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Posts posted by richp999

  1. 3 hours ago, imavillan said:

    he started off with a good run of wins and added impetus to the team/club.....

    The trouble is most of the wins he had if I remember rightly were pretty crap performances.  We snuck a win here and there mostly by luck.  That's fine,but I don't think he has ever had the team playing really 'well'.

    It should gradually be getting better and better, but it's not.

    The football was never going to be great under him,  but who cares if he got us up. 

    The biggest issue for me is every game we come out in the second half looking worse than the first. He just can't change tactics or inspire the players.

    Contrast this with MON,  who had his faults, yes,  but if we went in losing they would look like  different team coming out second half. Ive seen some remarkable turnarounds from him,  the opposite under bruce.

    What do we do?

    No idea.

    • Like 2
  2. A couple I can barely remember whilst standing at the back of the holte years ago,  anytime Liverpool visited..


    He's only a poor little scouser,

    His face is All tattered and torn,

    He made me feel sick, so I hit him with a brick,

    And now he don't sing anymore... Oh...

    Or ..


    Sign on, sign on, 

    With a pen, in your hand,

    And you'll never get a job,

    Youll never get a job,

    Sign on, sign on

    More recently at leeds this did make me laugh.. Probably shouldn't have but...

    Jimmy Saville,  he's one of your own..he's one of your owwwn.. Jimmy Saville he's one of your own...



  3. Can someone tell me what the F*Ck is going on in the middle of the pitch..?
    I see players in claret and blue passing to each other.. I see through balls going forwards to our strikers...  I think it may be a midfield but I'm not sure,  I haven't seen one in such a long time...

    • Like 1
  4. I think it was a great debut.

    He seemed very calm on the back and didn't panic, like our current midfield.

    Was always showing for the ball even with a Preston player right next to him.. Our other midfielders seem to need an acre of space to stand in before they are confident of receiving the ball without losing it.

    It was finally great to watch on the first half..  Crap in the second but I think he tired and when he went off what a difference.. Back to the same old shite..  Westwood and Gardner lumping aimless balls up to nobody.



  5. 12 hours ago, Hoof hearted said:

    So basically be West Brom? I'd like to think we'll be in a slightly better position than those filthy animals!

    I just want to see us get promoted and see what the good Doctors real intentions are.

    If we get promoted I think the doc will go for it big time...

    • Like 2
  6. 7 hours ago, a m ole said:

    Just popping in to highlight the silly expectations...

    10 tackles is what you would expect?

    Idrissa Gueye leads the over all premier league ranking with 5.2 per game. players in 2nd to 10th place average between 4 and 3.

    Massimo Luongo tops the Championship with 3.7, with the top 10 finishing in the high 2's.

    Westwood and our man-mountain-wins-everything Jedinak are in 1.6 and 1.8 respectively - both in the top 100 players in the division. 


    Christ I'm sure you have got these figures from a good source,  im not saying you haven't,  but seriously..  I could come on for villa in the last 15 minutes, run around and make 4 tackles,  just 4, and now I'm the top ranking midfielder in the championship?

    Surely not?

    In fact im sure I've seen even Westwood make more than 2  tackles in most games,  and he's usually hiding in the car park.

    Perhaps im missing the definition of a tackle?

    I'm with TRO,  I'd expect 10+ proper tackles as a minimum..

  7. 10 hours ago, John said:

    I don't think the semi final dates have been released as yet. I guess it will depend on who is likely to get through and when SKY wants the games to be played. Sorry this is not a lot of help I think I would look at what day these games were played over the past couple of seasons in relation to the play-off finals but it will be guesswork at the moment. In case you have not heard yet I understand he is also doing Thursday 18/5 in Brum now.   

    Think you'll struggle for tickets now ,  I got 2 last sat morning around 1 hour after release and nearly everything had gone then,  my seats are behind each other, not together... Good luck!

  8. 3 minutes ago, Villan_of_oz said:

    For the record

    I don't love Westwood

    I do hope we sign at least one midfielder in January and I hope Westwood continues to compete for a spot. 

    If he isnt good enough then that's fine by me.


    I hope this clears up any confusion that I might be defending Ashley Westwood because I love him.


    Good post, but also for the record I haven't ever booed any player at villa park either, and don't understand those that do.


  9. 3 minutes ago, bannedfromHandV said:

    I think you're missing the point, the reason this thread keeps being bumped up to the top of the list is not because certain posters "love westwood" but rather they find it embarrassing that so-called fans think it's okay to boo him when he makes an appearance and then to try and justify it on here.


    And yes, it is/was a shit comparison list, put up a list of every central midfielder that's appeared for Villa in the past 30 years and I bet he's not even in the bottom 20.

    Ok Fair enough,  but just one last question..

    Where would you rate Westwood on this list?

    And how far down it do you need to be before you think a player isn't good enough to play for us ?


    For me this is or has been the whole problem with our club..  You are looking at all of our worst players and saying 'well its ok,  he isn't as bad as they were.'

    I'd rather look at our best players and say 'he isn't quite good enough,  let's try and get someone better.'

    I want the team to improve and have higher standards, not just be content with where they are.

  10. 6 minutes ago, bannedfromHandV said:

    Wow, that's fair.


    Let's pluck out a list of some of our best midfielders spanning something like 30 years then use that as grounds to boo him,  because he isn't as good as Sid Cowans was.


    Maybe we should start booing Kodija because he's not as good as Dean Saunders was in 1992/93, or how about we boo every single centre back we'll ever have again because they're not as good as McGrath?



    I said we shouldn't boo any player. And don't.

    Like I was accused of,  read the post.

  11. 52 minutes ago, KHV said:

    You can compare 90% of our midfielders over the past 30 years and say they are shite compared to Cowans, Platt, Taylor, Barry and Milner.

    What a shit comparision list. I notice you never compared him to Leonhardsen, Kachloul, Bakke, Curicic and Sylla :lol:

    A shit comparision list?  I thought they were top players.

    I was making the point that over the past 5 or 6 years our expectations have been lowered so much that people obviously think this level of player is ok for Aston villa.

    You and others obviously love Westwood, so ill leave it at that.

    Its interesting how many premier league and come to think of it championship clubs were chasing his signature when we got relegated isn't it?

    Its OK to think a player isn't good enough.

    Can you honestly say you would have Westwood first on the team sheet in our midfield for the next 4 years?

    Or would you rather we sign a couple of new midfielders in the next window? If not that's fair enough, it's your opinion...

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