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Posts posted by pooligan

  1. The Untouchables (1987)


    I really enjoyed watching this . It seems you either love or hate this film In my opinion i thought it was really good and i thought Kevin Costner gave a excellent performance as Eliot Ness. Oh i nearly forgot ,a 8/10 for me

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  2. I said it at the time and i will say it again, to let Bent and Robinson to both go out on loan and bring in nobody to replace them was the act of a clueless idiot ie Lambert. Both these players are capable of putting the ball in the net,something we are in desperate need of 

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  3. Magnum Force (1973)


    Another Clint Eastwood classic i enjoyed watching again. As i mentioned earlier i cannot recall ever watching a bad film in which Eastwood was in and someone mentioned Paint Your Wagon and Any Which Way You Can as not being very good I have never seen those two films  even though i actually have Paint Your Wagon ready to watch. Not a great fan of musicals and having seen the trailers of Any Which Way You Can i just did not fancy it .

  4. With regards to Swann, i recall watching the England lads in the nets at Edgbaston last summer. Most of the squad seemed to be taking it seriously but it was noticeable that Swann,Anderson and to a lesser extent Broad were the ones acting the fool. 

  5. Was disappointed to hear that Paul Best has had to retire from the game.Before his injuries i had high hopes that he was going to be a decent player and be a part of the Bears first team squad.


    Decent start to the season yesterday.In the friendly against the Pears we scored 263 for 4,with Westwood 121 not out and Hain 94.They put on 188 .Then before the close we had Mitchell dismissed for just 1

  6. Dirty Harry  (1971)


    Watched this last night for the first time in a while and really enjoyed it.I had forgotten just how good Clint Eastwood was in his prime.I cant recall a film i have watched with Eastwood in it, which was pants,A 8/10

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  7. Troy (2004)


    Watched this for the first time in around ten years  last night and enjoyed it just as much as i did the first time .Not a great fan of Brad Pitt usually,but i thought he was pretty good in this.A 7/10 rating for me

  8. I have thought for a long time that the players are just not as fit as other teams..There can not be another team who concede more goals in the last few minutes of games than us,which is down to fitness

  9. I was sad to hear of the death of Jack. What a really nice guy he was. I use to work for the Villa on match day when i was a kid and got to know Jack.I once helped him in the Holte end scoreboard and i was amazed while helping him at his knowledge of all things Villa.He was known as "Mr Villa" by lots of people at the club 

    R I P Jack

  10. Blood Brides  (1970)


    To be honest i did not know what to make of this film,i could not make up my mind if i liked it or not. It was certainly different. IMDb describe it as oddball horror movie and thats probably the best description for it. 6/10

  11. I have a feeling that we will come to regret more or less giving him away .I watched him many times for the Youth and U21 and you could see he had talent.While in my opinion he is not Premier standard,i feel he would do well in the Championship.It is a pity that Lambert did not seem to have the guts to give the likes of Johnson,Grealish and Robinson a decent chance and worse still it appears there is no sell on clause.

  12. Rita,Sue and Bob too!  (1987)


    First time i have watched this film since i watched it at the cinema when it was released. I enjoyed it then and enjoyed it this time.I was left thinking again,what a lucky bugger Bob was. 8/10 for me 

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