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Posts posted by dakid007

  1. I'm hoping to get to the Barcelona vs Espanyol game, Sunday after next. So for me, that will be one Barcelona game this season to no Villa games. I'm not going to Villa Park again until McLeish is gone.

    How much is this gonna cost you?

  2. lee dixon quote on MOTD2 "McLeish has done an alright job"

    No no no no no!

    :bang: :bonk: :angry:


    i can't understand why the pundits & press aren't on his & Learners back's, it's almost like they expect we should be this crap.

    His shitness is only being recognised by us

    If he is sill in charge next season I suggest absolutely no one goes to villa park for any games until he is sacked

  3. As can be seen from my posts, I just call him his actual name Mcleish or sometimes AM his initials. So far I have seen

    Mc Negative

    Mc clown

    Mc clearing in the woods

    Mc clueless

    Mc tosser

    Mc Adjective

    M clearing in the woods

    Mc duff

    Mc loser

    Mc word removed

    Mc stupid

    Mc agent

    Mc shit

    and of course his actual name Mcleish.

    I think that is all. Have I missed any?

    Mc Relegator

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