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Posts posted by pooligan

  1. I honestly can not remember him doing anything in a game since the Sunderland game at the start of the season .I recall he was decent while at Chelsea and Swansea but we have not seen much of him to get excited about while at Villa 

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  2. The Lion In Winter  (1968)


    Another film off my "To Watch List "  While i would agree it is a good film with some big names in it, i have to admit i was somewhat disappointed and would not put it up alongside the likes of Becket and A Man For All Seasons .Would score it 6/10 

  3. Sabata  (1969)

    I found this enjoyable film on the IMDb website last night and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys watching westerns .It stars Lee Van Cleef who along with Clint Eastwood is my favourite actor when it comes to westerns Would rate it a 7/10 

  4. The Sixth Sense (1999)

    I really enjoyed watching this film .I thought Bruce Willis was great in it.As far as i can recall i can only ever recall him playing the hard man role in films,so i was surprised to see  him play in this kind of role .Would recommend watching 8/10 

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  5. The Sixth Sense (1999)

    I really enjoyed watching this film .I thought Bruce Willis was great in it.As far as i can recall i can only ever recall him playing the hard man role in films,so i was surprised to see  him play in this kind of role .Would recommend watching 8/10 

  6. The Warriors  (1979) 


    I watched this for the first time in a good few years and still enjoy. Still one of the best gang war films i have seen. Just loved the different uniforms each gang wore 7/10

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  7. Beneath Hill 60  (2010)


    I came across this aussie war film on You Tube by chance and must say i really enjoyed it. It is one of the best WW1 i have seen and certainly worth a look  7/10 

  8. Lawrence Of Arabia  (1962)

    Another film off my "To watch list" A really good film,i can see why a lot of people who have watched it rate it as one of the all time greats.8/10 for me 

  9. Letters From Iwo Jima  (2006)

    I finally got to watch this movie.I had read many good reviews about it .Have to say they were all correct ,i think it is a really good movie 8/10 for me

  10. Don't Go In The Woods  (2010)

    This just has to be the worst movie i have watched in quite a while.How i managed to watch it to the end only god knows.IMDb gave it right panning in their review and i have to agree.3/10 

  11. Cobra  (1986)

    Usual film you would expect with Sylvester Stallone in the lead role ie one man v the rest of the world .It is a decent film though and well worth a look  7/10 for me 



  12. Lock,Stock And Two Smoking Barrels (1998)

    It has been a good few years since i watched this film and i still enjoy it as much as i did back then.Given the choice i prefer British films and in my opinion this is one of the better ones. 8/10 for me

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  13. From Hell (2001 Not the best film i have ever seen for sure ,but i enjoyed watching it and is worth a look .It is more or less Jack The Ripper with a different name .I thought was really good in it 710

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