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Posts posted by Pongotastic

  1. Wimbledon FA Cup 4th round - 1991-92 - LOST

    Tranmere League Cup semi final - 1993-4 WON

    Inter Milan - Uefa Cup 1994 - Round 2 - WON

    West Ham - League Cup Quarter final - 1999-00 - LOST (match later replayed after West Ham fielded ineligible player and we won)

    Bolton - FA Cup semi final 2000 - WON

    Sunderland - League Cup semi final 2009 - WON

    Any more?

    edit: how could I forget Tranmere?

  2. Not mine, but assisting a mate in writing his. At the moment it's just a mass list of thank yous. His brother is the best man and will be funny so he doesn't want to be outshone totally.

    Can anyone offer any advice on groom speeches and how to make them amusing in a non generic way.

    Examples of funny things you've heard most welcome.


  3. I think rivalries might just be for young people, the older I've gotten, the less I given a shit about other teams. I remember being ecstatic 11 odd years ago when Blues lost in a play off pen shootout. The other night I was pretty non-plussed.

    People like TRS-T might love 'the banter' but I just find it boring :(

    'lol Blose lost'

    'lol we gave you Mcleish and he's shit'


    I've gone the other way. The older I've got the more I dislike them.... In fact over the last 18 months I would go as far to say that I almost get as much pleasure from them losing as us winning.

    I understand this does probably make me sound fairly small time.

  4. I was thinking about this after reading the sha thread. I believe the rivalry will intensify but for now it is a little one-sided.

    Personally I don't mind West Brom and have never had a problem with their fans. This is in stark contrast to small heath.

    Yeah agreed. WBA don't seem to have the same trouble making pricks following them that Blues have.

    That said, a rivalry is a rivalry and would love to see the Tesco carrier bags go the same way as Blues.

  5. With Blues seeemingly having bought a one way ticket to Nowheresville it's almost fair to say we might not be seeing them for a while. This could almost be a Stoke City/Port Vale rivalry.

    As well as enjoying their decline, should we now also focus our energies on the dislike of Albion. To me, this is all too underrated but I personally cannot bear the Albion (and they don't seem all that keen on us). This has been especially bad of late, not least with them finishing above us.

    To the older Villa fans, this is the proper derby.

    For some reason I don't mind Wolves, but I cannot stand Albion.

  6. I dunno who I want to go down more. The Notlobs or QPHaha.

    With everything so uncertain for us at the moment, I am again hoping next season there will be 3 teams worse than us. QPR would majorly strengthen, Bolton would remain the same.

    For that reason I'd like to see QPR go.

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