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Posts posted by Heretic

  1. 3 minutes ago, Xela said:

    I'm going to let off some steam like any England fan should. I'm going to throw my patio chairs through a window

    Not even a racist attack on a takeaway?

    Just what we need, another bottler.




    • Like 2
  2. Bunch of individuals with no co-ordination against a passionate team.

    Wilshere - hasn't completed a Prem game since Sept 2014, apparently.

    Rooney in the Pirlo role.

    Lacking the basics (passing to your own team successfully).

    That was embarrassing.

    • Like 1
  3. We've been sorely lacking in leaders and characters at the club. I like this signing. His comments as a new signing have been very encouraging. Of course you'll want to be complementary, but it seems he's very happy to be here even if it means dropping a division. I think he recognises the size and history of the club and really gets what it means.

    Hope for more of this to come from RDM.

    • Like 1
  4. 23 minutes ago, useless said:

    I'd be surprised if Benteke joined us as a Championship club, but I wouldn't completely rule it out. I actually think we have better with him than we do Ings.

    I think the top divisions of Spain, Italy, Germany or France would provide plentiful outlets for his considerable talents before he'd think about the Championship. Someone like West Ham could easily be interested.

    I would be utterly amazed if he wanted to return.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Tommo_b said:

    This is the thing, clearly at some point these players were highly rated, wtf happened to them?!

    They arrived at a club where there was little competition for their places that allowed them to show their true colours.

    BUT - ultimately the solution is to be found in the culture at the club. We must rid ourselves of the tag that the club is a place you can get big deals and coast along. If that's your bait, don't be surprised at the fish you catch.

    I can't be 100% sure right now, but I think the new team of RDM and SC strike me as people who actually have a plan as to what they want and the kind of characters who can come in and deliver it.

    Moneyball might show you statistics, but vital qualities like character, determination and professionalism are not understood by a computer.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Gary Thomas said:

    SSN also saying Clarke nailed on to be confirmed Monday. Very very happy.

    It's a coup to get someone who has managed in their own right to come in as assistant. I can only imagine that he was impressed by what Hollis/Dr T have outlined for the future in terms of the budget and where Dr T wants us to be.

    • Like 1
  7. I like Windows 10 and recommend people upgrade, but I agree that their data collection policy stinks.

    I've switched everything off and will be monitoring. For anyone upgrading, ensure you Google about Windows 10 privacy options so you can make the necessary amendments yourself.

  8. This year really is causing some hurt.

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    Thanks for enriching our world and making it brighter and better for your presence.

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