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Posts posted by JamesWithe

  1. Slag us off for not picking up any points today by all means, but don't claim we played crap

    We did play crap in the second half. It was very much CRAP.

    And thanks to McLeishs masterclass in shit subs .

    Truly awful manager and the damage the idiot could do to us in a 3 year period is a disturbing thought.

    But that still doesn't explain how someone can claim we're playing dire.

    Watch a Swansea match...then watch a Villa match...

    You will find your answer

  2. Some arsehole called Andy on Talksport claiming we're playing dire football. That's not what i've seen in the last month

    We played well today, at least as well as they did (and they're having a great season)

    Some people just see what they want to see to fit their own blinkered views it seems.

    Slag us off for not picking up any points today by all means, but don't claim we played crap

    We cant do either because we never have the ball 8) :lol:

    And for the record...I agree with this Andy guy on Talksport 8)

  3. Oh the old MON chestnut

    MON has won more games at painfully average Sunderland in 2 and half months than McLeish has managed all season.

    MON 7 wins in 11 games

    McLeish 6 wins in 23 games .... :oops:

    You may as well make that your sig since you love posting it so much.

    Its the MON effect but it wont last as long as it did with us imo. I might place a bet on Boro knocking them out of the cup in the replay 8)

  4. I think its better to sign younger players who you will always be able to sell if it does not work out. Spurs are a prime example of using this strategy and it has given them a lot of flexibility.

    Brad Friedel? Louis Saha? Ryan Nelsen? :D

    True but they wont be paying them 40k a week or even 60k a week on three year deals like he who shall not be named. It was never sensible.

  5. I think its better to sign younger players who you will always be able to sell if it does not work out. MON was wrong because players like Beye and Heskey have no resale value whatsoever because they are too old. Spurs are a prime example of using this strategy and it has given them a lot of flexibility.

  6. £2m a year in wages saved on a player that was miles away from being our first choice RB. Enough said really.

    Utterly Brainless signing by MON (as was about 10 others) We are Aston Villa not Man City and we could never not afford to waste millions on wages to non first teamers all earning over 35k a week...idotic policy by our manager when he had the young players ready to give a go as well. He should of signined top players and payed them 60-70k rather than 2 average players who earned 30-45k

  7. Its Villa so him leaving would not surprise me. Worth at least 30 million if Carroll is.

    Even Torres left liverpul and Ronaldo left manure. Most players move on at some point as Bent probably will. He may leave in 6 months, 1, 2 or 3 years. Either way there's still plenty of football and hopefully goals to see from Bent in a Villa shirt. 8)

    Whilst we all think Bent is a better goal scorer than Carroll, at £35m, Carroll's price was vastly inflated above any amount Bent would be valued at. Carroll's 'stock was high' at the time, he's young and the skunks knew liverpul were about to pick up £50m! :o

    True to be fair but Bent is still the second best English striker after Rooney (who also has the advantage of being at United) so he would still cost a lot of money if someone wanted to buy him. I agree I hope he becomes a Villa hero and stays for another 2 seasons at least and scores lots more :D

  8. I think Warnock sometimes tries a little "too hard" and over does it if that possible. I remember Alex saying that they needed to tell Warnock to calm down because he was working himself to death in the pre season.

  9. Meh.

    As I said, I'm not offended, I just think it ultimately makes him look a bit of a prick to be quite honest.

    Cant disagree especially on the net as most reading that will just see that statement and think WTF??!

  10. So why throw it into an insult as if it does?

    Cos I see him as a stereotypical Irish guy.. Everytime I see him he looks pissed. He just annoys the hell out of me.

    Can I just congratulate you on making yourself look like the biggest idiot in the thread when the thread contains CI

    (that's a joke by the way)

    What isn't a joke, and i don't want to wave an imaginary red card here (but I'm going to), is that if I said somethign like "Bent reminds me of a stereotypical black guy...he always looks high and full of fried chicken" I'd probably be banned from the site.

    I'm half Irish. I'm not offended by what you said up there, but that doesn't mean i think it's acceptable that you said it.

    I think its wrong but I dont think its not acceptable it was just a silly thing to say. In the Steven Ireland thread someone has a picture of a bald women and jokes that they look like each other. I think if any bald people were reading that potentially they may see it as a slur at all bald people. I think if this is unacceptable that must be too.

  11. I actually think he is a decent player and one of our better left backs of recent years.

    You're **** kidding me?

    Worst fullback ive ever seen in a Villa shirt, AND he's getting worse.

    No im not kidding anyone. He is a full back playing left defence and to me its quite clear he is meant to be playing more of a stopper role so is limited to in going forward. For a small guy he has good heading ability and he gets stuck in well. I dont think he is worth his large wages (40k?) though.

  12. I think our best form of defence is having the ball up the other end of the field and far away from our own area. Dunne and Collins and the rest are decent players but they cant be expected to defend for large periods of a game without making mistakes. I also think a lot of the reasons we let in goals from set plays is because our defence and midfield have spent so much time running around chasing the ball that they switch off when its time for a corner.

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