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Lord Willard

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Posts posted by Lord Willard

  1. I've never heard of him. I know you shouldn't go by FIFA but they spend a lot of money researching players. It's a good indication of how he is rated. He is currently rated 76 with the potential to rise to 84... (Delph is rated 75? And Aaron ramsay is rated 83). Obviously in reality things are a lot different.

  2. I don't particularly want him to come here. We shouldn't read into that Instagram like at all but if I were, it says that he wants to come play for sherwood. It's not like he lacks talent. If Emmanuel wants to play and do well, why not take a punt on a short deal. I do worry he's lost his pace.

  3. I thought Gabby looked quite decent when Sherwood came in until he got injured. If sherwood could get gabby confident and scoring again like he did with benteke and Abebayor we might have a decent striker. If I was coaching him I'd have him training extra hours of finishing.

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  4. I'm not sure this is the right bloke to fix our troubles. In preseason I've been impressed with Gils through balls. We would see the best out of Gil and grealish with a fast forward such as Gabby, Remy or herdanez. If we were to go with Abebayor we need change the system and play with width with two wingers like the old days with Young and Downing.

  5. Hi Guys,

    My name is Will, had a season ticket for 7 years but got out after mcleish took charge. Watch every game on TV or the net. Play footie 6 a side footie.

    Just want to comment on some discussiona


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