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Posts posted by Giro

  1. 1 hour ago, striker said:

    Why not promote from within and give Delaney the job until the end of season. He’d bring several of the young players through while playing in the same way that Smith would which the Villa fans want.

    Someone mentioned Conte earlier. That’s also a decent shout if gettable. He would shake the whole foundations at Villa Park while taking no shit from the players.

    ? on the wind up surely?

  2. The queing system is a joke


    Me and my mate at work both signed in at half four to get tickets. He had a six minute wait and i had a 50 minute wait. Just got him to get my ticket


    Buzzing for Saturday now!

  3. I cant stand liverpool as much as the next man but would i rather blues win the champs league than them?


    Hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll no 

  4. 57 minutes ago, LakotaDakota said:

    It's EA so i'm sure some people will still find something to moan about but...

    EA have announced that it will add a free FIFA World Cup 2018 update to FIFA 18 next month.

    It will feature all 32 qualified national squads, official match balls, stadiums, and the iconic World Cup itself. The update will also include the complete authentic tournament experience using the Frostbite Engine.

    New World Cup modes and refreshed versions of existing modes will also be included along with custom tournaments in which you can rewrite history using non-qualified teams, There will also be new World Cup icons for FUT 18.

    The 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia free update will be available for FIFA 18 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC from 29th May.

    Considering that they have released many previous world cup games as standalone games this is rather nice. guessing that they have actually had to put some work into it too as quite a few of the qualified teams are not already in the game, let alone the stadiums etc


    Agreed, have to give them credit for that


    loved playing online world cup mode on the 2010 version. all about picking a minnow, going ultra defensive and stealing a 1 - 0 win against the likes of spain and brazil. the rage was amazing  



  5. 10 hours ago, sheepyvillian said:

    When are we going to play well ? This run of luck is just covering up the obvioustairs , Imo , Bruce still has a lot to do to prove himself worthy of this great club of ours .



    One of the most bizarre things ive read on here, well done

  6. 18 hours ago, Shropshire Lad said:

    Decent bit of business by us there.

    No ill feeling towards Sinclair, after he got those 5 goals early on last season I thought we had made a rather crafty purchase. Sadly it didn't prove to be the case.

    I'll always have a slight soft spot for him purely for this moment (apologies for the lack of sound and disgusting scenes following the strike)....



    Haha that's me in the clip at 0:53. Cheers Sinclair for that at least lol 

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