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Posts posted by villa-revolution

  1. This is a first class post & provide's great insight into the thorougness of preparation by Lambo, Karsa & the rest of the management/coaching team.


    The bottom line is though.............and all managers will tell you this...............it's ultimately down to the players on the pitch to bring it off!


    Just to further add that it also works both ways. You're not going to like this, but FSW deliberately allowed both our full backs the freedom to roam high up the park so that Chelski could exploit the huge space behind them in the nightmare of Stamford Bridge.


    has done nothing to merrit such abuse

    Apart from getting very drunk, choosing to drive on the motorway, crashing his car and and then leaving the scene.

    I'd rather give him abuse about that over any of his shit performances wearing a villa shirt.



    Not the first time he's been cornered! ;)

  3. Don't make a habit of going drinking before the games really (like to look round shops insead) but whenever we go to Liverpool or Everton, we like to go to the Norman Frost for a drink and something to eat , which is a Wetherspoons - it always seems very friendly in there and very reasonable - usually a fair amount of Villa fans in there - even though full of the home fans.     Have been to the famous Fernhurst though - they used to have a beer tent and food stall in the car park as well.  Also, like a nice little Tea Shop near Fulham - for something nice to eat as well (can't remember what it's called)   Used to love going to a specific cafe at Blackburn too - used to do a brilliant full breakfast there! Now could we have a thread of "where's the best shops to visit before a game" (there were some nice ones by the Doncaster ground a few years ago in the Cup - also like to mooch around the shops by Wigan - missed the shops at Bolton this year)  I suppose I've gone well :offtopic: now :D


    Hev................Here's a couple of tips for you, watch out for Gordon Jackson in Finefare's & it's not true, it isn't all at the Co-op! :)


    Also, you'll never find a nice little tea house anywhere near small heath because they haven't got any cups!

  4. It's all about psychology tomorrow & losing one team from the survival fight. All our rivals can do nothing but await the outcome tomorrow practically knowing that the victor will be safe & in the full knowledge that a draw gives both teams an extra point.


     We know ourselves how frustrating it is when sitting on the sidelines & knowing the above scenario is going to give one or both of our rivals precious points.

  5. Where are all these Alpay shouts coming from?


    Yes he was a sh*t, but he knew how to defend.


    Let's put it this way, if Alpay had been defending at Gallipoli in World War 1 in 1915 then the great war would have ended 3 years earlier than the record books show!

  6. I've had a lot of fun following the Villa over the years & there  once was a time many many moons ago when I would follow the Villa home & away religeously.


    In the seventies & early/mid 80's  & in the immortal words of Danny Dyer a visit to a rival pub at an away ground really could be "pwoper Naughty" & I'm sure many of us have our own nightmare experiences instantly recountable.


    Fortunately the good news now though is that times have changed & many Villa fans I speak to these days regale me with tales of welcoming hospitality from trips to Newcastle where the locals are happy to entertain away fans in all the local haunts & Night Clubs in & around the Metro Centre.


    Believe you me that was definitely not the case when a handful of Villa fans (who bravely sneaked away from an escort of about 50) braved the Strawberry right outside St James' Park in 1977 & were only saved from a good kickin' from the welcoming committee by .PC 99 & his friendly Alsations.


    Coventry was also a bit tasty too, with no segregation & a pub whose name escapes me now that stood right outside the top part of the open end where fights would often kick off on it's Car Park much to the fascination & amusement  of those observers safely ensconced inside the ground.


    And so to my point, what is the best/worst pub that you have ever visited whilst following The mighty Villa?


    For me, one of the worst pub experiences  was at The Milestone Inn (supposed to be exactly 1 mile from The Hawthorns) in 1980- 81, ( Not sure if it still remains there today at all?) We drew 0-0.


    Anyway, the reason being that before the game 2 lads (Villa fans) were having an all day drinking competition here (both upto 18pts each) when one of them became extremely ill & threw up on my trousers when I & another lad we're trying to help him stand up after he had drunkenly fallen over & was lying all over the shop. The smell was horrendous & I stood in the Smethwick End absolutely reeking & constantly felt like heaving myself.


    My favourite Pub would have to be The Greyhound. Many of you should be familiar with it because it lies about 500 yds from Wembley Stadium & I have many happy memories of loads of Villa drinking & singing there before the Chelsea Villa Cup Final in 2000.


    So, cutting to the chase, where's the best away day boozer's ever for a great experience & where the natives are friendly & where are the one's to avoid like the plague for whatever reason's you so deem fit?.



    Really hate to report this, but using the BBC's Football Predictor, it's absolutely clear as that Villa could even beat Norwich 0-3 and still get relegated -- with 40 points, no less, as others have rightly pointed out. Things would really have to go against AV in lots of horrible ways, but the scenarios I punched in weren't outlandish.


    I'm afraid there won't be any real comfort until you guys win two more games. 


     'report' is a bit strong - I think we all know we could go down with 40 points - but only 3 teams in the last 10 years have. A Villa win or a wigan loss on saturday and in all probability we are safe.


    Youve got to remember that teams at the bottom are there because they have difficulty winning games - I doubt any teams at the bottom will win all there remaining games. 



    "Rehearse" would be better phrase, I agree. In any case, the scenarios I played on the Predictor didn't involve Reading or QPR doing anything other than drawing the rest of their matches. I guess what I was trying to illustrate is that it was surprisingly, scarily, frustratingly easy to create Predictor scenarios where AV goes down even with a Norwich win. I wasn't making up ridiculous results. The thing is, you can also obviously use the Predictor to make positive outcomes. What is this urge, anyway, to imagine painful outcomes? I guess it's a kind of defense mechanism. If I can "imagine" AV relegated in a tragically unfair way on the Predictor, I feel weirdly inoculated against the actual possibility of that happening. Can anyone relate to this kind of craziness lol?



    Problem is, as you claim & I believe you, you wasn't making up ridiculous results. You can now guarantee that that is exactly what those results will be.........Totally Ridiculous.


    Also, not so long back I seem to remember Joe Royle winning the last 3 fixtures of the season to keep bloody Oldham in the Premier League & they were matches against Man Utd, Liverpool (When they were great) & Arsenal IIRC.



  8. Okay guys, here's the deal, on further consideration I am now giving in to the mass consensus so here's the new 11. (Still 4: 4:2)


                                                                            Scumbag Hodge


                                 clearing in the woods Hodge  greedy basket Hodge rocket polisher hodge lying toad hodge


                           Glory hunting Bastard Hodge    prick Hodge    Mrs Hodge    Hodge's Agent


                                            Up  David Pleat's Arse Hodge  Judas Hodge


    Manager: Jock McGinger Hodge   :P 

  9. The bad news is we could still be facing potato head next season but not sure in which division.


    This relegation shit really drives you to Hull & back!

  10. Its is possible that on the last day Villa and Wigan could have 41 points each and Newcastle have 38. I.e a draw would suit both.

    Wigan would have to win 3 and villa need to win 1 and draw 1. Highly unlikely but could happen

    What do u think lambert would approach that game?


    He'd play for a 9 all. To achieve this he would play Benteke up front on his own, drop Guzan & play Bannan in goal only coming out to take the corners.

  11. I don't understand this thread at all. I don't understand why it's so popular. Bannan is an average squad player with a few strength's and a number of weaknesses. He's played well in some games and not so well in others. I'm ambivalent as to whether he stays or goes in the summer but I certainly won't be tearing my hair out in either scenario. It's like the old firm in here - there'll be segregated communities next (albeit that Con's community will be fairly small).


    I totally disagree with Con 100% but I do admire & respect him for all his research. More importantly Con loves "The Villa" like we all do & that for me is the bottom line.


    PS - Con, if I am invited to your community can I have weetabix for breakfast, minus the peanuts ofcourse! :)

    • Like 1
  12. Jesus christ


    Talk about picking peanuts out of a turd


    Whats next? Barry Bannan is only one of 6 Villa players who eat Wheatabix in the mornings?


    Can just imagine Yaya Toure shitting himself before having to face Bannan in midfield & turning to Gareth Barry & saying, "Bet they;ve had they;re weetabix!" :)

  13. Looking through this thread there are some seriously short memories out there! So here's my two pence....


    GK - Adam Rachel


    RB - Scott Murray

    LB - J'Lloyd Samuel

    CB - Liam Ridgewell

    CB - Carl Tiler


    RM - Hassan Kachloul

    LM - David Ginola (Great player overall, was absolutely garbage for us)

    CM - Fabio Ferrarasi

    CM - Sasa Curcic


    ST - Gilles De Bilde

    ST - Bosko Balaban


    I was looking to include Gustavo Bartlet but I'm pretty sure he never even played a game for us in the end.


    That team isn't worth tuppence! :P


    Really hate to report this, but using the BBC's Football Predictor, it's absolutely clear as that Villa could even beat Norwich 0-3 and still get relegated -- with 40 points, no less, as others have rightly pointed out. Things would really have to go against AV in lots of horrible ways, but the scenarios I punched in weren't outlandish.

    I'm afraid there won't be any real comfort until you guys win two more games.

    Well, yes its mathematicly possible.

    Realistically possible? I'll suck a tramps dick if any team with 40 points goes down.


     Karren Brady doesn't have a dick!...............................Oh! Sorry! I forgot about Pescisolido :)

  15. The son of London Bookmakers  Fred Binns is a staunch Villa fan & I spent many a happy hour with him here in Brum in the early 80's. He was even fortunate enough to be on the  plane with our heroes when they returned home from Rotterdam with our famous trophy.


    Not sure if he posts on here but he would be a great find for the rest of you guys to team up with if you can locate him?


    Also, I have it on good authority from the above that  a Villa fan lives in whichever house it is that that finds itself nearest to Upton Park?


    Might be worth a knock......................As long as it doesn't belong to Alf Garnett! :P

  16. Swansea are the team that worry me. Since winning our cup they have been building sand castles for fun. Not sure how they view Martinez as he is the one who is credited with creating their current pass & move philosophy & set the foundations.


    Smell a rat here!


    Think it is a bit harsh on Enckleman seeing his name so many times considering that his saves at the back end of one season kept us up (particularly away at West Ham I believe). Postma was far worse as a goalkeeper, bar one performance away at Arsenal in a 3-1 defeat that could have been 15 if it wasn't for the fact that Henry and co kept hitting the big dutchman. I'd also add Sorensen who was pretty terrible throughout his spell in a Villa shirt and got short shrift when MON turned up, although his signing of Scott Carson wasn't much better.



    Problem is we've had a lot of very good keepers playing in this league. Enckleman was the worst of that lot though, and if a player is classified as a "Blues Legend", I'm afraid they've really got to be in the mix.


    Hodge saved by the Premier League requirements of this thread I see



    Yes! You are quite right about Hodge! I would have made him ball boy had he been available &  placed him directly behind the goal at the Holte End so that he would have got Dogs.


    I would also have specially instructed him to go directly into this great stand to retrieve the ball from  Bannon's corners & Heskey's shots :) .


    Scum Hodge.............Definitely the most hated Villa player of all time. Lower than a snakes arse!


    Fortunately, as you state, there was no Premiership formed when that clearing in the woods was takin' the piss!

  18. Carson was way worse than Enckelman. Schmeichel was probably worse than Enckelman in the second half of the 01-02 season, a ridiculous amount of goals at fault of the "great" Dane.


    Also Balaban has to be in the team. 6m for no goals whatsoever.


    Essentially though its the 2002-03 team with a few additions.


    After reviewing my initial selection I am now replacing Boulding with De La Cruz as, as one poster has correctly pointed out Boulding did not actually make a Premiership appearance. Plus, R Bear has also convinced me that with absolutely no goals to offer whatsoever from Balaban, in the annals of shitness he must surely now be included & therefore replaces Harewood in this shocking house of horrors.


    Also, to confirm & justify my original selection Lee Hendrie stays in the team. Reason being, he can't shoot, he can't dribble, he can't tackle, he can't get from box to box & he can't head the ball either.


    I am trying to weigh up in my mind whose most miserable performances of all these total imbeciles should be made captain & have decided that total dishonour goes to crappo Barry Bannan & this only because at least Hendrie may possibly be able to take a corner kick.............Just!


    So, to confirm, the team now reads:                           Enckelman


                                                                         Beye    Scimeca  Alpay   Warnock


                                                               Djemba-Djemba  Hendrie Bannan © De La Cruz


                                                                                  Heskey  Balaban


    Manager: McGinger Bollocks


    I am still open to persuasion, but please, please, for Godsake tell me that there are no more. :angry::bang: :bang:

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