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Posts posted by AVTuco

  1. 2 hours ago, Dante_Lockhart said:

    10 clubs to chose from, for a loan?

    Don't know what he meant. What he actually said was like "it's really exciting to have more than two handfuls of teams to choose from, for the first time in my career". That's how I remember it at least.

  2. 15 hours ago, Pongo Waring said:

    What have you heard?
    How much money we getting for him?

    He was interviewed on Finnish TV yesterday during half-time of the Portugal-Finland game. He said he was excited to have more than 10 clubs to choose from, and Villa wasn't mentioned in the interview, unless I missed it. I was left with a strong feeling that he's gone. He wants to be a starter and he has good options.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

    Yeah, he came across extremely well in that Exeter video IMO. Think he'll go on to have a very good career. 

    The one I'm talking about just aired on Finnish TV at half time of Portugal-Finland game. He spoke Finnish, so I think I got a bit more from it than when he speaks English.

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  4. 14 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

    I care quite a lot about this one, and rumours that it's mostly because I started his thread are not accurate and should be ignored . . .

    Anyway, given the season he had and his stated desire to play for us in the PL and the - AIUI - quite high regard he's held in at the club, I doubt he'll be leaving in a way that leaves us no options, ie I'd expect either a Championship loan or a sale with some kind of long-term option on our end. 

    I hope so. I saw him speak thougthfully for the first time, and really liked his personality. He wouldn't melt under pressure. He said he was just a kid a year ago, but now is grown up, a man. Likes to learn from Hradecky too.

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  5. 7 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

    My only worry is we are on a seriously downward momentum. 

    The strong finish to last season set us up for this one IMO, I just hope the opposite doesn't happen.

    It's never good to end the season poorly. I also agree on your point about last season. I actually think last season was better than this one, more enjoyable and set up the offseason in a more more optimistic way.

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