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Posts posted by BleedClaretAndBlue

  1. Lamberts judgement on Joe Bennett alone stinks. I had never seen the kid play before, but he is worse than Warnock thats a fact. If thats what Lambert considers a prospect then I cant trust him with this club.

    Yeah Westwood and Benteke have been decent, Vlaars a crock and Lowton is a prospect of sorts but should no way be playing week in week out in our first team. KEA would be ok with a partner that would compliment his game.

    After the xmas maulings why the hell havent we identified exactly what we needed and had them lined up early enough to be playing in these crucial games we've known we've had coming up for ages. Losing all faith in the running of this operation. Been humiliated too many times this season now. No light at the end of the tunnel it seems!

  2. Woah, woah, woah...calm down there chaps and think for a second. It's a very naive thing to say the media 'hate us'. The reason we're not as admired as others clubs right now is due to the position we find ourselves in. People forget, that under MON about 4 years ago, people were raving about us. Every week on MOTD Hansen and co would rave about the likes of Ashley Young and the gang and praise our exciting brand of attacking football. Now we're a club falling on hard times in a serious relegation scrap after a season where we were very fortunate to stay up. With the likes of Swansea, WBA among others doing well this season, it's easy to see why they are currently getting all the plaudits.

    With regards to getting stick from the media after losing three games. You're forgetting we lost 8-0, 4-0 and 3-0!! And the 3-0 was at HOME, to WIGAN! Ever wonder we've been battered in the media!!

    People also forget after beating Liverpool the other week the press loved us...Charlie on Soccer Saturday comparing our play to Barcelona - hardly words of hatred are they?

    Who gives a frig what the media make of us? If anything, negative press will only spur on the players further. If we get in some good players in Jan, tighten up at the back and continue moving forward under Lambert's regime, I guarantee we'll get the recognition we deserve. But for now it's pretty easy to see why we haven't exactly captured the hearts and imagination of the country with our footballing displays.


    Regarding the match and general team selection. N'Zog HAS to play. Already proven he is a class act and could be that play maker we're looking for. If he excels in that number 10 role then a midfield bruiser or two and a defender of experience would stand us in good stead.

    With the rise of Westwood, Benteke, Guzan, Clark and Weimann and adding the experience of Bent, NZog, Gabby, Vlaar, Dunne and Ireland we have the makings of a team that really should be in the top half right now.

    Agree with the above, good post mate.

    And in regards to our January squad building; Lambert has also come out and praised Guzan this week saying if it werent for him we could have conceded 35 instead of 17 in our last 4 league games, so he clearly knows where our problems and frailties lie in defence. Have to think he will bring bodies in sharpish. And he, like anyone not requiring a guide dog, can see our midfield is built like a rizla, you'd like to think he will finally strengthen there too this month (this week hopefully).

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