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Posts posted by StanBalaban

  1. 58 minutes ago, Delphinho123 said:

    I agree with a lot in this post, especially how hard it will be to find somebody to play second fiddle to Martinez (Not sure about the part where you mention Olsen being a good Championship keeper).

    However, we need to be pragmatic here. The club must understand that Olsen will cost us points/cups if he plays therefore it's unfortunately a must fix situation. And we will fix it. 

    Olsen has had 9 months or so with Unai and the coaching team, and is fully integrated from a training perspective into our style of play. 

    The problem we have is that people are comparing the drop off in quality to Martinez. What we should be looking at is the difference between the current understudy, who's settled in his role, and any potential replacement that would come to the club knowing they'd rarely play. That person is not going to be Martinez quality either, and will also cost us points (like any non-elite keeper), and will also cost us money to bring in.


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  2. 7 minutes ago, The_Steve said:

    Fab is just boosting whoever his agent is or what City want to highlight. It’s still just speculation. 

    If Man City have him as a priority, then surely they'd just make a bid rather than risk losing him to another team.

    I have little doubt that he may be on their list, but I'm surely that list contains many of the world's best players. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

    I think he is no where near the level of steer oersonally. When steer was playing for us in championahip consistently we had trust for him as he could do the basics right 

    Olsen and im not being funny but you can see the difference of how shaky we are when he is in between the sticks. He doesnt comand the box doesnt show leadership like martinez does. Even steer did this.

    If martinez picked up a long term injury i think we would concede ALOT of goals so i could see us slipping down the table. 

    I personally think he is as bad as nyland

    Olsen would be a #1 keeper for many Championship teams, and I predict would look a lot more comfortable than Steer at that level.

    You mentioned before that it should be easy to replace Olsen, but what top keeper would want to play understudy to Emi Martinez?

    I genuinely think that people think anyone coming in to replace Olsen would be able to adapt to Unai's way of playing, and have only a few minor flaws in their game. If that's the case, why wouldn't they want to be a number 1 somewhere instead of coming here?

    The coaches must feel they're better off investing their time into Olsen, helping him improve whilst knowing that he's not going to disrupt the harmony in the camp when he not playing. Unlike anywhere else, this is not a position where someone can realistically challenge Emi to be first pick.

  4. He looked like a footballer that hasn't played football in a long time.

    This is effectively the beginning of his pre season, and got some minutes into the legs.

    I'd expect to see more of him against Lazio.

    • Like 1
  5. 12 hours ago, Brumstopdogs said:


    I'm watching the replay of the game again as we speak. Every single mistake, miss, broken down bit of play, goals against... is a teachable moment.

    You can bet Unai will study these games in forensic detail and then work with Ollie to ensure his finishing from a cut back is on point, or work with the defence so that the high line never veers into our own half again. 

    At times yesterday we controlled the game in a manner that I've never seen in a Villa side before. Last season, I think we were undefeated in our pre season games, but it felt more like luck than judgement .

    Very promising signs so far.

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  6. 15 minutes ago, lexicon said:

    Very true - but I think that one who can play out well from the back is more of a priority here, and that Olsen's not a good enough shot-stopper to mitigate his weakness on the ball. 

    Trouble is it's difficult for our scouting team and coaches to assess how good some of these potentially available players are, as they rarely get a competitive game. 

    Dealing with the pressure of the match is a key component for a good keeper.

    Emery knows what he has with Olsen and hopefully, with his backing, he can find some confidence and form if called upon.

  7. 21 minutes ago, lexicon said:

    No, I think people are arguing that we need a keeper who is more comfortable on the ball than Olsen, as it's a big part of how the system functions. Olsen has a tendency to throw the defensive line out of whack because he's not particularly comfortable on the ball or receiving it. 

    That's fair, but maybe now that Unai has had time to work with him, he's happy enough that he's adequate as cover.

    I'll say again that it's not an easy position to fill. A keeper good enough to slot in when needed, but simultaneously happy to sit on the bench. Not many to choose from, which explains Heaton and Carson being at top teams.

  8. 53 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    But thats the point  stan. You dont have to be a "top" keeper to be better than olsen. Olsens a very bad keeper. Traces of nyland mark 2. You can see when he is in goal our defence is shakey and panicky.  We need a keeper like steer who isnt injury prone to be our number 2


    He's not top notch, and the drop off to Emi is sizeable, but I think many are expecting some mythical keeper to come that doesn't have notable weaknesses to their game, and be content to rarely play.

    We don't watch any of the other reserve keepers play, mainly because a lot of them at other teams haven't played a competitive game in ages.

    Anyone called upon to play after sitting on the sidelines for months is going to be rusty. At least Olsen has had a good amount of time and a pre season with Unai and the coaches.

    I think people simply think "anyone but Olsen" is the solution.

    • Like 1
  9. 27 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    Ok so neither of us can do that because he hasnt played much for us to know for certain however 

    lets phrase the questIon in a different way. Olsen is 33 and heaton in his playing career is a much better keeper than olsen is. Lets even take 32 or even 31. Heaton was and is the far superior keeper.

    Heatons 37 and i bet olsen will be even worse at that age. The guys a nyland mark 2. Always a mistake in him (as per shown in the newcastle game a few games ago)

    Continue to support him but dont be complaining on him when he gets his chance and makes mistakes like stevange 


    You said it would be simple to replace him, but what top quality keeper wants to come and be second choice? Would anyone that did actually be better than Olsen? 

    Why do you think Man U have a 37 year old that hasn't played in years as their backup? 

    • Like 1
  10. 10 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    Two teams that we are competing with I think have better number 2s.  Although it’s all down to opinions of course and maybe if we watched them more often we’d see they are also shit too. 

    Newcastle - Dubrokva i think is better

    Spurs - Forster I think is better although he did mess up bad against us. 


    I think this is the key bit here. They all have notable weaknesses in their game. Otherwise they'd be a #1 somewhere.

    Any player that gets practically zero competitive match time for months will look rusty when they eventually do play. I'd say Olsen is about the level of other reserve keepers at the top teams.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    Have you? Can you provide some evidence that he is worse than olsen?

    You're asking to prove a negative here. You're comparing Olsen to the first-pick keeper in Heaton, that played the last of his 20 games for us 3 years ago and not the 37 year old keeper that never plays after a very serious injury.

    I honestly think some are expecting to get David Raya in as back up. It's not an easy position to fill, otherwise why would May U not have better than a shot-out 37 year old. I'll say again - Man City still employ Scott Carson.

    • Like 3
  12. 2 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:


    Heaton can kick a ball, and command his box. Can olsen?

    Have any of us seen Heaton play since he got his injury with us?

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, Demitri_C said:

    I dont think its that difficult to find a better keeper to be honest thats better than olsen. If steer wasnt so injury prone id rather have him than olsen.

    Even under emery i thought olsen looked. Poor and shaky


    Assuming John Townley is right, if it's not difficult to find a better keeper why wouldn't Unai do it?

  14. The 'problem' with having such a dominant #1 is that any player willing to be back up to him is going to have weaknesses in their game.

    Most, if not all reserve keepers have flaws in their play otherwise they'd be challenging for a regular start. No one comes here with the genuine belief of challenging a fit Emi - therefore we'd be replacing a player that we know and can try to work upon, with another player that the coaches need to learn from scratch.

    With regard to Heaton, have any of us seen him play since his injury with us? Who knows if he's still the same player. 

  15. 35 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    I find it hard to believe we can’t find a better second keeper than Olsen based on what I saw last season. Hopefully it was just a confidence thing. 

    I can't say I know too much about other team's second keeper. Which teams do you think have better reserve keepers than Olsen?

  16. 1 minute ago, Jas10 said:

    Agreed… competition > cover…

    It’s good to have high potential, young “up and comers” too, to eventually succeed the established first teamers, especially those nearing or in their thirties…

    Hungry and energetic players coming off the bench rather than those that are past it, have little to offer and don’t make much of an impact.

    Ultimately Unai will be working with a squad where everyone has something to offer. Players won't be getting any game time if they don't impress the Don.

  17. 32 minutes ago, mottaloo said:

    Nice....custom made I presume ? 

    Where from pls ?

    Yeah, went on to Nike by You. I used the US online store as it's not available locally here in Dubai, but available locally in the UK.

    Not all the styles have the colours I wanted, but the Blazer 77 range carries both claret and blue.

    • Thanks 1
  18. 7 minutes ago, Kingman said:

    I honestly think that no-one hates him and will back him when called upon. 

    Folks just stating the obvious that he's a massive downgrade and a liability 

    I think that's the nature of a backup keeper, otherwise they would be challenging for the top spot somewhere.

    From a distance, Olsen looks fine on paper and ticks a lot of boxes, but it's only seeing him upfront that we get to see the weaknesses in his game. The next guy that looks okay from a distance will also have his own weaknesses - we just haven't watched him regularly and can only see what's he's like on paper too.

    Hopefully Unai and his team believe some of those weaknesses in Olsen's game can be improved upon. 

  19. Unless we're bringing in a keeper to challenge Emi for the #1 spot (which would take a huge investment), there is always going to be a drop off in quality.

    The cost of bringing a new reserve keeper in wouldn't be massive though, so I'm confident that the finances aren't stopping him bringing someone new in.

    Unai obviously thinks that Olsen can improve and adapt to his playing style. Being honest, how many keepers that would come here to play second fiddle do we actually watch on a regular basis? If Nyland was still here and we were replacing him with Olsen, we'd be delighted, but we wouldn't know much about his regular game other than the odd game and his CV. Pick any viable name, and we'd know as much about their strengths and weaknesses as we did about Olsen when we signed him.

    Emery knows Olsen, sees him every day, and it appears he believes he can do the job of a reserve when called upon. It's not an easy position to fill - Man City still have Scott Carson on their books.

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