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Posts posted by ME

  1. idk...why are people scared of spiders when they can easily crush them? or the dark? its just since i was a kid i have dreams of being lost....i can't get to anyone i know...and no one knows where i am.
    Celebrity Villa fan Benjamin Zephaniah (see separate thread) says that when he was a kid his favourite game was getting lost. He'd get a random bus to some distant part of Birmingham and wander around for a while and then try and work out how to get home. :)

    what does he do for fun now? walk on glass! to me that guy is a badass! thats the sort of thing i would have fun doing with a friend. but by myself i just start thinking of all of tha bad stuff i have ever heard and i am convinced it will happen to me. no idea why. i don't get scared in almost any situation ever. just traveling alone apparently. maybe this should go in the weird thread rather than general chat. idk....i just hate it

    And bear in mind he was (and indeed still is) black. So he was probably cruising for a bruising in some areas. But he said that the slightly scary feeling he got from being lost gave him a buzz.

    He probably caught a buzz home, too. (Brummie accent joke).

    *laughing* geek!

    i wish i could explain why this scares me. why THIS specific thing makes me nervous and filled with worry. the flying is fine. its just being lost....alone. i wasn't stranded as a kid or anything. i have 2 sisters that have driving issues. one hates bridges...the other main highways. neither will drive on them unless they have no other option. and they freak out the entire time. i was the one who has been hit by a car. not them. i'm fine with driving...they aren't. my dad is kinda oldschool. very manly. tough. hunter,fisherman,angry,hardworking, and a bit funny. but as tough as he always has been he is completely terrified of spiders. i'll catch them and set the free. my mom has issues with public speaking. she can't do it. she freaks out. i have no problems with it. i could talk in front of a crowd just on the spot about something if i needed to. but leave me alone in an airport and i start thinking something bad will happen. NOT A CLUE WHY. no one in my family has ever had this type of problem or worry. don't know where it comes from.

  2. idk...why are people scared of spiders when they can easily crush them? or the dark? its just since i was a kid i have dreams of being lost....i can't get to anyone i know...and no one knows where i am.
    Celebrity Villa fan Benjamin Zephaniah (see separate thread) says that when he was a kid his favourite game was getting lost. He'd get a random bus to some distant part of Birmingham and wander around for a while and then try and work out how to get home. :)

    what does he do for fun now? walk on glass! to me that guy is a badass! thats the sort of thing i would have fun doing with a friend. but by myself i just start thinking of all of tha bad stuff i have ever heard and i am convinced it will happen to me. no idea why. i don't get scared in almost any situation ever. just traveling alone apparently. maybe this should go in the weird thread rather than general chat. idk....i just hate it

  3. If you happen to be a young American lady travelling to the UK to meet your husband or boyfriend, then you may very well feel like you're stranded....

    pretty much exactly this

  4. the next 2 sundays of my life are already making me nervous! feb 28 villa vs man u. and march 7 i fly to brum......well...i fly to atlanta, wait 4 hours, overnight flight to paris of all places,and THEN to brum. tbh i am most nervous about the airports. i have a HUGE fear/nightmare of being stranded with no way to contact anyone and no way for anyone to find me. also....i won't even be able to speak to my husband for that game! it'll be too much. and i will be in an irish pub surrounded by man u fans when i watch it. so that will be good times.
    Why do airports make you feel stranded? There's always a telephone or even an internet café in some?

    idk...why are people scared of spiders when they can easily crush them? or the dark? its just since i was a kid i have dreams of being lost....i can't get to anyone i know...and no one knows where i am. and airports...especially in other countries make me feel like that could happen. i made it last time but i flew straight to england. but even when i landed my phone company said my phone would work and it didn't...luckily my friend found me about an hour and a half later...of course the airport had aslo screwed up the info that day and she said my flight info never showed up. AND my suitcase was literally lying to the side of baggage claim with a few other bags....just left there. no one around. nothing going on. i put ugly stickers all over it to find it if that type of situation should occur.

  5. the next 2 sundays of my life are already making me nervous! feb 28 villa vs man u. and march 7 i fly to brum......well...i fly to atlanta, wait 4 hours, overnight flight to paris of all places,and THEN to brum. tbh i am most nervous about the airports. i have a HUGE fear/nightmare of being stranded with no way to contact anyone and no way for anyone to find me. also....i won't even be able to speak to my husband for that game! it'll be too much. and i will be in an irish pub surrounded by man u fans when i watch it. so that will be good times.

  6. there was a rumor going around that Noel might be playing a few smaller venues before the royal albert hall earlier in march. if someone could just tell me if this is more than a rumor that would be great. i would love to see him and love to take my husband to see him even more!!!

  7. good memories (first blowie)

    I nearly spat my tea out... :shock:

    My good memories include things like when I got asked to be Godmother, when I recovered after an operation against odds, when I realised I was in love...

    Your definition of good memories, my first blowie?! Is this a man thing?

    this can't be that surprising.....they are guys after all. when i realised i was in love it was an amazing moment that nothing has yet to compare to. but for guys....things like blowies will always be at the top of the list

    good thing about memories, not really a limit on how many you can have. This one in question always makes me laugh, i nearly stopped said girl by questioning what she was doing as she kneeled down. Girl will always stay in my memories for being my first, around the back of Pershore Football Club in fact. Said girl played a bit part in my life over the next few years and helped to "christen" other great venues such as the phone box near bredon cricket club and the ladies toilets at Montells in Tewkesbury. 8)

    Having been born in the same town as you live, I have been in both those toilets and that phone box. I am officially disturbed.

    now all i can think of is all of the bathrooms and venues i have been to in my life and how b4 i was there some guy got a blowie or more in that spot. for the guys....hats off to ya....but for me....EW!

  8. good memories (first blowie)

    I nearly spat my tea out... :shock:

    My good memories include things like when I got asked to be Godmother, when I recovered after an operation against odds, when I realised I was in love...

    Your definition of good memories, my first blowie?! Is this a man thing?

    this can't be that surprising.....they are guys after all. when i realised i was in love it was an amazing moment that nothing has yet to compare to. but for guys....things like blowies will always be at the top of the list

  9. my first blowie?! Is this a man thing?

    Oh yes, that really is a man thing :mrgreen: :nod:

    I'm sure there are parts of the Far East where it could be classed as 'woman' thing too... :winkold:

    Beat me to it. Well, at least a similar one.

    I don't think I remember my first as such, but I remember my first "completed", so to speak. :nod: Her ex bf was in the room next door and was wondering what we were doing... :P

    i think you get extra awesome points for that

  10. Pelle, all I did was tell her she'd arrived at the church too early. She had. at least 20 mins early!!! Half the guests weren't there even, nor the groom (he was helping his aged Aunt get there), but no the idiot woman sees me talking to the grooms identical twin (not that identical, only one wore glasses) outside and thinks that her husband to be is having second thoughts.

    This was apparently all my fault and I ruined her big day. The priest who didn't manage to get her husbands name right once during the ceremony (I'm not even sure if he called him the same name twice) didn't ruin it, I did.

    My fault, I hold me hands up.............

    yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaah thats just dumb. she sounds dumb. i would have liked the story better if you had banged someone at her wedding. but no....she's just a moron.

  11. well...you aren't 100 percent sure they weren't real. you just felt like they weren't. and it does sound like you were paranoid but even thoguh you say you woke up fairly fine doesn't mean you were fine. and you were chemically induced the night b4 so it still might have messed with you. perhaps at least cutting back on the booze....maybe. idk....i have had very strange things happen to me....but not like that. and i tend to be on the opposite end of things with depression...i will have a lot of bad things go on and drag me down and for about a day i just feel helpless and pointless to the world....but everytime i feel this way a thought pops in my head....."i hate this feeling and i don't want it" and then i find something anything that makes me happy and i'm better. so actual depression while i sympathize greatly and try to help people....its lost on me.

  12. Recently I'm finding that I either have a **** awful hangover coupled with a little depression, or only a small bit of a hangover and I'm ready to throw myself off a bridge.

    what do you usually drink?

  13. Just getting into Cheap Trick recently, they have mnade some cracking stuff

    I only stumbled upon them after hearing surrender in a movie pretty recently myself. It's quality when you can stumble upon a a band you haven't really heard of and finding out that half their back catalogue is really good stuff. I may even give that "Rush" lot a try when I get bored of cheap trick. Apparently Rush are actually a real band and were not just made up for the movie "I love you man" :shock:

    detroit rock city played it. i've seen them live!!! and rush is AWESOME!

  14. ........and why do Gay people change their voice, I sware it's normal until the turn gay...

    You don't turn gay, its not a lifestyle choice

    maybe they just mean...when they come out...when they voice that they are gay SOME people tend to become a bit more flamboyant...not every gay person by any means....but some

  15. I wonder how many of us compare ourselves to our parents?

    Some people come from humble backgrounds and use it as a spur to ambition and success. Personally, my parents' modest lifestyle has probably made me somewhat complacent. Once I'd passed the 11-plus and got into grammar school, I had already exceeded their wildest expectations. University was positively the stratosphere.

    The simple things that most middle-class people take for granted - own house, office job, car, bank account, foreign holidays - were things that they never had; so I tended to see them as a form of success in themselves - and consequently I've had little ambition for anything more (bigger house, bigger car, career promotion, etc.)

    Not sure whether this is a good thing or not, TBH.

    i think that if you are at least more happy than not....then you are doing something right

  16. Hope Irish Stew isn't bein' disrespected.

    Shh, I think she thinks we're English ;)

    *laughs* i just know brumerican is english...and was saying that food is terrible.

    DISCLAIMER: no irish stew was harmed in the typing of this post

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