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Posts posted by Dchitz

  1. Ireland 157 appearances in all comps 27 goals, 1 in 5........bannan 67 apps 3 goals, 1 every 22 games, there is no question Ireland is far more dangerous then bannan.... Both players serve different purposes one will come on with ten to go to knock it about if were one up one wil come on with ten to go if were one down,

    Ireland has everything bannan has and far more (grant bb is alot younger) and played a similar role that bannan does when he plays now for city under Pearce and Sven but is clearly instructed under big eck to play a little further forward where this tippy tappy style of football doesn't cut it because the players arent around you that high up the pitch, I can see Irelands commitment work rate and voice growing each game he plays, like any job commitment comes with empowerment and the more he plays I feel the more he'll grow into the team and role

  2. Is Heskey injured. Really hope he is.

    Is that wrong? Would love to see Bannan in there though.

    Yes I would say that's wrong given that he's been one of the better players in the last few games.

    Of course hoping one of our players is injured is wrong,

    Bannan would be battered off the pitch in this game, I think a win would be a great result in this game, wolves have a very physical side who know how to impose themselves on players, ems is one our only front six who can do this so I see him as a necessity.

    I think it will be the same line up, we need a big one from inzogbia who ive not been to happy with thus far.

  3. I'm not quite sure I'd go as far as saying 9/10 but I agree with you that he was linking up a lot of play. I would like to have seen how much more effective he would have been with Petrov alongside him rather than Makoun though, I think he would have been even better. But I don't want to run into the Makoun/Petrov stuff so will move on from that.

    It was the best I've seen Ireland play for us which is promising and crucially his confidence looked better and that is vital to his game. He needs to play like that against better opposition though before I get too excited.

    Considering he can't get off the bench in league games he may struggle to do this

  4. Played well tonight and second only to Bannan who was man of the match. Linked up well with Albrighton and Bannan especially. Obvisously the level of oppostion wasn't great but he was always involved and with a little more luck and composure in front of goal could have had a couple of goals.

    On the evidence of that performance would you start him on Saturday in place of Heskey?

    Not a chance, heskey worked hard and played ok in a 3 nil LEAGUE win, gotta stick with him this time

  5. I don't think he played well, was okay at best really.

    This---Ireland probably doesn't even score when he plays FIFA. A bit unlucky not to get a goal, but seemed aloof.

    Second time you've used that joke, wasn't funny the first to be honest, should of scored the header, other was a great save, his off the ball

    Movement and ability to get in these positions is excellent something many eluded to last night,I'm sure a lot more people would be singing his praises had he stuck those two chances.

    Some ppl in the match thread were calling for him to be taken off and weren't even watching the game so I imagine he'll have a tough time impressing some people no matter what he does.

    That said it was a 2nd division team but good run out for him.

  6. I heard Ireland missed a sitter? Is this true? For christ sake, what a piece of shit he has become.

    Wrong tense

    **** off yer pathetic, support the players on the pitch, you didnt even see it, was a great save by all accounts (i didnt see it either)

  7. Ireland will only get a game by default IMO.

    Dont think he has the desire to FORCE his way into the team

    Lazy, aloof, multi millionaire idiot

    And I'm sure when he does you will eat those words.

    Any evidence for this?

    No but I think he is the most talented player in this squad and realises his

    career is in the twilight zone so will be hungry once the chance arises

    Well, hes got the chance on Tuesday to show the gaffer that.

    Lets hope he does, because i agree he has talent. Its just his application,

    and he wont be the first promising player to burst on the scene and then stuggle to cope with the added pressure and expectations that brings.

    Yes hopefully he can put in a good shift and make the gaffers decision harder in future,

  8. Ireland will only get a game by default IMO.

    Dont think he has the desire to FORCE his way into the team

    Lazy, aloof, multi millionaire idiot

    And I'm sure when he does you will eat those words.

    Any evidence for this?

    No but I think he is the most talented player in this squad and realises his career is in the twilight zone so will be hungry once the chance arise

  9. Ireland will only get a game by default IMO.

    Dont think he has the desire to FORCE his way into the team

    Lazy, aloof, multi millionaire idiot

    And I'm sure when he does you will eat those words.

  10. Grt result, don't think we played swell as ppl making out and the 3rd goal was very much against the run of play and really knocked the stuffing out of Blackburn which really flattered us for the last 20.

    Many encouraging performances and good for confidence if anything. Still not sure there is any fluidity in our attack despite the 3 goals but I have faith this will come.happy enough with back line

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