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Posts posted by VillakevBromsgrove

  1. Sounds more like "now" to me,  which fits more with what he is saying.  "But now people understand...."


    People are just looking for a story that isn't there

    you may be right and it is a translation issue, trouble is he definately tries to backtrack after saying it.

  2. I take it that we can not afford to buy cheap again if we are to survive and money is needed, the new people understand that , we saw them and have an understanding what we can do before the sale is completed.

    May be wishful thinking but no smoke without fire.

  3. I do not read it in that context, he was on about bringing in quality and was asked how with no money, I can not see why new players would come if they knew the situation, it dont fit like that in the conversation.

  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/27485242


    Listen to what he said at the 3:00 mark.


    Aston Villa manager Paul Lambert has told BBC Sport that there is no "imminent" sign of the up-for-sale Premier League club being taken over.
    "There's nothing imminent," Lambert told Pat Murphy. "I don't know how long it takes to sell a football club. It's not like you're selling a car or a house.
    "The chairman has been honest and told everyone wants to going to happen, that the club's up for sale. Whatever market that hits, we'll have to see what happens."



  5. MMM, seems PL may have slipped up in that interview, when asked about buying players he said it would not be like last year, he then said the new people understand the situation, he then sounded shifty and turned the conversation to hide what he said. Have a listen and see if you read it like I do.

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  6. The only thing I dont want changed is the name and I dont believe anybody would want to change it anyway, we are a brand we have history and support. what may be done would be a merger of badges and a general integration of Red Bull into Villa.



    Hardly sensible is it? He didn't fly Lerner and Faulkner out for meetings to discuss Karsa and Culverhouse. The fact that he flew them both out suggests he had something serious to discuss.

    How do you know that the investigation has been completed now and it has been found that PL was also found guilty and called to states to give his side of the story. could be he has been disciplined/sacked saving a pay off. Not saying its this but in all honesty there are numerous reasons we don't know about and it does not mean we will have a buyer.



    I never said the investigation was completed i just find it stunning that anyone could possibly think he flew them both over to talk about those 2 clowns especially with everything else thats going on. I'm not saying i know why they went over there but it just cant be for that reason imo. 


    No problem, just trying to play devils advocate, every body seems to be hanging and analysing every comment looking for news. I just dont think it is possible that anybody not in the loop can know anything unless it be by deliberate means to confuse.

    • Like 1
  8. Hardly sensible is it? He didn't fly Lerner and Faulkner out for meetings to discuss Karsa and Culverhouse. The fact that he flew them both out suggests he had something serious to discuss.

    How do you know that the investigation has been completed now and it has been found that PL was also found guilty and called to states to give his side of the story. could be he has been disciplined/sacked saving a pay off. Not saying its this but in all honesty there are numerous reasons we don't know about and it does not mean we will have a buyer.

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  9. It could also be an anouncement of the investigation of Karsa and Culverhouse. This would also fit in with PF and PL meating with RL to discuss the findings and agree the action taken, carry out the action Monday Morning and release information to the press at 2:30.

    The sale of a club is a multi million pound affair and those people involved will be professionals subject to confidentiality clauses, I really do not believe people when they say they are in the know but will listen to people educated and involved in similar enterprises who can give there educated best guess. The way some people are clinging to supposed ITK makes me cringe,Still if it makes them happy


    The problem growing organically is that you loose future fans, only the top clubs get major media attention and all the kids align themselves with these teams, it saddens me to walk round town and see so many kids in non Birmingham club shirts, An Arsenal fan got it right when he said even talksport treat Arsenal as a joke because Wenger wont splash the cash. Stan is full of it and talks out his nether regions. He then proved my point about the bias when in the so called hour to discuss his beloved Villa he broke away to discuss the major breaking news that Rio is being released by Man U. Wow this and the fact the class of 92 were poisoning man U. Word removed.

    He poured his heart out declaring his love for the club for 40+ minutes...christ sake what more do you want???

    He talks sense as well. As good as it may sound being the next city, the title win was completely souless...id rather we became the next Southampton in the short term and add three or four quality players from the premiership or abroad alongside some of our most talented youth and players already at the club like delph, benteke, guzan, westwood.

    The thought of watching a bunch of mercenarys from around the world with no local players, or even english home grown players is depressing. Successful or not.


    Common sense is what I want from him not emotional drivel. No one has said we need to spend 150m like Man U to compete, what we need is a reasonable pot to get 4 or 6 players of between 5 and 10 Million to start and then add more class players each season to keep improving. Just because an owner is a multi billionaire does not mean he has to spend it all. The dream of taking lower league and foriegn youth players for peanuts and moving the club forward has been proven to be inneffective. No I dont want to be Man C who have a bench worth more than our team and can not get rid of players because no one can afford the wages. There should be a rule that if you loan a player you are 100% responsible for his wages, that would stop them buying up all the players to stop others competing with them.

    • Like 1
  11. The problem growing organically is that you loose future fans, only the top clubs get major media attention and all the kids align themselves with these teams, it saddens me to walk round town and see so many kids in non Birmingham club shirts, An Arsenal fan got it right when he said even talksport treat Arsenal as a joke because Wenger wont splash the cash. Stan is full of it and talks out his nether regions. He then proved my point about the bias when in the so called hour to discuss his beloved Villa he broke away to discuss the major breaking news that Rio is being released by Man U. Wow this and the fact the class of 92 were poisoning man U. Word removed.

  12. Good bye Randy, sorry it has not worked out and you could not reach the level you wished. Good luck in you're new role what ever it is. You have been respectful to the fans and the club and always had our bests interests at heart. Yes the cost cutting hurt and you have been slammed for it but I believe the reality of why will be evident shortly when the club goes forward. 

  13. They should give the meal to season ticket holders and get the players to pay. With all this going on has any body got any idea when the hearings are going to be for the naughty boys Carsa and Culverhouse, this has gone very quiet and should surely be due now.

  14. The only thing that goes in his favour is the fact he has never played this way as a manager before. It could be he knew how shit the defence was and he tried to play defensive to stop us getting battered again, Everything points to the fact that this and last year was about survival and getting the finances straight, even the comment from RL backs this up. I just hope that this summer sparks the end of this period and we can start moving in an upward direction with a new owner or with RL and more investment. I still think he is staying but will be looking for an investor.

  15. If RL has done anything wrong it has been to listen and act on poor advice, bad but understandable, I am pretty sure I heard he was advised by SAF and GT about managerial appointments, He obviously learned from this as he hired PL at all times he has had the best intentions for the club. The fact he does not turn up upsets people? If Ellison was to buy us at 70 how many times do you think he will make the trip from USA. RL put PF in charge and relied on his management team to run the club as with his experience you would expect him too. He cut the finances to the club to keep us a viable business and to comply with FFP rules, rules he voted against. He in my opinion should not be bad mouthed, there are a lot of worse owners out there.

    As for PL I remain undecided, we will never know the truth on who he wanted to buy and if it would have made a difference, he has had really bad luck with injuries but we have still not been in the bottom three or within 3 points of it if I recall. With the problems with the bomb squad and the back room team he has been working against the tide. before people say he was responsible for the bomb squad, again we do not know this for sure or the real reasons players were alienated, we only have our assumptions and rumors.

    Would it bother me if PL stayed, NO not really I would give him another year to see what happens if he gets better players, The question for me though is can he manage better players.

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  16. To be honest as fans we will grab at anything in the hope it will improve us, We all hoped the reason we were shit and the players were disinterested was down to them, as it turns out we were wrong and the players  really are shit.

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