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Posts posted by Gillz

  1. People can say what they want about MW2 it was still a fun game and i am constantly drawn back to the multiplayer. Furthermore in the story mode although unrealistic i'm very 'attached' to the characters ( grumbled in anger when they killed ghost etc).

    In comparison Black ops IS the better and more balanced game multiplayer wise but this doesn't mean its as fun.

    I will give MW3 a go as im always hopeful infinity ward will strike gold like they did with CoD 4 otherwise it's off to Battliefield 3 for me (which looks awesome)

  2. Bent's primary concern as a striker is to score. He does that, and does it well.

    Whilst he might not be a Tevez or Rooney who will chase down defenders under the sun sets he still puts in a shift for the team and thats all we should ask of him as long as he keeps scoring.

  3. At the time of release i loved 1. Just becasue it showed the graphical potenial of the ps3. Then when 2 and brotherhood took those pretty graphics and put them into a great game i was over the moon. Whilst the gameplay may be a bit repetitive the story and control you have over the character will keep me coming back to the game for every release. However a new historic era or character would have been nice just to spice things up yet i'm content with the return of Altair who is 1. A Badass and 2. has alot we don't know about him yet which i have a feeling will be pivitol towards desmond.

  4. Sven-Göran Eriksson.........just kidding

    I like Hughes, He has played good football at both City and fulham and has a very good 'footballing brain'. Plus he seems like quite a expressive manager which i always like ( it's nice to see some passion in the dugout)

  5. Ray WilkiSky for the momentns seems quite content commentating for sky for the moment however he would be great to have in the staff. However just adding another name into the hat

    Claudio Ranieri.

    Nothing to base this on other than the fact hes unemployed. Wouldn't be half bad imo

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