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Posts posted by DCJonah

  1. I'm still not sure he's good enough for a team challenging for the title. But van gaal may fancy him if he continues his world cup like this.

  2. As I said in the Group B thread. He is not gonna be here start of this season if Lerner is the owner.

    I don't think you could blame any current player if they wanted to leave.

    Absolutely wouldn't blame either Vlaar or Delph if they don't want to sign a new contract.

    I don't want to lose vlaar but i'd be devastated if we lost delph. But in reality why would either want to stay?

  3. As I said in the Group B thread. He is not gonna be here start of this season if Lerner is the owner.

    I don't think you could blame any current player if they wanted to leave.

  4. If we do sign a left back and a holding midfielder, and bring back the bomb squad, then we will finish comfortably mid table imo.

    I'd like to think that but I think we have other concerns.

    We don't have someone we can rely on scoring enough goals. With benteke and kozak coming back from injuries I'll think we'll struggle to score.

    We have a manager who struggled last year and I worry fans will be on his back if things don't start well.

    And although okore will be back and we've signed senderos I don't think we're organised enough at the back.

    Give bent some decent supply and he will score goals as he did when young and downing were about.

    I think if we can get Nzogbia and Cole fit and playing we should be able to provide DB if he stays

    I'm not sure the supply is good enough.

    Depends on what Joe Cole and what Nzogbia turn up next year. they both have the ability to play well.

    True. Not sure how up for it nzogbia is going to be.

  5. The big question:

    Is Senderos and Cole better than Collins and Ireland?

    yes, by a million miles

    I'm not so sure its that obvious. I think both Collins and Ireland will be regulars for two teams who will probably finish above us.

    Cole and senderos are where we are right now and they're decent for the role we need them for.

  6. If we do sign a left back and a holding midfielder, and bring back the bomb squad, then we will finish comfortably mid table imo.

    I'd like to think that but I think we have other concerns.

    We don't have someone we can rely on scoring enough goals. With benteke and kozak coming back from injuries I'll think we'll struggle to score.

    We have a manager who struggled last year and I worry fans will be on his back if things don't start well.

    And although okore will be back and we've signed senderos I don't think we're organised enough at the back.

    Give bent some decent supply and he will score goals as he did when young and downing were about.

    I think if we can get Nzogbia and Cole fit and playing we should be able to provide DB if he stays

    I'm not sure the supply is good enough.

  7. If we do sign a left back and a holding midfielder, and bring back the bomb squad, then we will finish comfortably mid table imo.

    I'd like to think that but I think we have other concerns.

    We don't have someone we can rely on scoring enough goals. With benteke and kozak coming back from injuries I'll think we'll struggle to score.

    We have a manager who struggled last year and I worry fans will be on his back if things don't start well.

    And although okore will be back and we've signed senderos I don't think we're organised enough at the back.

  8. Lukaku is pretty crap to be honest, flat track bully.

    There is a reason Mourinho let him go and it's because his all around game is appalling, his touch is appalling, his awareness is appalling. If not for his physique he would be playing Belgian semi-pro.

    His scoring record at internationals is embarrassing too.

    21 years old and has scored around 30 premiership goals in his last two seasons. Surely that's not crap.

  9. Still not sure about this guy. Looks decent in the air when attacking balls in the box but poor in the air everywhere else. Touch seems hit and miss and has a serious lack of pace.

    Seems to have a good attitude and puts the effort in and gets himself in good positions.

    I would imagine its going to take him some time to get himself match fit and sharp for the upcoming season.

    • Like 1
  10. I thought statistics showed we were one of the most direct teams in the league last year.

    That could well change this year but my memory of watching us was that we relied far too much on a long ball to the strikers.

  11. He was an absolutely superb player and IMO one of the best players in the league during his prime.

    He's clearly got a good attitude as well and offers something we haven't got.

    • Like 1
  12. It's not like selling a car FFS. What's he supposed to do?

    Not announcing to the world that he's fed up of owning Aston Villa, leaving the club in complete limbo with no takeover on the horizon would have been a good start?

    I can only assume a deal collapsed and the message Lerner sent out was when he was confident of a sale going through.

    There's not much he can do now apart from maybe accept less money.

  13. The fitness side of thing slightly concerns me.

    Big Sam is under a lot of pressure from his fans and he's let go a fan favourite who is the kind of player to entertain and help play the attacking football desired.

    Did sam know something about Coles fitness that we're about to find out or is it just another poor decision from a very poor manager?

    I guess its going to be a wait and see type signing.

  14. For some reason I've always been a fan of him and always thought he had something about him.

    I'm not sure I believe the link as he doesn't seem a Lambert type of player, I'd be pretty happy if it happened.

    I don't think bent can offer much, clearly helenius isn't cut out for it yet and kozak and benteke will not be fit and especially match fit till well into the season.

    Think he could be an asset and probably an improvement on weimman.

  15. I could understand gambling on young talent like Bennet, lowton and Westwood but this one I never got. I just couldn't ever see how he was going to make the step up or what he previously achieved to make the manager think he could make the step up.

    He's cost us barely nothing and good luck to him but if i'm honest I didn't expect any other outcome from the day we signed him.

    • Like 1
  16. Don't know what to think about this signing. On the one hand he's a big name and was a fantastic player but on the other is he still someone who can offer something at this level?

    Slightly concerned why west ham had no interest in signing him but hoping he still has some magic left. With benteke injured he will be one of the few players that's actually exciting to watch.

    I guess with Lerner trying to sell the club this is the level we're at and Joe Cole is probably top of that level.

    I would also imagine this means a takeover is not happening. I'd be surprised if Cole turned down other opportunities to join a club where he might not be needed or wanted at the start of the season.

    Good luck to him and let's see if he can make a difference.

  17. Evening chaps!


    After an 8 year break from PC gaming, I'm making my return this weekend!


    If you would be so kind, I'm looking for any recommendations of the must play games that I may have missed? I've had a 360, PS3, and now PS4 during this time, so I've played the majority of big multiplats.


    Thanks!  B)



    I think I maybe saw a slight loss of smoothness once when zooming out from the face, but then subsequent attempts proved inconclusive. The chromebook was fine but poorer quality.

    Have you tried closing apps and stuff? Shouldn't need to but perhaps there's a common link of a misbehaving app or something common between the devices.


    Thanks for your help! I'm really hot on closing all apps in the background to be honest. I'm new to Android, but I assume clearing the apps from multitasking is closing them down completely?


    As one more test, could you possibly watch the first minute or so of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6v2L2UGZJAM on your Nexus? The lack of smoothness is pretty much constant from the moment it gets to the Planet Earth titlescreen on my phone. The audio however is completely fine.


    I can definitely see it more on there. Again it's not huge but you can detect a frame dropped every now and again.



    Yeah, that's what I'm experiencing. Maybe stuttering is the wrong word to describe it. Thanks for checking though. Nice to know I'm not going mental!


    Hopefully something they can fix in a software update.

  19. I think I maybe saw a slight loss of smoothness once when zooming out from the face, but then subsequent attempts proved inconclusive. The chromebook was fine but poorer quality.

    Have you tried closing apps and stuff? Shouldn't need to but perhaps there's a common link of a misbehaving app or something common between the devices.


    Thanks for your help! I'm really hot on closing all apps in the background to be honest. I'm new to Android, but I assume clearing the apps from multitasking is closing them down completely?


    As one more test, could you possibly watch the first minute or so of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6v2L2UGZJAM on your Nexus? The lack of smoothness is pretty much constant from the moment it gets to the Planet Earth titlescreen on my phone. The audio however is completely fine.

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