamousHolteUnion

  1. Its always looked like West Ham, proven ITK's and the media haven't even mentioned us. Only vague, unproven, Villa ITK's have linked him with us. If its true he's a West Ham then that could clinch it. But I feel he could have gone to a better club than West Ham, whether thats Villa or not so im not bitter about it. He has potential to be one of Englands best Right Backs, could have gone somewhere better than WHUFC if true.

    Naughton should be option number two, or if we're thinking of battling Newcastle for De Jong, I wouldnt be against battling them for Debuchy! lol

  2. I'd like to see El Ahmadi and Gardner behind Ireland. Two grafters with differing styles (a defensive workhorse and an attacking midfield engine) doing all the work behind and around him would allow Ireland to stay behind Bent and be a lynchpin for counter-attacks and build-up play and hopefully give him the time to pick some killer passes.

    That said it wouldnt surprise me to see Ireland leave for the fact he isnt a workhorse like Lamberts usual signings

  3. My Grandad says 'When I go to the Villa Park I have to go to The Holte End because it feels like home and I get quite emotional'. He's said something along those lines a couple of times over the years. And he's the reason I support Villa really, took me to my first game and was constantly reading the Sports Argus whenever I saw him.

    My family on both sides supported Villa. My first game was a 3-2 vs Wimbledon but I cant remember it. I remember a 0-0 vs Middlesborough but my earliest memory and when I first really enjoyed watching football was a bit later on, I don't know why it is because I can't remember much of the game. We were playing Utd and Merson was having a pretty good game from what I remember, we had a corner and he was winding up the Utd fans behind him and pretended to take the corner from halfway between the cornerflag and the goal. The Utd fans went mad, he laughed and wound them up some more, there was some chants from the Villa end and I thought the atmosphere was ace.

    I'd always been a Villa fan but I think thats when I started really enjoying it, no idea why, it just stands out to me.

  4. We needed another player in midfield last season + a replacement for Petrov. So if we only get two in I wouldnt worry *too much* about Baz. I do think we'll sell one of Bannan, Delph and Makoun though. I think we should keep all 3 but understand that having 3 players yet to prove themselves in the Prem +Gardner, Herd, maybe Clark is a risk and those initial 3 would be more likely to leave.

  5. Personally I would be intrigued to see a midfield three of Makoun, El Ahmadi and Ireland.

    I wouldnt to begin with until Ahmadi and J2M were settled in the prem. Then, yes I would love to see it.

  6. Nothing to lose in this signing.

    On Cabaye, Benjamin Corgnet would be a similar(ish) player to him and a player I'd love us to sign, both players who make killer passes and chip in with some goals. He was playing football as a hobby a couple of years ago but he's flown through the French leagues since being picked up. Him Ahmadi and Ireland could be a very good midfield.

  7. --------------Given--------------





    That, or:






  8. Milner and Young keep being played because they offer much more protection to the fullbacks than any of the other wide men. Playing Downing, Walcott or Chamberlain constantly could mean not having them fully switched on for defence whereas both JM and AY will track back and work hard. They aren't particularly there to be great creators, it obviously helps hence why Jimmy has come off after 70mins last two games to try and get something different in the last 20 minutes.

    Think exactly the same will happen vs Italy, grind out a result for 70 minutes or so with Milner and Young then bring off Jimmy for Walcott/Chamberlain to try and grab a winner.

  9. McLeish signed Enda Stevens to be Warnocks 'eventual replacement' surely? Not seen Haidara play but I kind of hope its BS just because that those circumstances [the board scouting players] are hopefully bullshit lol (im sure they are).

    That said its nice to be linked with a young foreign player for once, anybody seen him play?

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