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Greetings Villans From Sunny Scouse Land

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Hi All Villans,


Scouser coming in peace!


Firstly, congratulations on wiping that twitching smile of Droopy Jaws yesterday! Fantastic result for you.


I'm from Red And White Kop, the biggest Liverpool independent fan forum. I'm not here on a wind up or as a troll, just to ask a favour from some fellow football fans.


We do an article before every match called "The Spyin' Kop" where we ask a few of our  opponent's supporters to answer some questions about the up and coming match. It's just a good way to get a bit of hopefully humourous and honest dialogue between the real people behind the club; the supporters.


Once the mods have given me permission to post the article and questions, I'd really appreciate it if a couple of you could take the time to answer some or all of them and give your permission for me to publish your answers on our website. I'll then compile it into an article and will publish the link for you to have a look at.


Take care


Sean.    :wave:

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