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Posts posted by claret75

  1. Its the sacrifice you make to have kids. You become rewarded in many other ways but have to accept that a large part of your life will change. For me it was a simple question, where else are we here if not to give life. I get to watch my son grown a little more every day, ill get to teach him and help him develop into a young man hopefully sharing many experiences along the way. There has to be a bit more to life than simply working 9-5 crashing down in front of the telly a few holidays and waiting to retire. Thats my take on it anyway

    That is why i cant wait to be a father in 8 weeks time, well said CV.

    Having a child is a massive sacrifice, but as said above, is more than compensated by the happiness a kid can bring. Its no cakewalk, but well worth it in my experience. I'm actually finding the older my daughter gets, the more i'm loving it. Thats not to say i didn't enjoy being a dad when she was a baby (she's 3 now), i did, but as she's growing the interaction and understanding between me and her is getting better. I guess there's more of a bond between mother and baby at that stage.

    I can 100% say that i wouldn't have my life any other way.

  2. Don't think you'll be allowed an answer there claret75, it's a tad illegal ;). But I'm sure someone will PM.

    I really am curious as to how Harry Brown was quite so rated. Michael Caine gave a good performance but the rest of it is... well, it's Daily Mail the movie. All these feral youths a-murderin' and filmin' it on their bleedin' mobile phones, bleedin' animals, what they needs is a .38 to skull, thats what, and you know what? The police should let someone do it. Soon sort the 'kin drug takin' bastad 'oodies out.

    I mean the revenge thriller has been about for donkeys and they usually make good throwaway films but generally


    they have some sort of morality to them that almsot always sees the guy seeking vengeance realise that in doing so he became little better than what he fought. In Harry Brown he murders people left right and centre and walks off scot free, and the film at the end actually hints that he was doing was the right thing(!).


    Illegal!!! :shock: :winkold:

    As for Arry Brairn, a clip round the ear would've sufficed in my day.

  3. Question. I'm trying to dl on kickasstorrents, but all i'm getting is 'can't find torcache.com'. Anyone know a way round this? I normally use KAT with no problem, but no good today.

    Anyone know of other sites as good as KAT?

  4. Asides from Michael Caine, I didn't like a thing about it. **** up morality from start to finish, and of course every 'youth' is a 2D bastard.

    Finished off my nights viewing with Jacobs Ladder. First watch for me despite wanting to see it for donkeys, it's class. I kinda knew where it was going, annoyingly, but it's a good watch... I wouldn't call it fun mind. Very, very dark.

    But recommended if you've not seen it in the 20 years since it's release ;).

    That Plan B irritates the fook out of me.

    Love Jacobs Ladder.

  5. I do think some people just arent made to do it though.

    A 10 minute walk through your average shopping mall would confirm that. I wonder why some people have kids if it's only to ignore them, shout at them or alternate between the 2. It's a f**king human. Treat it like one and it might behave like one.

    This is very true. It's sad for the kids involved, but some people have kids to improve their benefits. Selfish beyond belief.

  6. This thread always leads to the nagging doubt that in some far off time in the future I'll decide (or more likely be persuaded) it's a good idea to have kids. It is, on a very slight, small level, terrifying.
    No need to worry about it until when/if it happens.

    I've known lots of people (men and women) who have done a total turnabout from saying they didn't want kids under any circumstances to being happy as Larry when they have them.

    People change.

    Kids were never a serious thought for me till about 3 and a half years ago. I absolutely love being a Dad now. It was a bit scary at first, i was wary of even picking Jess up when she was born, but i soon got into the swing of things.

  7. Make no mistake, Milner going weakens us and in more than just the squad for next season

    Would there be an amount that would make you more comfortable with us selling him Richard? Or do you believe that we shouldn't sell him to a rival at any cost?

    Really I doubt that we can keep him to be honest, which in itself sends a message

    For me I wouldn't want to sell him and would actually invest in top quality players to build around him rather than lose our best player

    I accept that this is not going to happen at Villa currently and that is very disappointing really.

    So if he has to go it is either

    30M plus Ireland and Richards

    45M cash

    15M and Tevez

    £15m plus Tevez??? WTF.

  8. B. We will get an awful lot of money for him so we can maybe buy 2-3 really good players...

    We cant lose in this one.

    I think replacing top players, whatever money you have is easier said than done. Just look at replacing Ronaldo at Manure for instance.

    Milner may not be easily replaceable with a like for like player, but we should be ok if we can strengthen CM AND CF (at least), with the money we get for him.

  9. But according to the half your age plus 7 rule, i'm on the cusp of wrongness...........i'm pretty scared the good lord will not be smiling upon me now, this information has ruined my life :angry:

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