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Posts posted by MikeMcKenna

  1. 2 minutes ago, Mark Albrighton said:

    I think in the case of the FA cup it would really depend on how well we’d done in the champions league - we’ll know by then if we’re into the knock out stages. If we’re already out, then I wouldn’t be surprised to see us go full tilt for it.

    Yep, very possible.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Mark Albrighton said:

    More a musing for the whole season, but it will be interesting to see what takes priority, how we manage other competitions, whether the priorities change over the course of the season.

    It’s probably not unreasonable to say that the club’s top priority would be doing “well” in the champions league and trying to finish high enough in the league to qualify once again.

    But while it’s great to get the champions league qualification monkey off our back…there remains the we-need-to-win-a-damn-trophy monkey on our back. And the league and FA cups represent a more realistic opportunity for that.

    I suppose it’s the much debated subject of what success looks like and how a supporter’s view of that compares to the club’s.

    Agreed to an extent.

    There is a real sadness about our not winning the FA Cup since 1957. Unfortunately, however, with our upcoming schedule next season, I seriously doubt we will prioritise the FA Cup. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Seat68 said:

    Unless my childhood memory is incorrect, that is Shrewsbury. 

    Ok thanks I now understand. My bad I got the wrong end of the stick, I thought it was St Chads, Birmingham. A classic case of 2+2 = 5 🙂 

  4. 2 hours ago, LakotaDakota said:

    Yup and a couple of minutes walk away you can still see the Ebenezer Scrooge gravestone at St Chad's.


    Charles Dickens was a frequent visitor to Brum and was very fond of the city. I wonder if got the name for his character in The Christmas Carol from this gravestone. In 1869 Dickens supposedly said:

    Well, ladies and gentlemen, my heart has all been in my subject, and I bear an old love towards Birmingham and Birmingham men. I have said that I bear an old love towards Birmingham and Birmingham men; let me amend a small omission, and add “and Birmingham women.” This ring I wear on my finger now is an old Birmingham gift, and if by rubbing it I could raise the spirit that was obedient to Aladdin’s ring, I heartily assure you that my first instruction to that genius on the spot should be to place himself at Birmingham’s disposal in the best of causes.”


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  5. On 21/01/2024 at 09:37, Jas10 said:

    Yeah, Merse scored a cracking winner too. We sent them down…

    JG liked signing their players 😆

    Chased Boateng for ages (was he more of an attacking player for them, to start with?) who became a rock solid DM for us…

    Great game…


    Have vivid memories of this game. It was my son’s first ever match aged 7. So when we went two down he was devastated. But coming back to win 3-2 ensured he loved it. Angel became his all time hero and he has never forgotten Villa fans singing “We’ll meet again…”

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