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Posts posted by LambStockmix

  1. So happy I didn't watch that crap again today. It's the third match in a row I've just switched off due to the way we were playing.

    I wish a lot more would do the same then maybe we could solve this problem a lot sooner.

    ^^ Totally agree with this.. I can't even stand watching us on TV let alone PAY to watch that cr*p.. Just listening to Mclueless on the weekly post mortem & the way Kevin Keegan is laying the boot in to him is clear evidence that people in the know in the game can see our point so why not Randy et al?

    John Barnes was saying how McLeish should now just come out & state what he is all about instead of keeping up this ridiculous pretence that he will get us playing attacking football etc.. Basically he is all about this dull boring anti-football which i find really baffling considering he learnt his trade of Fergie?P! :shock:

    It hurts me to say it but i will never go whilst we are playing this stuff.. I would rather go & pluck the grass on my lawn & count the worms.


    I don't watch football and specifically Villa to see constant success. I just wanna enjoy myself. I also understand that to witness those moments of enjoyment I have to sit through a lot of crap.

    HOWEVER, I'm not prepared to sit through THIS kind of crap. It's pure ignorance on a grand scale. My girlfriend knows nothing about football but questioned me as to why Heskey was still playing football when she saw him pop up on the screen a couple of months ago.

    EVERYONE knows how to run this football club and team better than Lerner, Faulkner and McOnALeash.

    I REFUSE to watch this until we change our negative dull philosophy.

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