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Posts posted by VillakevBromsgrove

  1. PL position has now become untenable, it is not like we have had any signs of improvement, we are going backwards, to be fair if I supported any other club I would want us to go down as we are anti football and do not deserve to stay up.

  2. Was prepared to give the benefit of the doubt but not now, he has to go, so what if he has worked under restrictions, the players obviously will not play for him, we have no tactics or fight, He has to go and so do most of the players, there are maybe 2 or 3 I would keep but the rest can sod off back to division 2 where they belong, maybe the blue noses will take them off us.

  3. I have had enough now, I have lost all belief in both the manager and players, no system, no skill, no nothing, complete shambles, what ever happens at the end of the season he has to go along with most of the squad, If they can not be motivated by PL they sure as hell should be by the prospect of being relegated, Perhaps they are trying to get us relegated as to remain in the Premier League will mean the end of their gravy train, they have been shocking for most of the season with no evidence they can improve,

  4. I dont think RL will sell outright as the emphasis has always been to find investment. I think he will keep some of his money in the club and we will be owned by a consortium, My concerns are that if we have serious money to invest then PL is probably not the right man for the job. He has never shown any desire or ability to manage big name players, he always likes young and keen so he can work with them where as the top players are less inclined to take crap and not have an opinion. I think even if he stays on he will be gone by Christmas as behind the scenes problems will sign his fate.

  5. By transfering debt earlier, is it possible that RL could remain an owner but have another backer who buys shares and invests in us rather than buying the club, could this be why RL says he will discuss his role with the club at the end of the season rather than a sale.

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    So Villa were a disorganised shambles when we beat Jose Mourinho's Chelsea 1-0 at Villa Park recently?

    No. I think not.

    That same alleged shambles deservedly turned Arsenal over on the opening day of the season too & Man city at home with their backs against the wall.

    The truth lies somewhere in the middle.

    Where you been for the other 30 odd games?

    Villa have been a shambles for most of the season and all this nonsense with coaches etc is further proof that the club is a shambles! I've watched Villa 40 years mate and I can tell you it's a shambles. So don't give me the whole, "It's not paulie's fault nonsense". He's called a manager for a reason.

    Paulie's fault??

    Have you been watching Goodfella's?

    The team, the manager & The Club have been severely handicapped by constant injury to our key players & at vital times throughout the season.

    Had we won the last 4 games nobody would be bleating on about Karsa & Culverhouse.

    Too many fans are OTT in their judgements without being privy to facts.

    The facts as far as I am concerned speak for themselves.

    ie - injuries to key players thwarting the development of Lambert's plans as in Okore, Benteke, Kozak, Nzogbia & Vlaar at various points throughout the whole season.

    Any other team in tghe Premier League would struggle in the same circumstances.

    ie where would Liverpool be without their key players Gerrard, Suarez, Sturridge etc etc for long periods of the season.

    Also, Suarez is Liverpools best player by a country mile in the same way that Benteke is ours.

    Too many fans are OTT in their judgements without being privvy to facts! Do me a favour.

    The facts are staring everyone in the face. A few facts spring to mind straight away:

    1. The boring style of football on display in nearly every game played home and away.

    2. Losing 10 league games at home.

    3. Failing to score in 13 league games out of 33.

    Trying to find excuses is really lame and just covers up the shortcomings.

    Number 1 is an opinion and not a fact.



    Oh great, a debate about the nature of truth. That's what I look to VT for. Here's a fact - water boils at 100 degrees. The chemical formula for water is H20. 


    Here isn't a fact - 'The Godfather' is a better film than 'Manos: The Hands Of Fate'. That might not be a fact, but it's a widely-held cultural belief, and you won't find too many people to take the other side of the argument. I don't find too many people taking the other side of the argument when I say Villa are s*** at home either, but you're welcome to start. Please tell me all of the ways in which you've been wowwed, awed and entertained by our worst ever home record performances. 


    As always this is the normal thing but with outside interference then it changes, water only boils at 100 deg? , under higher or lower pressure the boiling temperature changes i.e in a vehicle engine or up a mountain.

    There is always a reason that things can change, maybe IC and GC Were the reason we were shite. As has been said time will tell. There is nothing I want more than to see PL achieve and see us progressing,  None of us has a crystal ball so we rely on experience and gut feeling to guide us. My gut feeling is things will improve and in a years time we can put this shambles behind us.

  7. Could it be that as these two did the tactics and team selection and these have been the biggest bone of contention with us that the players also are not happy with the situation. just looking at the way we have been playing recently it is as if we have the brakes on and the players are not giving their all, Could it be that PL will remain a figure head till the end of the season and SID and Shay will sort the rest out. maybe Saturdays match will show us.

  8. They will though and we pretty all know it, Big money lawyers must have been involved at some point and are probably chomping the bit ready to fight this in court which will mean probably a two year wait before action can be taken if they loose the case, doubtful though as they normally know what they are doing unlike the football authorities who will have no doubt made an error in their drafting of the rules.

  9. When he says what has gone on behind the scenes when asked about why he thinks we have improved, do you think he is referring to the players in the bomb squad? looking back over the last few years and the rumors of players revolting, causing internal problems and the high wages, do you think he was under strict orders to get them out the door as part of his job description. If it was referring to a take over then I just can not see him even making any comment about it as he would be under close scrutiny by the new and existing owners.

    It seems to me he thinks we just need a couple of points and has decided to shut up shop to achieve this after having our defense battered in the last few games and simply not trusting them any more.

    To say we are not in the relegation scrap is playing with words, he is right  at the moment we are not and if we as he says win the next game we wont be, before I totally loose faith in him I will see what happens next week, anything but a win and I think he has gone.

    Hopefully the players do not want to be relegated either and may actually put a bit of effort in next week as they have in the past when required.

  10. At the end of the day if someone has heard something then why not pass it on, even if wrong it fills the time between games with banter and wishfull thinking. There is normally only a selected few people who are privy to genuine information and that is for a reason, if it leaks it is normally either deliberate or someone putting 2 and 2 together, sometimes we get 4 and others 5, why castigate someone for passing on what he has heard, also why would anybody want to be an ITK. are they that fickle they need people hanging off their every word and to be the centre of attention - pretty sad really. FWIW even a person proven 100% ITK gets dogs abuse AKA the general.

    In my opinion reading between the lines RL is genuinely looking to sell but only if he gets the right offer, this is not new but has probably been the case for a few years since the  AM debacle.

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  11. Playing devils advocate,

    The predictions and plans are one thing, reality is something else, I  believe if we hadn't of had the injuries this year that we have had that we would  be 6 or 7 points better off or more. We have a thread bare squad and it has been tested to the limit. My only concerns are why certain players have not had a look in with the situation as it is. Maybe CNZ was to be the No 10 we needed, maybe our youngsters were only ever going to get a couple of games while the coaches worked on improving them and building confidence. Maybe it is not all doom and gloom long term but survival at present with what circumstances we have been dealt.

  12. The squad was better in my opinion but the way they was used was poor hence he got the bullet, If PL carries on like this he will be next, and so the cycle starts again, New manager, fans get optimistic and buy tickets, same dross, new manager etc.

  13. The difference with PL and McLeish is not so much the points tally but the scores. When we loose we no loose heavy but under him it was by 1 or 2. The difference is style of play, unfortunately in both cases the style of play is crap.

  14. The problem is we will never get near the top 6, We have always had say 3 or four great players who change a game and produce the goods whilst having an average squad, we now have an above average striker but no other top players. we need massive improvements in playing staff and a better style of play.


    Let's see what happens next season

    This has been said for 4 consecutive seasons.


    Bang on the money, we seem to be a club waiting for something to happen, a new manager, young players to develop, our finances to improve, there is always something. Alot believe our finances are better now and we will spend in the summer, will we though or will it be more of the same?

  16. The biggest disappointment to me is that I thought PL would come in and change our style of play and our philosophy on football, we still after 5 years are watching hoof ball most of the time and counter attacking play. Any new manager that came in would need 2 or 3 years to turn it round again unless he had a big pot to buy players who can do this already

  17. In fairness there are only 7 or 8 teams that have not looked dire at some point in the last few years. lets be honest if you were a manager and came in you would only have to get three more wins out of the games we have had to reach the top ten.

  18. While i agree that he has got a poor squad the way we use them is his fault. The lack of movement from set pieces, the lack of ability to find space, the constant lack of concentration, the poor passing. all of this is not down to money, watch any championship or even league 1 game and you will see that this is a standard requirement from players at this level. I do not blame tactics or how we are set up for our problems it is the managers and coaching staffs job to sort this out. What I can accept is when we are beaten with skill as in 1 touch football, a player skins one of ours with skill as in Hazard. This is normal and is down to experience and ability. Not tracking or marking players though is basic coaching. 

    I believed in PL when we got him and even liked the new approach of young and keen, the problem is though that we should now be seeing a general improvement with the young players as the experience grows and they are taught new skills. This though is not happening for what ever reason and can not be placed at Randys door.

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