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Posts posted by WakefieldVillan

  1.                          Emi

    Kesler    Konsa  Mings   Targett


    Traore    Luiz    Sanson     El Ghazi


    I'm not sure how ready Kesler is but I think we have nothing to lose to give him a go, Elmo has been poor 2 out of 3 matches and I would like to see a change in there (though I doubt we will).

    I actually don't think we were that bad on Wednesday night but I appear to be in the minority - I mean don't get me wrong, we weren't good but I think we were very unfortunate not to get at least a point. If anything, we got gradually worse after the sending off - The lack of creativity (without Jack) was just plain for everyone to see. 

    This has the same feeling (as many of our games) that first goal wins it, in what will be a low-scoring, tight affair. I think they might nick it to be honest. But even if they do, we've still made remarkable strides and this team and management should be backed to the hilt!

    Cash and Grealish have been massive losses to us and without them we just do not have the same threat so I'd probably have been satisfied with a point in this one, but a point is neither here nor there at this stage of our season so let's go out all guns blazing.



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  2. So many overreactions on here. 

    I dont think we've been that bad. No way we should be losing. The goal they scored was very fortunate but poor by Elmo who is confirming he's not up to the required standard after this season (even as back up).

    We've gone close 3 times, probably should have had a pen (or dangerous free-kick) and we've pressed pretty well but don't get me wrong pretty loose with the ball at times.

    Not great, but this was never gonna be 0-4 or 0-5 and I really don't understand some of our fans thinking that?! 

    Still hoping we can turn this around UTV

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  3. Earn the right to play, don't underestimate them and eventually we should have more class and take the 3 points back home.

    Same side as Saturday except for Sanson coming in for Ramsey.

    Need a LOT more from Traore - He was the biggest disappointment for me against Leeds.

    Have Barkley, Luiz chomping at the bit on the sidelines.




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  4. I was nervous as hell when I knew he would be starting against Leeds, mainly because his performance against Leicester the week before was pretty poor to say the least and he would be facing a huge test against the likes of Raphinha and Harrison.

    But he didn't put a foot wrong and probably showed it was more rustiness the week prior than anything else.

    He has been a solid signing overall and I do like him, but I think (well, hope) that, a bit like when we let the likes of Jedinak, Whelan and Adomah go, that as a club, we are moving on to another level and looking at having stronger competition for Cash.

    That said, it wouldn't be the end of the world if he's here for another year. I'd prefer to see Taylor leave who's actually a bit younger but offers less.

  5. 4 minutes ago, TRO said:

    I don't subscribe to the slagging off of Leeds.....They are a good side.

    We beat them, with a real savvy performance.......lets just move on.

    We are Aston Villa, lets remain gracious.

    Fair play with this post and much respect 👏  

    Buuuuuuut, they do make it hard to not have a few digs at them.

    All I have seen from their 'fans' tonight is that it was a sh** game, we were lucky, Targett should have seen red (ignoring Klich should have seen red before) blah blah... 

    The rest are nowhere to be seen after a defeat. Honestly every time it happens. Silence.

    F*** em!

    Ps superb battling performance by the lads tonight, well done Smith for getting the energy back in the midfield which let's face it we ALL knew was key. 


  6. 4 hours ago, WakefieldVillan said:

    F*** it - Let's press high, loads of energy and beat the dirty words removed 12-7.




              Konsa     Luiz     Mings

    Sanson  Nakamba   McGinn   Targett


                 Traore             Watkins


    3 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:

    There are some real messes of formations being suggested here.

    As much as we need energy, I don't think that Luiz, McGinn, Nakamba, Ramsey or Barkley can play as a wider midfielder - Sanson might be able to play on the right at a push, but playing five of those would just end up with a mess in the middle of the park, fullbacks under pressure and a big clump of nothing on the edge of our box.

    I think just one change - either Ramsey or Sanson in for Barkley - playing slightly deeper and allowing the whole midfield a bit more freedom as they can cover for each other would be transformative.



    I guess that's aimed at me 😛 to be honest I didn't expect A) anyone to agree with it or B ) it having any sort of possibility of happening.

    My real worry is Elmo at RB - He was shocking yesterday and I fear the same next week up against Harrison. I suppose we have to hope that it was down to limited game time and after the 90 minutes under his belt, we may see an improved performance. I also think it would be a tough debut for Kesler. The loss of Cash is a big blow no doubt.

    I would love us to try a different formation and personnel - If it doesn't work then so be it - We aren't going down so not the end of the world - but I feel it will be pretty much the same team and we will look turgid (obviously hope i'm wrong!)



  7. F*** it - Let's press high, loads of energy and beat the dirty words removed 12-7.




              Konsa     Luiz     Mings

    Sanson  Nakamba   McGinn   Targett


                 Traore             Watkins

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  8. On paper most fans would probably agree that the midfield 3 of Luiz, McGinn and Barkley to be the strongest we could field, but all 3 are out of form right now and could all easily be replaced by Nakamba, Sanson and Ramsey - who have all done 'ok' in recent cameos. 

    We just seem lethargic since Covid hit us, especially in the middle of the park. 

    It would take huge balls to replace the entire 'engine' room for the Leeds match but if we play with the same side that started today then the game will be over in half hour like it was today. 

  9. Undeserved point really. Firstly fair play to Brighton, they aren't a bad side at all, play good football and defensively solid - their past few results show that they are no mugs. 

    We were poor though. On the ball and off it. Martinez won us that point. Mings and Taggart did ok and Cash prior to his substitution. Everyone else a bit meh though I won't attribute blame to Watkins who was starved of service. 

    I said prior to the game I was really looking forward to this and would accept any starting line up but as the game progressed I was crying out for a change. I just don't get Barkley playing almost as a second striker. It's leaving us too exposed and let's face it he's playing purely on name alone. 

    Disappointing night glad we stole a point. Let's move on.

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  10. I wouldn't swap Watkins for Bamford but I think both are good strikers who are having good seasons for their respective clubs.

    There are a lot of our fans that think Bamford is sh*t but I do feel that's skewed because of his theatrics against us the other season and the fact that he comes across as a bit of a kn0b.

    Judging him purely on his football ability, I quite rate him, I think he leads the line well for Leeds, defends from the front, links play, has a nice touch and has moments of real class finishing (see the game at VP) BUTTTTTT, he does miss some very easy chances and is really inconsistent with his finishing, sometimes from the sublime to the ridiculous. Last night's game was evident of what you get with PB, intercepted a loose pass, very cleverly knocked it past Cahill and left him for dead (will not mention Gary treading in water), clean through on goal and blazes his shot high into the South Stand. Such a poor finish but I begrudgingly don't think he's a bad player. England class?! Not for me. 

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  11. 2 hours ago, MotoMkali said:

    I don't understand why we didn't put Luiz on even for the least minute or so. It would have wasted some time and helped us keep possession more plus he is better defensively than mcginn and Ramsey. 

    The Ramsey substitution worked out absolutely fine. In fact it was almost perfect as we were very close on two occasions to a second 'killer' goal when he was brought on. It enabled us to press higher up the pitch and gave us fresh energy when we needed it most. 

    The gaffer got it spot on today with his substitutions, timing of them and starting Marvellous! 


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  12. Mings MOTM - the rest of the defence resilient to a man.

    Watkins another standout performer, tireless running and ultimately the match winner.

    This win surpasses the win at The Emirates. This was a much better, more confident Arsenal team and with us coming off a terrible result and performance on Wednesday night makes the victory even more pleasing.

    Special mention to Nakamba - thought he did pretty well in the engine room and I think that's 3 home clean sheets we've had when he's played which may tell us something. 

    I think we need to really start trusting the likes of Marvellous, Ramsey, Trez etc - they ALL bring things to the table. 

    A good sub by Smith bringing Ramsey on, we instantly pressed better as a team and were unlucky not to kill the game on a couple of occasions. 

    35 points already. Outstanding 👏


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  13. On paper, looks a decent side, all about where our fitness and energy levels are at - hopefully Nakamba can improve us in that department from Wednesday night. 

    Need a big one from Barkley today and I think we might just get it. UTV 


  14. 36 minutes ago, darrenm said:

    I don't think I'd change it from last night's starting 11 apart from Traore in for El Ghazi.

    All about opinions but we were so far off it last night, have performed poorly in the last 225 minutes of football and given this will be our 6th game in 18 days I think it would be crazy not to make more than one personnel change. 

    You need someone to play behind Watkins. You need the person for the 2nd ball there. I'd put Grealish there but against Arsenal he'll be much more dangerous on either wing and he terrifies Saka, to the point he'll keep him pinned back, nullifying one of their attacking threats.

    I agree I'd have Grealish left but obviously an option as always.

    Ramsey simply isn't at the level where he can play as our number 8. A few more matches with some goals or great work and maybe. But I'm not seeing anything yet.

    I think he has shown that he can do a job for us. And would offer us some much, MUCH needed energy to our game that was missing last night. Him and Sanson could share the responsibility.

    Another point to consider is that their keeper will still be OK but inexperienced. We need to be peppering him with shots. Who's got a good shot? Barkley. And Grealish. And Traore.

    And Sanson and Watkins.

    Douglas and McGinn both looked leggy last night but I'm not sure Nakamba is mobile enough to compete in there. Sanson looked great so he could very definitely come in for one of them, maybe McGinn.

    I would say Nakamba's mobility, work rate, determination are precisely why he can compete in there.

    I think there is plenty of opportunity after this game to play our "strongest" line up with the midweek games coming to a halt and it would be a great opportunity to the other players to stake a claim for a shirt. It's why we have a squad. 

  15. I think we need to freshen the central midfield area, and though (on paper) it may appear a weakened side, I think we need to trust the players coming in and hope their increased energy levels have a positive impact.


    Cash       Konsa      Mings      Targett 


    Trez        Sanson  Ramsey     Grealish 


    Up our work rate, be tougher to breakdown and look to a stronger bench with 30 to go if required, with the like of Traore, Barkley McGinn, Luiz.

    Would be a bold move to replace all 3 and not one I'd expect Smith to make, but in some ways it might be easier "resting/dropping" a few as opposed to just one. 


  16. 5 minutes ago, Mic09 said:

    It was 2 Watkins poor controls that led to 2 goals.

    For that reason, I don't understand how you can vote him MOTM.

    I think it says as much about the rest of the team as it does Ollie, but I know what you're saying. He worked tirelessly and got a goal, unlucky with the one off the post too. Up against two bruising centre halves he never gave in. The mistakes for the goals he needs to do better though.

    Thought Mings was the only other one that did ok.

  17. Worst performance of the season, truly shocking. Looked lethargic all game. We are a good side when things are going our way and we can play some neat one/twos but we didn't want to fight today and we lost the battles in every position. 

    Fair play to them, they played well and did a job on us but we were dire beyond belief.

    Only Watkins came out with any credit and he got dispossessed for two of our goals! Says it all! 

    El Ghazi literally didn't play A SINGLE pass to a team mate, Martinez threw two in, the midfield 3 were all over the place (but not in a good way). Grealish lookedfrustrated before a ball was even kicked.

    Smith gets a very poor from me. It was clear at HT (well long before that) it wasn't working and Jack should have been put central to counteract their game-plan. Barkley should have been hauled at HT along with El ghazi. I think he hasn't got the balls to do this to the high profile players like Barkley n Jack and its cost us today. 

    A real poor night. And it was inevitable Lingard would score past us, with a number of our fans laughing at him pre match 🙄 he's not even a bad player and he's shown that tonight, made a few villans look very silly.

    Time to start freshening it up a bit Dean come Saturday, some of these look knackered!   


  18. Totally rubbish at predictions, had a sneaky feeling Newcastle were going to beat us (not sure why, they were dire), thought we'd beat Burnley (to be fair, we should have) and would've been happy with a point at saints (rode our luck for 3) so on that basis, I will say we will lose all 5 🤔

    Think the next 5 are all tough to call, if we deal with set pieces then we should get 3 points first up. Arsenal are very inconsistent, I see no reason why we can't get 3 here. We owe Brighton one, but I think they are better than the league position shows, a point would not be the worst result. Leicester with Vardy is a different animal than Leicester without. This could be crucial to what we pick up here. The Leeds one worries me most. I don't think we have the management or team to sit and counter and I think we could leave ourselves open (as we did in the reverse fixture).

    All about momentum though, win our first one/two and confidence will be brimming... 

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