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Posts posted by MikeMcKenna

  1. Scoring from corners....

    I may have posted this on another thread but here is a great bit of Villa history - maybe John Lerwill knows the match?

    i attended the 50th anniversary of the former Villa players association in 2009 and was sitting near Jimmy McEwan (RIP) and called my old dad (RIP) to tell him. He said, ask Jimmy if he remembers scoring from a corner twice in the same game. Jimmy told me that he did indeed. He scored the 1st and it was disallowed despite protests from the players that it was perfectly legal but the ref said take it again - so he did exactly the same and scored again! For some reason the ref allowed the 2nd attempt.

    i passed the phone to my dad and he chatted away to Jimmy for 10-15 minutes about the 50s and 60s.

    • Like 4
  2. 2 hours ago, TRO said:

    I was a decent Dart player in those days Mike and played for the Malt House, in Tile cross, who had a cracking team, full of "sports Argus"players....such a small world mate.

    you were the sensible one ,going to Bournemouth.

    Knew all the pubs in the area well. Malthouse was a bit of a s***hole, used the Bell, Marston Green Tavern more but they were all bluenose pubs. My local in the 70s was the White Hart, gaffer was a Villa fan. There were a fair few of us Villa fans in there, who travelled home and away. Went to the Final, Final, Final v Everton at old trafford in the gaffers Jag. We thought we were the bees knees rolling up in Manchester in that. After winning we travelled back to the White Hart and were still there at 9am in the morning!!! 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, TRO said:


    paste the link in to your URL and they should open up...if not Limpid will sack me.

    Rob These are a couple of shots of the lads at my Wedding in 1976, at The Mackadown Social in Kitts Green...We had 2 receptions 1 at the Arden Motel and then on to the mackadown to get sloshed.

    The images are not great and the photoghrapher was a Knob head

    My wifes Mom was the stewardess of the Mackadown, hence the attraction to go there

    We had a small group of lads inc Andy,Jake, ,Bobby Mac and sometimes John Gidman.....Bobby named us the " Box of Toys" cockney slang for the "Boys".....juvenile or what?......all Birds and Booze was the mantra.

    The one image is us as a group singing Villa songs in a predominately Blue nose Mackadown club, that went down like a french kiss at a jewish wedding, so many cat calls to shut up, it was funny......I am in the Green suit and Andy is just behind me, with his brother Duncan just behind him.....Jake is just behind my Pal holding the Villa Pendant, Booby Mac is just behind him.

    My Old man was at The front, after watching Villa for donkeys years, he was really in his oiltot with this lot.

    I hope you can open them up as I am not very good at this.

    PS we had a real Gas that Day.





    @TRO I lived in Tile Cross and knew the Mackadown social club well. So funny that you were all singing Villa songs in there! It was a bluenose club to the core. Villa fans were very rare in there. Great pics by the way. 


    • Like 2
  4. 7 minutes ago, HalfTimePost said:

    Think you are thinking too much into one or two emotional reactions to the game and a thread that wasn't as negative as the title suggested.

    Think there's a lot of belief and the support at games has been good if not great. Particularly in the cup. 

    A bit subdued today but not bad, so was the players performance... no need to go after fellow Villa supporters.

    I am sick of it. It is a cycle of ..,, good result - we’re sound. The next week we get poxy threads titled ‘Relegation’. O’Leary was right. 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  5. It is about time some fans started supporting AVFC! The same old suspects, seem hell bent on dragging down the club. 

    I went today and accept we were poor in parts but I still walked out thinking ‘we’re the Villa’ with my head held high. 


    • Like 3
  6. 1 minute ago, nick76 said:

    Absolutely stupid thread!

    some people need to get a grip!

    Yep - I am ****** ashamed of the way some ‘fans’ support the club. I am spitting bullets. They need to grow sum or **** off. 

    • Like 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    I'm surprised that people would be so inclined to let some of the so called "stars" off the hook as if the same bastards wouldn't have played a big part in us being relegated in the first place! (Bar Jack) I don't know any other which has a devine right to be off to greener pastures because "they deserve it". A few of them would have to stay and help get us back up IMO.

    I haven’t a clue what you are talking about 

  8. 19 minutes ago, KenjiOgiwara said:

    No chance he should play over Davis. I'd be very disappointed if that was the case. 

    Other than for loyalty to an existing player, this a weird position to take. David is unproven, we need players who can score goals. I sincerely hope Baston makes the few critics eat their words. 

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Laughable Chimp said:

    Ngl, I'd be annoyed if Smith puts him on the bench over Davis.

    I trust DS to make the right decision. Sentiment doesn’t come into it.

    Davis hasn’t actually done much of note in a Villa shirt. Baston may not be the best thing since sliced bread but he has a better scoring record than Davies. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Wainy316 said:

    Thanks, is this the usual away pub in Bournemouth?

    Bournemouth FC mentions the Christoper Creeke, which is 25 minute walk and Baxters and Mello, Mello which are both in Boscombe about 15 mins from ground, all welcoming Away support. However,  Boscombe is a bit of ****hole. 

  11. On 30/01/2020 at 04:18, sir_gary_cahill said:

    My side for this match would be: (feel free to correct or criticise me)


    Konsa Mings Hause

    Guilbert Drinkwater Nakamba Targett 

    El Ghazi Samatta Grealish

    Subs: Nyland, Chester, Elmohamady, Taylor, Lansbury, Trezeguet, Davis 

    Luiz is getting into his groove, Drinkwater hasn’t found his yet. I would put Drinkwater on the bench.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, screwdriver said:

    as soon as we're mathmatically safe I'd chuck the kid in let him have a whack.

    it's about time the brummies started making a big impact. alan smith is probably the biggest football star from the city which is a disgrace.

    Your screw really is loose! 

    • Haha 2
  13. 7 minutes ago, TRO said:

    I think he has improved,marginally, but the concerns on the floor are valid....He has issues no doubt, but he has assets too.

    However, in the air he breeds confidence....and I think its really important that teams don't get played in by us losing out ,in the air.....also Mings looks less flustered with Hause's ability to clear  long balls in.

    Yes Hause is OK in the air, tackling going backwards etc but playing out from the back he is a bit of a liability. Obviously because Jack plays mostly on the left, we have a tendency to move the ball left but very often forward passes go astray from Hause or we lose possession. I would prefer to see Mings as the left CB but don’t know who would then play in the centre. 

  14. 1 hour ago, OutByEaster? said:

    I love this football club, I love Villa Park, the lights, the noise, us. I love what the game does to me, how it makes me feel, that it makes me feel, how it brings me together with the people I love and creates memories that don't fade. I love the cold, the smoke bombs, the passion, the songs, this team, all of it, the bad times and the way they make the good times so good, the times where you wonder why you bother and the times like tonight when you just know it's perfect and always will be, I love Jack Grealish, I love late goals, I love this football club. Aston Villa FC. I love it.

    Also Egypt.


    Hear, hear!!! UTV!

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