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Everything posted by Jez

  1. Its because everyone has realised what Doug is doing!
  2. So nobody actually knows anything apart from the key people involved, there's a surprise!
  3. Your right Doug doesn't give a **** about the fans, he gives a **** about his ego and getting lots of praise. He could appoint someone crap but then he would ignore all the fans because he is right, see last 20 yrs for proof of Doug doing what he wants!
  4. So if we as mere men of the terraces suspect this would happen, is it not reasonable to assume that the great Ellis himself will also realise it? Doubt it, the blokes ego is massive and along with the fact he is always right and everyone else is wrong!
  5. I would hope O'Neill would leave as soon as he found out the takeover wasn't going to happen! That would screw over Doug good and proper
  6. Only Randy will know when he is going to bid.
  7. Not sure if this has been posted.
  8. Cheers Bicks, the SSN interview where Doug basicly said he was going to sell in next couple of weeks?
  9. Anyone mind giving me an update of whats going on please
  10. I hope your right Pete and it aint Doug playing that game and he is about to pull the pants down of the fans,bidders,board members and Rothchilds!
  11. Neville is Roger Dodge!
  12. I just want Doug to **** off. The sly old git has slimed his way out of so many situations. I just hope PB and a few others are right and this time it is indeed to far gone! The stupid old fool might have told himself yesturday how this is to good to leave etc, look at these two Villa fans wanting to shake my hand!
  13. Thats pretty obvious Pete, lets hope the right people choose the right path to take as well :wink:
  14. When is Lerner due to fly back to america does anyone know, can Trees give us an update?
  15. The one that is doing Mayo's program now Sav?
  16. LOL Cheeky Pig!!.......... My 36DDs?? ..IN A WORD NO!!! Jesus it just keeps getting better and better for Rob
  17. FFS its getting earlier, whats with this evening bollocks. Will be driving then, will they have it live on Radio WM or 5live?
  18. Thanks Bri Stupid conference i want a time, so i don't miss it
  19. Did he say what time the conference was?
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